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Way over the top.
you should read what the FINE was going to be, for swapping Chicken NUGGETS..the KID was fasting from MEAT.
“…most of us has done it.” ?????
What the f**k! This is absolutely retarded (yeah, thats right. I said the ‘R’ word).
I’m so glad I no longer in school, and even more grateful I’m not in the US school system where these bastards are looking at ways they can arrest you and get an excuse to use their tasers!
What the hell has happened to your country!!
“Can’t share a free lunch”
ok, I’d pay the cashier 1 cent, then share it with my friend.
When I was growing up it was wrong to waste food. Apparently now it is wrong to give away food that you can’t eat.
At least that is what that school taught the kids. Don’t share. Sharing will get you in trouble.
This kind of thing gives us in Australia something to giggle about.
Stupid Americans!
take your kids out of public schools.
“the cafeteria cashier told the Assistant Principal Adam stole the chicken nuggets. The Assistant Principal then told the police officer in the school, who called a squad car. Garner says”
“Adam was issued a municipal citation for theft and a $170.00 fine, which he chose to fight in court to keep his record clean. A youth group Urban Underground trumpets Adam’s cause, fighting against young people needlessly being put in the judicial system.
After garnering media attention the Shorewood Police Chief and High School Principal decided to withdraw the theft charges against Adam Hernandez, thus canceling scheduled court proceedings. ”
You know…This isnt stupid. ITS ASININE.
on many grounds.
PRE-PACKAGED LUNCH..the kid had/has no choice of the basic type of meal he will get.
Franken food.
There REALLY is LITTLE choice in schools of what they feed you.
This is atrocious! The Police mustn’t have seen Adam’s friend, because surely anyone with a haircut like that deserves time behind bars.
For confused foreigners, a Chicken McNugget is a deep fried ball of chicken protein. Schools in America serve luncheon meals to students to stop them from perishing of starvation while they are at school. Fast food corporations offer lowest bid contracts to state governments for exclusive rights to feed starving students. American children like eating fried chicken balls.
if it was a white kid he would have gotten more nuggets and a A on his next math test.
This is why I despise our public “servants”.
Nobody wonders why such draconian measures were used, eh? Has it occurred to you that the free lunches are being sold for cash so that Obama and his minions can sell the kids heroin from the poppies in Afghanistan?
[WTF? – ed.]
So it is theft to accept someone’s free government food? What’s next? Under that logic, it would be theft under this scenario that I regularly get into.
I help out a female friend who is on food stamps with a simple repair project and I do it for her for free. In gratitude, she cooks me dinner. If she uses an ingredient that she bought using food stamps, would that be theft?
Of course I may be jumping to conclusions because I don’t have sound at on the computer I’m sitting in front of. I’ll view it again when I go home for lunch.
The problem we have in this nation, At this time..
Is that EVERYTHING has value, beyond its worth.
There are people out there that will tall you..That if someone PRAYS for you, that YOU OWE THEM MONEY.
That IF’ someone STOPPED to help you with a BAD tire, that you should PAY THEM..NOT offer money, PAY THEM.
That if you pick up an APPLE/CHERRY/.. from under a tree, that you should PAY the owner, some even THINK you should PAY the store, as you are robbing them of PROFIT.
BUT, you must understand. THAT every single development in this nation WAS PAID FOR BY YOU. THEN given to the corps. From the great Continental Rails to the POWER DAMS, created in this nation. THINK of the taxes we WOULDNT be paying if the GOV. kept them.
Yeah, there’s a lot of stuff to think about, for instance:,17842/
$2.70 for the nuggets and how much for the police? Waste of money.
A viewing of the video confirmed what was going on. It is apparently illegal to share free lunches given to you by the government. That is stupid. His friend couldn’t eat meat so he gave them to the kid to eat. Cafeteria lady got offended. That’s an idiot law.
If the government gives me a free meal it is none of their business if I give it away. My analogy about the food stamp woman cooking me a meal in exchange for helping her out is similar, but I am unsure if that is illegal too.
Instead of us all complaining about this let do something positive.
Hopefully Adam Hernandez will learn from this experience and be motivated to go to college and learn how to make a change in the world for the good. Clearly we are overrun with morons.
I’ve got a $100 for him towards his first semester at college. Anyone want to join in? Anyone want to join in helping him sue the school and police officer?
Dvorak, you have my email and phone. I’m for real.
How crazy can it become??? It is sad to see police is spending resources on crap like this. It amazes me what the world is coming to… and I suspect this is not the last of idiocy to be reported on DU
Unlike oil human idiocy is infinite in supply.
This is such a joke.
Didn’t anyone at the school or the police think this was a dumd idea. Shouldn’t the cops be out there catching the murders and rapers 😛
So it is theft to accept someone’s free government food? What’s next? Under that logic, it would be theft under this scenario that I regularly get into.
Under that logic any congressman that takes money from one the bailout banks is a thief!
Sounds good we’ll run with that.
And now because no one else posted this meme I have to:
Y’see, in OUR school, if we GIVE somebody something, they have no control over it after they accept it. Isn’t that what GIVING is all about.
For instance: If we give a mother some money to survive on, and she wastes it on her kids, then that’s BREAKing the law.
I hope the kid takes it to trial. and wastes more of the state and counties money.
I encourage all school students who get free lunch to share their lunches with the more fortunate.
Lets clog these courts full of sharing free lunches.
This is so absurd!!! un believable.
I retract my balls statement, mentioned earlier. And I respectfully and unreservedly apologise for any offence caused. Just, big sorry.
thats the GOOD thing..
SMART people wont respond to STUPID comments. And it keeps going.
Thanks for the apology.
WE are all idiots at times.
And its best NOT to show many.
Esp. in forums. as they will think the SAME of you, for a LONG TIME.