Ted Olson is an example of what the Republican Party used to be. Not for decades – not since Richard Nixon led the move to deliberately exploit racism with his Southern Strategy.

This conservative lawyer who loves his country for what has been and should be – is a reminder of traditional American conservatism. A lonely figure in today’s Republican Party.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    The American people voted. Then the government told them their vote doesn’t count. I’m surprised how many people are happy to see democracy voted unconstitutional.

    The courts are there to check and balance laws that subvert the freedoms equally provided in The Republic.

    The voters were WRONG. Just because a large group of people said something does not mean they are RIGHT.

    People were wrong about segregation, slavery, prejudice, blood transfusions, organ transplants and many many other things.

    They are wrong about gays being able to be married legally under the rules of The Republic of The United States of America.

    They are wrong, wrong, wrong.

    Why even begin to say they are right because they have a majority? If you can call it that when on average only 20-35% of the voters even vote!


  2. Mextli says:

    Actually the whole issue of homosexuals and other odd sexual practitioners getting married or having relationships is amusing if nothing else. First there is such variety to pick from, Gaaaay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, bestiality (assuming boy to boy sheep), and who knows what else.

    Expression in costume of this choice provides entertainment as well. I have seen females with hair cut 1/4 inch wearing beat up Levies and steel toed work boots, men with a five o’clock shadow dressed in ball gowns and carrying parasols, men dressed in leather pants with the ass cut out, and Ellen Degenerates hair gets shorter every day.

    Finally, who dos what or assumes what role will always be a mystery. Husband, wife, pitcher, catcher, eat at home, who knows flip a coin maybe?

    The only answer is to “legalize” EVERY form of sexual appetite and pairing.

    The fly in the ointment is the Gay Taliban cannot mandate acceptance.

  3. bobbo, the law is an ass===get on and RIDE!!!! says:

    Cursor==the fact that most people don’t vote is what makes America GREAT!!! –ie, we don’t care and leave voting to those who do. We are the buffer between waring camps that would tear society asunder without our countering mass.

    People who care enough to vote are the same idiots who care enough to go to war. I’ll vote when I find a candidate to vote FOR instead of a list of self seeking liars to vote against. Same with almost all referendums = mostly, I just don’t care, and thats a good thing, for me, and even moreso for society.

    Daddy clued me in very early: “Life is a rat race. Learn to run the maze quicker than the other rats, and learn to like cheese.”

    Dallas==$7000? That hurts but it sounds like something else is going on at the same time. Adopting kiddies from Guatemala? Money is just money. I respect your privacy.

    FREEDOM===other people doing things you don’t like.

  4. ECA says:


    for the gays, its the FED/STATE/INSURANCE companies that require…Marriage to SHARE benefits and money. REALLY.

    Laws are for the interaction of MORE then 1 individual..to force the idiots to DO the right thing.
    MORALS are for the individual..They are FOR YOU TO DECIDE.
    YOU ADD to the LAws, with your MORALS, to create your understanding of HOW you live in this world.
    Your MORALS should be worn where others can SEE them, NOT in your pocket so you can HIDE THEM, or HIDE FROM THEM.
    A true and JUST person will SHOW his Morals in his Duties to this nation..so whats happened? YOU ALL VOTED THE WRONG PERSONS INTO OFFICE. DUH!

    MARRIAGE IS A LABEL OF OWNERSHIP..it has nothing to do with religion or anything ELSE.
    Up until the 1950’s and INTO the 80’s, ALL you had to do was SAY you were married. and it WAS SO. You could even MARRY any person you wished. cousin, Aunt, uncle, 10 year old…What EVER.
    MORE men have had SEX and LEFT the women to DEAL with the problem(until the 60’s it was ABORTION) AS THEY HAD NO RIGHTS.. Go ask your grandmother.
    The ONLY rights Marriage gives you NOW..is the RIGHT to share. that is ALL they are gaining.
    To SHARE in medical, insurance, Benefits…THATS ALL.
    I love that you POST without looking at the rest also. You also dont debate anything. You make a Statement and SIT THERE.

    TELL us WHY you said what you do.
    Or are you a White Male Catholic, with the CONCEPTION that you have a RIGHT to abuse your family, as GOD in your household.

  5. jccalhoun says:

    srgothard said,
    Marriage is open to all mentally-capable adults who are not already married. Gay men are welcome to marry women as much as straight men are. What you do in your bedroom may be your business, but marriage has a strict definition. How long until marriage is between adults and children (as many cults and groups like NAMBLA would like) or between multiple partners?

    Who made up the definition of marriage? Straight people? What about lesbians or is gay marriage only icky when men want it?

    Marriage between an adult and a child is not marriage between consenting adults. But guess what, in lots of cultures that “strict definition” ain’t so strict and pretty young girls are forced to marry old men.

    Regarding multiple partners, who cares? If they are all adults then why does it matter?

  6. jimmy james says:

    pedro #126

    Since you are not from California, you may not be aware of how the proposition system works. There is no provision for checking the consitutionality beforehand.

    Someone just writes it up, gets a bunch of signatures, and it is on the ballot.

    It can be a long, time consuming, expensive process to determine if it is constitutional or not. There is no reason to check unless it passes.

    There are frequently propositions that appear on the ballot which you can guarantee will end up found unconstitional. But it doesn’t matter unless they pass.

  7. Dallas says:

    #123 Actually the “because your homo” bill was closer to $3000. The rest was another legal document pertaining to a business venture. Still, how much money does it have to be to pass your definition of pain?

    While I agree w/ you that everyone has a cross to bear, there is no reason why a segment of the population has to be saddled with a government issued cross.

    BTW, no kids from Guatemala. We already have enough most awesome nieces and nephews to keep us occupied for a lifetime. 🙂

  8. ECA says:

    128, Dallas..

    “While I agree w/ you that everyone has a cross to bear, there is no reason why a segment of the population has to be saddled with a government issued cross. ”

    I hpe you understand something..
    EITHER side of this bill would cost NOTHING..
    What will COST money, is enforcement.
    All it would do, is give MOre paper work at the Vital Stats office.

    What ever Ethics/morals a person HAS, should be THEIR guiding force…NOT YOURS

    2 idiots out in the forest, race Bikes and CRACK UP BADLY..is this YOUR CONCERN?

    All a marriage certificate does is GIVE the 2 persons, LEGAL protections, and precautions.
    It does NOT say they can have SEX.
    Protections that were NOT available to your GRANDMOTHER.

    Do you think this can STOP them from being married? NOPE. as STATE AND CHURCH are separate.

    The only thing I see is a BUNCh of jealous Bigots.

  9. ECA says:

    This has nothing to do with constitutionality.


    Could be based on freedom of religion and beliefs.

  10. Dallas says:

    #131 I agree.

    If the Taliban wants to assert their flavor of ethics and morals into MY government, then I have the right to choose not to turn the other cheek (Pedro, don’t get excited).

    Also, my strong position on the matter is about future generations. As I said, Marriage doesn’t mean squat to me personally. What I do see everyday as a volunteer counselor are young GLBT souls living a horrid life because of Taliban infiltration in government.

  11. MikeN says:

    The judge said that gender definitions are out of date. Because men and women are now equal in a marriage, how does it then follow that man and man or woman and woman are equal to man and woman? This redefinition of marriage somehow missed the judge’s logic sensors.

  12. soundwash says:

    um.. hello fellow lemmings..

    Repeat after me 10x:

    “This is a non-issue and a distraction”


  13. ECA says:

    ASK your grandmother..I suggested you do that, but you wont.
    You will think that Marriage has been around for 2000 years with NO CHANGES..
    Marriage used to be ONLY FOR THE RICH AND POWERFUL.. Everyone else, just HOOKED UP, asked god for permission and LIVED together.
    Between the 1200’s and 1400’s WOMEN were considered and said to be CURSED. This from a MALE POPE and other religious MALE fanatics.
    In the 1400’s they removed parts of the bible created/written by FEMALES..

    You are just Silly. you DONT know your history.

  14. ECA says:

    If you dont ask your grand mother..I will suggest your are a White Catholic male with dreams of beating your wife and children.
    JUST as MOST males of the time DID.

  15. Sea Lawyer says:

    LOL, this judge is funny.

    Morality cannot be a basis for legislation? The law is a direct reflection of a society’s moral code. The law promotes equality because society says it is wrong to have inequality. Anti-discrimination is the law for the same reason. Murder and theft are wrong, therefore they are made unlawful.

    The same thing goes for tradition as a rationale for enacting new laws. The whole reason why the 22nd Amendment was created was because FDR dared to break the tradition set by Washington of American Presidents only serving two terms. There is no other rational explanation for why free people living in a free republic cannot choose to elect the same person to be their leader/representative for as long as they desire him to be.

    This judge has lost his mind. I’m perfectly fine with the final decision, but reading some of his logic for how he arrived at it makes my eyes bleed.

  16. ECA says:

    And a brief explanation..THANKS..

    LOGIC can hurt. esp, if you SAY 1 thing and MEAN another.

  17. Dallas says:

    #146 I do not get excited by every man that passes me by, trust me. Some but not all.

    How about you? Do you get excited by every man that passes you by? Women? No? Nada?

  18. bobbo, the law is an ass===get on and RIDE!!!! says:

    #144–SL==somehow you say: “This judge has lost his mind. I’m perfectly fine with the final decision, but reading some of his logic for how he arrived at it makes my eyes bleed.” /// You know, the judge is not making a post on a blog? The HIGHEST ACHIEVMENT/THE ROLE OF a judge is to be correct in his REASONING. Agreeing with the end result is a political process.

    Its fun to “rethink” our values. Hard to believe that only a few years ago “the majority” thought races should not mix for many of the same reasons that today many say gays should not marry. Is that enough to be conclusive of the issues? Sadly, I think no. Racism can only be compared and CONTRASTED with sexism.

    To that end, we are all born who we are and should stand equal with all others before the law. The straight and gay, the pedophile and the polygamist = all equal before the law.

    Then what is the law? Is it “rationale” that society make rules about how people come together and share assets? I see no other option. So, the issue slowly devolves to what should those rules be? Is there an inherent right to marry?===No. You can argue that “there should be” but currently there is not. Not in the USA==not anywhere else in the World ((that I know of)).

    “You KNow” when you sum things up, if you focus on what you DON’T have, life is hardly bearable. We you focus on what you DO have, it is quite rewarding. Mostly an unconscious choice, but a choice nonetheless.

    Get straight with yourself, then life the best life you can.

  19. Dallas says:

    #148 I am sort of in a good mood! The Taliban was issued a defeat with prop 8 and scurrying into the mountains of Utah.

    Also, heading to Miami/Ft Lauderdale and then a week vacation! I may not be able to log into DV for a while because I have to watch Bonanza reruns for the next few days.

    Remember, separate you inconsistencies further apart in your responses!

  20. ECA says:


    You need to know history.
    Can you tell me at what TIME did women get the ability to OWN property?
    When did women get the rights of OWNERSHIP?
    When did they get the RIGHT to vote?(Blacks got the vote BEFORE women did)


    If you think the taliban and Muslims are HARD on women..you should Understand, that WE, were just as bad, until AFTER WWII.

    If a female got thru HIGH SCHOOL, that was ALL they could do. There were FEW that were even considered for advanced education.


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