The Huffington Post – John Robbins

Now here’s something you wouldn’t expect. Coca-Cola is being sued by a non-profit public interest group, on the grounds that the company’s vitaminwater products make unwarranted health claims. No surprise there. But how do you think the company is defending itself?

In a staggering feat of twisted logic, lawyers for Coca-Cola are defending the lawsuit by asserting that “no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage.”

Does this mean that you’d have to be an unreasonable person to think that a product named “vitaminwater,” a product that has been heavily and aggressively marketed as a healthy beverage, actually had health benefits?

Or does it mean that it’s okay for a corporation to lie about its products, as long as they can then turn around and claim that no one actually believes their lies?

Those damn corporations. They think the public is really stupid.


Found by CinĂ edh.

  1. ECA says:

    opps forgot..
    1 bottle pedia light.

    GREAt combo.

  2. O'Really says:

    I’ve tried to cut back on dihydrogen monoxide, but every time I do I get ill. If I don’t drink enough DHMO my pee gets dark yellow and I get dry mouth and headaches. If I go to long without it, I start convulsing…

    I really think The Man has me hooked on this stuff and I’ve got no way or support system to get off this dangerous drug. Where’s the FDA with some helpful pamphlets about the safe use of DHMO?

    I fear that since the proliferation of DHMO has been so successful, the Government may start importing heroin and telling us that’s good for us too or that trains are better than planes!

    Oh wait….

  3. tense says:

    Well if someone can get away with selling “Male Enhancment” pills, they certainly can get away with “Vitamin Water”

    Dumb ass consumers vs Smart ass Corporations


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