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So regarding the toilet cleaner ad, making it safer for kiddies, are there that many people cleaning their kiddies in the toilet or by using toilet water?
Doesn’t make any sense.
It looks like the Tech Grouch has been washing his hair in that bleach-laden toilet water. 🙂
and gargling with it too.
Hasn’t Rankin and Bass sued this guy yet?
John… er… the grouch is a bit short breathed…
The Tech Grouch is an anchronism that doesn’t jibe with the current funny sterotypes.
You need to examine what sterotypes are currently “hip”, and develop a character that fits in those limited niches.
Tech Grouch is like blackface today, young people don’t get it, and most old people wish it would go away because it isn’t funny any longer.
An example of funny sterotypes are those guys that the president appointed to be head of IT policy for the nation.
The sterotype is a vally type person who spouts meaningless words (“binary COBOL”) and gets paid big money eventhough he doesn’t appear to the public to be adding value.
Your Tech Grouch is more like a mashup of 60% ECA, 30% of pedro’s distilled anger, and 10% bobbo. Not funny nor interesting.
However, a Blog poster character could be funny. Like the comicstore character in Simpsons.
Look in Valleywag. Apparently a major studio has optioned the character for a film. Mevio and Mr. Dvorak are in litigation over the 5 million dollar advance and 5 percent gross. Video rights are still in negotiations. Mr. Curry said he will appeal to the Supreme Court of Mars if necessary.
[I could find nothing about this on Valleywag. How about a link? – ed.]
I thought this was hilarious and had some great one liners :
“i dont want some snot mouth kid reading to me! SCREW TEXT TO SPEECH SCREW IT!”
“The thing has buttons… my iphone ITS CRACKED THEY ALL GET CRACKED WHEN YOU DROP EM!
“I want a real board game.. checkers my game and nixons dog!”
I’m young (19) and can relate to this.. good on you john! I actually laughed
Love me the Tech Grouch!
“IPhone? more like I-Phoney! It’s got NO BUTTONS. Ah, WHO NEEDS THIS CRAP?”
Well, if this is about back woods characters in plaid shirts who don’t like new fangled tech, seems to me you can’t do better than Red from Red/Green. His tech reviews, with duct tape, can’t be beat.
Seems to me, a lawsuit will be filed if anyone ever gets enough money to make a target.
You guys don’t get it! It’s funny because it’s John C. I really like John because his opinions match mine 99.9% of the time. So quit picking on him. He’s a great guy and you all would do well to listen more and mock less.
Sqat45==I guess that missing .1 percent is His sense of humor?
Ha, ha.
I would love to be able to see TechGrouch as a guest speaker at Silcon Valley conference. Can you imagine him as the warm up act for Steve Jobs at the the next Apple event? Better yet, TG pretending to be Jobs.
John Dvorok, ask TG to post his public speaking fees somewhere. I’d also love to read TG’s appearance rider.
In the mean time, check this out:
Does Techgrouch own a computer? I’d love to see him do some PHP tutorial videos.
Sorry, still not as funny as this guy, and he is the real thing!
This is the best tech grouch yet.
Fuck the Haters I LMAO watching this episode.
I think the slide out keyboard that some phones have is perfect.
#15. That article is B/S. Digg are a bunch of liberal nazis that cant stand anything that disses obama, or anything that talks about 9/11 truth.
I think this is another red hearing like the wiki leaks.