Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week the market continues marching up. Apple stock stalls like an old Studebaker.

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  1. god says:

    So, don’t listen to your buds at Marketwatch who call AAPL a BUY with a target of $340?

    Uh, OK.

  2. nicktherat says:

    did horowitz have to take his shoes off at the airports?

  3. jobs says:

    hmmm AAPL closed +1.05 and is up .27 in pre-market. I like this kind of stale.

  4. jescott418 says:

    I think Apple’s stumbled a bit on their latest iPhone creation has left some wondering what happen to Apple’s quality control. Has design and the need for uniqueness against competition created technically inferior products? I don’t own a iPhone and probably will never own one with AT&T service. But I have had to return two iPod Touches over problems with WIFI, crashes of Applications and other glitches before getting one that works well. As a user of Apple products for several years now I can definitely see cracks in Apple’s ability to produce almost flawless products. Is think because of poor assembly quality? Or poor design?

  5. The Dude says:

    If Apple stocks stalled like an old Studabaker, the rest of the market must have rotted like a Model T on a beach! Did you even look at the numbers? It’s easy to compare all three major indexes to a single stock. You should try it sometime. APPL fell less than s&p, Dow, NASDAQ

    Once again, your agenda is clear as a bell. Only This time we get to see your logic deteriorate (sad) The call to Pleasant Hills retirement is becoming louder!

  6. bill says:

    Remember, buy low, sell high…

    If it does go ‘stale’ it only means that it is on ‘sale’, and I’m buying.

    Go ahead, make my day!

  7. Charbax says:

    Apple is going down. APPL has a valuation at $239 Billion. Most of APPL revenues and profits (more than 50%) today comes from one product: the iphone.

    Iphone is being harshly challenged by much superior and much cheaper Android platform.

    Do you want to invest your money in a stock that relies so heavily on one product which is being challenged so vigorously?

    Android has overtaken iphone by a huge margin, selling 4 Android phones for each iphone at the moment, all that happened in the past 9 months or so. That fast.

    Apple is never going to be able to keep the same revenue and profit on the iphone, it’s $650 oper iphone on AT&T at the moment, highly overpriced. Once APPL is forced to sell on Verizon this is what will happen with their core product:

    1. Verizon will never pay as much as $650 per iphone. It’ll be closer to $400 per iphone. AT&T will lower their purchase price too.

    2. AT&T will start to sell several Android phones that are high end ones that directly compete with the iphone. Galaxy S is the first taste of that on AT&T. Android will sell more on AT&T than iphone will sell on Verizon.

    3. Cricket just announced pre-paid Android phones, probably just $99 on pre-paid, no contracts needed. This will produce a huge interest for cheaper Android phones, iphone will not be able to compete unless APPL lowers the price of iphone greatly, revenues and profits will have to disapear.

  8. Lou Minatti says:

    Apple has jumped the shark. I like their products, but the fact is their hardware outside of the handheld mobile arena is overhyped, overpriced luxury. iPhone is great, so are the Macs, but I am not gonna pay 3x more for a desktop or laptop when all I want to do is get on the internet or fire off a document.

  9. The dude says:

    Ah #9 thinks he has it all figured out. Long after his post is forgotten, things will surely play out differently. For accurate reading, place the word “If” before each of his pseudo-facts.

    There are many different Android phones, and only 1 iPhone, so his comparisons are not accurate. This fact is the reason Android will always be full of bugs. Too many different hardware platforms. Thats ok if you constantly enjoy fighting to get your applications to be useful. And its a REALLY good thing if you are Google!


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