Ted Olson is an example of what the Republican Party used to be. Not for decades – not since Richard Nixon led the move to deliberately exploit racism with his Southern Strategy.

This conservative lawyer who loves his country for what has been and should be – is a reminder of traditional American conservatism. A lonely figure in today’s Republican Party.

  1. Steve says:

    Jon Stewart gave my favorite argument in favor of gay marriage, “It’s not mandatory is it ?”.

  2. jescott418 says:

    Not that I am not for equal rights to all. But I think when you look at America’s past God and religion is right next to Apple pie and Baseball.
    We all know what the Bible tells us about Gay marriage. It really does not matter what religion you believe in. So if you do not think to men or two woman should marry then I think you follow the Bible. But separation of Church and State provides anyone who is America with certain abilities.
    I think State marriages should be legal and no matter how a person feels about Gays and Lesbians. I think the Court has made it clear Marriage is one of those rights. I agree with those that think Republican’s if they are to survive. Must take a less conservative view.

  3. Mextli says:

    ECA #73
    “Women in the USA had NO RIGHTS, even to their OWN children, until about the 70′s.”

    “Rights for women only started in the LATE 40′s.”

    Do you notice any inconsistency in those statements?

  4. Mextli says:

    #79 “I merely ask that the annual school local taxes we both have paid over the years to train their spawn to be bigots get refunded to me.”

    Good luck on that. You will have to simmer a few more years. Bigotry like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  5. Dallas says:

    #80 Meh, you’re too analytical to pass judgement on what constitutes ‘injuries’ to these social matters. It’s like telling the black guy ” why you merely need to walk over there to get a drink of water. What’s your quarrel?”

    Your argument that everyone would dump marriage to avoid taxes for schools is not only a gross false generalization but misses the point. I support community pooling of resources for things like education. The difference is you would exchange marriage rights for pure financial gain whereas I would exchange it primarily for the unjust principles of being relegated to a second class citizen yet pay first class taxes.

    Still don’t get it? It’s probably because you think the world should get measured by your own yardstick. You’re mind is no different than these prop 8 proponents other than you apply a scientific rationalization to the problem. Social issues are a poor fit for you.

    For the record, I couldn’t care less about marriage other than the principle of the injustices surrounding it. You wrongly assumed that my being gay would provide a test case for your analytical calculation of tangible injuries but I answered to provide what I thought was a rational list of ‘injuries’.
    Pedrito, does your village elder perform gay ceremonies? If so, I will consider visiting as a tourist and I tip well.

  6. Tom J. says:

    It’s ALL about CHOICE!

    Try to UNDERSTAND that. If not, then DEAL WITH IT!!!

    Funny how the argument for choice is used by the exact same idiots who would deny choice just as soon as there’s a conflict in VALUES!

  7. MikeN says:

    >Ted Olson is an example of what the Republican Party used to be. Not for decades – not since Richard Nixon led the move to deliberately exploit racism with his Southern Strategy.

    So I guess Dwight David Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater, William F Buckley, Robert Taft, Calvin Coolidge, Warren Harding, and Herbert Hoover would have supported this court decision?

  8. Revelator says:

    Apparently the people of this country no longer have a choice, they have no vote, they have no freedom. The government is a tyranny, and the people do not determine what is right in this country but the government and liberal elites. Well done people, you have destroyed this once great nation, now watch it rot to the core.

  9. bobbo, the law is an ass===get on and RIDE!!!! says:

    “You know” I’m 50% blitzed right now on home made distilled alcohol transmuted into vodka, kahlua, and bailey’s irish cream==aka a screaming orgasism. Too sweet for me.

    Whenever I drink too much, I get “talkative.” Imagine my complained of over posting here as taking place during my comatose periods. Ha, ha. I always crack myself up.

    So, what has transpired? – – – DALLAS!! but lets go serially.

    1==#84–Pedro==trying to interject his own sense of humor. Same joke told over and over gets old after the third time.

    2==#85–GRtak==started off interestingly but totally lost me at your second sentence. Sum it up, an anarchy is the worst state of affairs for human freedom. You’ll have to rephrase/reconstruct to have any credible idea there.

    3==Steve–“Its not mandatory is it?” /// Very funny summary of the imaginary threat any new idea has to those stuck in their ways. Instructive.

    4==#87–Jescott==good demonstration that the more “general” a dispute can be articulated, the more it can be placed out of context. So, is the anti-same sex marriage concept drawn wholly from a religious context? Is that by dogma or historical happenstance? Does it matter? I think the concept of inalienable rights can be analyzed from other than a religious concept===like history and biology? Values still “apply” even in the appreciation of objective facts? Sounds just as likely that YOUR religion is just of the opposition kind?

    5==Rights for women have always existed to lesser degree and over time have increased to normalize with men. The real issue is should they “suffer” any consequence for choices freely made? Talking about equal pay for equal work which currently wants to equate the pay of a temp secretary to a career path accounts analyst. Is taking 4-6-8 years off to have/raise kiddies be recognized in the free market place or is that discrimination. Seemingly reasonable people disagree on this point.

    6==Bigotry like Beauty has a few universal qualities. Symmetry being one of many. Imagine your “self” being in the situation of the person of interest. If you were leading his/her/their life with only the characteristic of note being different, would you think your treatment “just?” Or can you even separate out your own hypocrisy? Few can/do.

    7==#90–Dallas==injuries wasn’t the question. The question was “what rights are you being denied that cannot be remedied by written documents.” True, its analytically based, but with an overarching moral view: we all suffer, find your happiness where you may. Recognizing life can always be better or worse helps put things in proper perspective. Or even if not proper, more palatable? Everyone with an ounce of desire can list what life has denied them==all to the damage of appreciating what it has provided===if nothing else the time in which to evaluate and compare the two. This does not dismiss the quality of denial, but everything is relative. When I personally am feeling down, I thank god I’m not a Roman Galley Slave or a Welsh Coal Miner or religious, or otherwise mentally challenged. Abraham Lincoln is reputed to have said: “Everyone is about as happy as they choose to be.” I haven’t been able to confirm that quote, but its true enough. Always pulls me back from the bottom.

    Just checking==yea, the question first came up in the context of “injuries” you felt. And what you listed were having to resign documents. Like I said, irritating, but not “injurious” in the way I would take it. Who can judge? I think you are skimming and not wanting to delve deeper==and who would/should on a blog absent Orgasm on the Beach?

    #91–Tom==much of what we “are” is written in the stars and there is no choice about it except how we try and deal with it. I did not choose to be hetero and take no special pride in it. I did not choose to have a near photographic memory on too many events in my life. The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is very appealing from time to time, but such relief eludes me. If I could erase my devils, how would my angels be affected? Ha, ha. Self aware==to a limit. Life is what we make it, the onus is on ourselves.

    #92–Pedro==again???? I’ve heard of one note ponies, did not know it went across species.

    Lets see. What now??? Think I’ll cleanse my palate with a beer.


  10. ArianeB says:

    #94 Revelator said “Apparently the people of this country no longer have a choice, they have no vote, they have no freedom. The government is a tyranny, and the people do not determine what is right in this country but the government and liberal elites. Well done people, you have destroyed this once great nation, now watch it rot to the core.”

    A few lessons here Revelator.

    1. WORDS MEAN THINGS! You are using words in ways they are not supposed to be used.
    2. There is such a thing as TYRANNY OF THE MAJORITY, and the raison de etre of the Constitution is to protect us from it.
    3. LAWS and MORALITY are two very different things. This is the big mistake every single social conservative makes over and over again.

  11. BuzzMega says:

    The finances behind Prop 8 are largely Mormon.

    What if we get enough signatures to force an initiative to euthanize all Mormons? It would have to come to a vote, by CA law.

    Of COURSE it would never be implementable, even if it was approved by 51% of the electorate, but at least the Mormons would get to feel the issue in their own shoes. A political metaphor of sorts.

  12. bobbo, the law is an ass===get on and RIDE!!!! says:

    Well Buzz===the euthanasia issue in context has already been passed and its “on point:” NO POLYGAMY!! How “injured” is a male who is not permitted to “marry” multiple wives? He can still have “sexual congress” with them, share a roof, have and raise kiddies==just can’t be “married” to them. How horrible is that?

    Hard to put myself in Dallas’s position. Does this come close? = Hypo=Federal law is passed that people who are infertile or more than 30 years difference in age cannot marry. Can have a civil union. Can live together. Can have kiddies and raise them (adopted or otherwise). Can will property. Can make living powers of attorney. How oppressed might I be in such a society? Hey, the heart wants what the heart wants.

    Watching the excellent Ken Burns Special on the Civil War re Gettysburg. Nothing we experience in our circumstances today can compare to being drafted into armies to fight regarding secession. Other than the mindless male naivitee regardling the glory of war==neither side had a personal stake in the issues that they were dying for. Poor dumbass southern whites==dying so that rich absent landlords could keep the blacks in slavery. Not much different for the North but not as “obvious.”

    Who is sadder: the rich kiddie who doesn’t get a horse for his birthday, or the poor kiddie who doesn’t get a bicycle? Is happiness/satisfaction with life so relative: everything good thing is accepted as a matter of course, now what do I STILL WANT?

    Yea, verily. Some find happiness in the cardboard box.

  13. ECA says:

    There is no MAJORITY..less then 50% vote.

    Im going to give a FEW of you a history lesson.
    WHO knows when MARRIAGE MEANT you had rights?
    Only in the last 30 years.
    HOW long has marriage been a SIGN of ownership, ONLY. ALWAYS.
    Even if you had LAND as a FEMALE(this was the basis of voting) YOU HAD NO RIGHT to vote.
    Even if you found your husband with Another girl, IN BED and enjoying it…YOU HAD NO RIGHTS..
    Even if you had 5+ kids with 1 MAN, you would NOT get a PENNY in support.
    EVEN if your husband had 10 wives AROUND the nation…YOU HAD NO RIGHTS.
    We might as well go join the taliban, and OTHER muslim nations.
    UNTIL about the 70’s…MARRIAGE GAVE NOTHING to the family. ANd the CHURCHES were the WORST part.

    AFTER the 70’s the marriage of 2 persons was SHARING ALL THINGS.. nothing more. It has NOTHING to do with SEX. IT was the RIGHTS women GAINED from marriage.

  14. gear says:

    US laws are based upon the US constitution. The constitution spells out who the laws are meant to govern. “We the people”. Now if you want to change that line to read “we the straight people” then I think you can make a claim against gay marriage.

  15. Cursor_ says:

    Apparently the people of this country no longer have a choice, they have no vote, they have no freedom. The government is a tyranny, and the people do not determine what is right in this country but the government and liberal elites. Well done people, you have destroyed this once great nation, now watch it rot to the core.

    The right to Vote does not imbue the voter with ethical sense. This is where impartial judges have to step in and overturn rules that discriminate against sectors of the population.

    You cannot cloak yourself in liberty while denying the liberty of others.


  16. jccalhoun says:

    Revelator said,
    Apparently the people of this country no longer have a choice, they have no vote, they have no freedom.

    either that or what they voted for was in violation of the constitution like the judge said. Tons and tons of state and federal laws have been declared unconstitutional and it wasn’t the end of freedom. It was the process at work.

    If two people with the same genitals getting married scares you so much then start working on getting a constitutional amendment passed.

  17. It's quality not equality says:

    Here you go JMRouse in response to your question,

    “I challenge anyone in support of banning same-sex marriage to give me one logical reason why the ban should be upheld that is not based on a religious belief. I have not heard any.”

    One logical reason, men + woman + sex = children born afresh quite a bit of the time.

    Men + men + sex never ever = children born afresh.

    This argument about equality is valid when it comes to concepts of commitment and partnership and stops there.

    If gay couples were truly = they could pop out kids. The fight seems to be more about a word as gay couples in many states already have equal protections, they are just not called “married”.

    I’m gay and I approve this message.

  18. smartalix says:

    What does having kids have to do with marriage?

    Marriage is about a couple forming a pact to live together as a unit. Period. Make all government paperwork about civil union, gay or straight, and just leave that word “marriage” to teh church.

  19. ± says:

    #105 You got it backwards. Civil union is general, marriage is specific.

    Marriage has always been a union between opposite sexes. The word is taken. The movement won’t get my support until they pick another word; and as long as they want to use the word “marriage”, I am actively against them. I don’t want to have to clarify to people about what sex I have a civil union with when I say I am married.

  20. JMRouse says:


    Whether or not homosexuals in this country are allowed to get married or not, they will continue to be gay and continue to not have children by way to same sex relations. Allowing them to get married will have no effect on the population size.

    Try again.

  21. Frogger says:

    #15 Smartalix. Those arguments are valid.

  22. Frogger says:

    The Same Sex Marriage discussion is moot.

    Everyone who’s married knows it’s always the Same Sex!

    Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen. Be good to your waitresses.

  23. smartalix says:


    By that logic, all childless couples shouldn’t be married.

  24. ECA says:

    LAWs have little to do with ethics.
    LAWS are for the interaction of MORE then 1 person.
    there should be FEW/if any, laws against the actions of an individual AGAINST HIMSELF.
    LAWS are NOT restrictions to temptation.
    You and YOURS have no rights to restrict my WANTING/GOING/FALLING into hell, of my OWN free accord.

    YOU are not my father/mother/brother/sister/Wife/GOD…

  25. Dallas says:

    #95 Bobbo said “…eleven paragraphs…. ==yea, the question first came up in the context of “injuries” you felt. And what you listed were having to resign documents. Like I said, irritating, but not “injurious” in the way I would take it. Who can judge? I think you are skimming and not wanting to delve deeper==and who would/should on a blog absent Orgasm on the Beach?….”

    Good grief you are verbose…
    That “signing documents” costed me $7,000 in attorney fees. It’s not like the bible thumping infiltrators at my City government issued me gay couple documents fr crying out loud.

    At the risk of getting Pedro excited, I think you really a anal about being right. OMG!! We will never get married for sure.

  26. ECA says:

    It is NOT choice.
    Its IDIOCY.
    IF you PLAY’ with the opposite species, and THEY require your ASSISTANCE, because you BOTH created soMEthing… you are an idiot for PLAYING AROUND, and should take RESPONSIBILITY for it.

    Otherwise know as..
    YOU SCREW’d AROUND and made a BABY, NOW BOTH of you have to CARE for it.

    Laws are to FORCE IDIOTS to do the right thing.

  27. Dallas says:

    I see the marriage drivel has descended now to the ability to have children.

    Historically speaking, “marriage” was created and recreated by a multitude of ancient cultures whose definition continues to evolve. From a form of contractual rights to ‘owning’ a woman for exclusive sexual contact to a contract that allows for say, Pedro’s mule to be passed on to rightful inheritors.

    The issue is the taliban has claimed exclusive definition of that term to suit their needs and injected it in government.

  28. ECA says:

    Can an election be TRUE if less then 50% dont vote?
    Can a LAW become LAW without 50%+ of the people voting for it?
    Is there ENOUGH time for a person to TAKE the time to read and understand the MEANING of laws/regulations/…
    There was a law passed long ago, about WORDING in official documents, and the requirement to be able to be read by the HIGHEST percentage of persons.(6th graders) has it happened?

    LAWS are NOT for the control of CONSENTING ADULTS.. Otherwise 60% of those reading this BLOG would be in JAIL contemplating DARK SPOTS.

    WOW, thats a BIG lie. 20% of all those MAle/female marriages NEVER fruit. Explain that. MOST people who contest Same sex marriage dont know WHY, or are Jealous of the 2 NOT having kids, JUST having a RELATIONSHIP.

    MARRIAGE IS NOT SEX.. DONT consider it THAT WAY. Go back LESS THAN 40 years..and MARRIAGE was/is OWNERSHIP. your husband could BEAT YOU TO DEATH and walk away free.

    MARRIAGE, is a joint relationship of SHARING. THAT is what it is NOW…
    2 persons WISHING TO SHARE their lives with each other, FOREVER. NOT SEX. share the benefits of WORK, MEDICAL, Insurance,…,…

    I said it before and AGAIN..
    BEFORE 1970’s..A HUSBAND could do ANYTHING he wished in a marriage. the WOMEN had few if ANY rights, EVEN IN RELIGION, they had NO RIGHTS in a marriage. Im going to suggest you are a Catholic WHITE MALE, AND LOVE IT. And you LOVe beating your wife and children.

    Wanna BET.
    Even in Christs time..it was REQUIRED of women to marry to have ANYTHING. including protection. And if your husband WISHED, he could leave you, AT ANY TIME. but the women COULD NOT. WOMEN have had NO RIGHTS against men, until AFTER the 70’s. ASK your grandmother. THe ONLY rights/abilities a women had was THRU HER HUSBAND, IF’ he would listen.
    AND REALLY..MOST WOMEN were BANNED from religious concerns. YOU FOLKS are forgetting YOUR OWN HISTORY..and I believe you are loving it.

    99% of the time..AGREED.
    And always, 1 or more is an asshole..

  29. faustus says:

    there is an old saying “it took nixon to go the china.” and if the gays are to get this through it will take ppl like olson to get it through. but i believe nixon would have be behind olson on this way before the reagan/ bush goons would have been. and don’t think you can say nixon’s southern stategy depended on racism or started the republicans down this slippery slope. nixon was vice-president when the national guard was sent to the south to force integration in the schools and there is no where where he didn’t support integration in the south.

    republicans got off on the wrong road of anti- civil liberties when southern conservative religious leaders started supporting the reagan/bush republicans with the notion public morality, as they saw it, could and should be legislated. you would never know it now but one of the pillars of conservative thought was always civil liberties. i put the blame on reagan/bush for the most unholy of matrimonies… religion married to politics.

  30. srgothard says:

    The American people voted. Then the government told them their vote doesn’t count. I’m surprised how many people are happy to see democracy voted unconstitutional.

    Marriage is open to all mentally-capable adults who are not already married. Gay men are welcome to marry women as much as straight men are. What you do in your bedroom may be your business, but marriage has a strict definition. How long until marriage is between adults and children (as many cults and groups like NAMBLA would like) or between multiple partners?


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