1. McCullough says:

    This sounds like most of my rants to (insert company name) tech support.

  2. Gilgamesh says:

    That’s one way to put it, when you’re feeling squeezed.

  3. Rick says:

    True…true…but, maybe if more people actually paid for it things could be different. Wait, strike that. Thanks.

  4. Floyd says:

    #4: Trust me, Macs do have problems.

    Wife’s Macbook motherboard self destructed so I took it to Apple to be repaired. A tech determined that the hard disk lunched the motherboard.

    While I was waiting to get an estimate on the cost, another customer came in with a Macbook whose motherboard had also died. The tech found that the other customer also had a trashed hard disk and motherboard, same failure mode. Now he had two irate customers, same problem, within about two hours.

    Fortunately this problem apparently happens frequently to a lot of Macbooks, and after a call to Apple (and two weeks of waiting), the motherboard and hard disk were replaced on both Macbooks without charge.

  5. sargasso_c says:

    I send crash reports as haiku.

  6. admfubar says:

    i’ve gotta get more creative in my crash reports..

  7. McCullough says:

    #6. Hard disk “lunched” the motherboard! Are you fucking kidding me? That, my friend is impossible, and you got hosed by another inexperienced Mac tech who doesn’t know his ass from his elbow.

    Cripes. Yes, and I am a reluctant Mac tech. I have heard some doozies in my time but that one is the BEST!!!!! Doesn’t surprise me, I have yet to meet a Mac tech that knows how to use a VOM.

  8. Chris Mac says:

    harddrives take out motherboards all the time..

  9. Zybch says:

    #6 Your board crashed and died because you called it a ‘motherboard’ instead of the apple sanctioned ‘logicboard’.

  10. Zybch says:

    #10 ONLY when they are in macs. I’m a 17 year ‘veteran’ PC tech and have NEVER seen a drive kill a motherboard (plenty the other way around though), well unless it was in a macbook. Those things are renowned for their excessive heat and hard drive failures.

  11. Awake says:

    If Macs are so great, why do you need a reservation to see a “Genius” to get the thing repaired, or wait in line for an hour because so many other people have stuff that is broken? You would think that their products are so great (they certainly charge a 4x premium for their laptops) that nothing would ever ever break. But there is a long line to get the stuff fixed.

    Maybe they are all there to get a DVD out of the drive because they don;t put a friggin mechanical ‘eject’ hole because it would ruin the looks?

    And this is for a crowd that replaces their Mac equipment every couple of years while it should still be considered new…I have an 8 year old Gateway laptop that I still use regularly… find a Mac user than can HONESTLY say the same.

  12. booshtukka says:

    #13 – come on! My sister has a second hand macbook i bought it for her and fixed it up, and it died – it must have been four or five years old. she made an appointment for a genius, turned up two hours later, and they replaced her hard drive and installed snow leopard on it for free. Where else can you get that done within three hours, out of warranty, for free?

    I agree, the geniuses are idiots but you can’t moan about the customer service.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    How in hell does a hard drive kill a motherboard? What on earth did Apple do to the drive interface to make that possible?

    FWIW, Adobe has some crappy beta testing across their creative suite line, IMO. I’ve seen several fairly serious errors in their stuff right after a major version release. Having followed their user forums for years, when things don’t work Mac users tend to have system issues and Win users tend to have application issues.

  14. Awake says:

    #16 –
    I was an official Beta tester for an Adobe product once. It was a joke. Reported several problems, some of them serious, and got thank you notes. The product still shipped with the glaring problems that I pointed out. They were more worried about look and feel than functionality. I regularly received messages asking if this button looked better this way or this way, or what did I think about the curly thing they decorated that area with.

    The product shipped as Version 1, and it was full of bugs that we repeatedly pointed out.

    They asked me to participate in another product Beta… I told them to stop wasting my time.

  15. Floyd says:

    #12, #15: well, both bad Macs were Macbooks, and the tech said they died from the same failure mode (yes I know precisely what that means), and both the motherboards and the hard disks had been damaged in the same way.

    Neither I nor the other customer were charged for the replacement board and hard disk, which implies that this failure happens a lot, and Apple has a policy of a free replacement of the motherboard and hard disk when a Macbook dies this way.

  16. Floyd says:

    #16: Good question about why Macbooks hard drives apparently kill a motherboard. Zybch probably has it down: “excessive heat and hard drive failures.” Could also be a bad motherboard design.

    My laptop is a Toshiba, and has run well for 4 years.

  17. yankinwaoz says:

    I’ve given up on Adobe. Their support has gotten so bad now. My expensive Adobe software crashes (on a Mac!) and they can’t seem to figure out why. More importantly to me, they don’t seem to give a damn. They act like I am lying.

    The final straw was when they demanded that I change my email address because they can’t figure out how to update their customer database for customers that move to a different country. Once you set yourself as a customer with Adobe, you can never move. I went round and round with their stupid India based tech support on this issue. I wanted to scream, because they just didn’t comprehend that some people can live and work in TWO countries.

  18. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    My iMac wouldn’t power up and of course I thought it was the power supply but it ended up being the hard drive that kept it from powering on.
    Thanks to Time Machine for making the replacement painless. Adobe just plain blows on any platform. Thank God none of the sisters paid for any of that crap.

    Did I mention that Pedro is a pecker head?

  19. smOka says:

    I have an 8 year old Gateway that I use regularly too….as a doorstop. The cats like to throw up on it, which I think is appropriate.


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