Yes, an unused Microsoft Bob Frisbee was buried in one of my closets. Wow. Priceless collectible. Yes?
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It’s always Christmas at John’s house. 🙂
Worth a few bucks on ebay, I bet.
auction off this old trade show swag to raise money for NA.
I’ll give you a nickle for it.
My dog always needs more toys.
Bob belongs in the closet.
Only if BoB was used to design it :-}
Of course you could always say hundreds of screaming BoB CDs were melted to form this one of a kind object d’art.
John, Give me $5 and I’ll get rid of it for you. Otherwise, donate it to Pedro to upgrade his dinnerware.
Worth keeping. Like my Apple Quicktake 100 ☛
eBay it so the proceeds go to No Agenda! And the bid winner, if it’s over $1000, becomes a knight if he isn’t already.
Hmm, looks more like a plastic plate than a true frisbee.
Wow – I have a BOB coffee mug that I picked up years ago on a display sale from the company that made them for MSFT. If these things are actually worth something, perhaps I should stop using it for coffee 🙂
I would buy it off of you…but I will see your swag and raise you two more…
Relics From the Past: Windows Chicago…err 95 and AOL Disks Found
As I recall, John, you were rather smitten with BOB at the time…and for a while afterwards. It was just too bad it ended up on the first-day-back-after-a-three-day-drunk pile…
RE #9 – “Plastic Plate” – so you can EAT YOUR M$ DOG FOOD !!!
Absolutely worth something, John! No doubt it has the same value as Microsoft Bob does.
Clippy was better.
John, I give you ‘tree fiddy’ for it.
Try it on eBay. It is worth what someone will pay for it.
Although I never used it, I thought “Bob” was a good concept. (I was the only one!)
“Windows” is a flawed metaphor for computing. Worse, Microsoft mixes metaphors — who in the real world opens up a window on their desktop to access a file folder?
I better metaphor would be something in the real world that relates to what you are doing. A library or an office, for example. This is what Bob did, right?
The really sad part is that Microsoft Agent is phased out as of Windows 7.
Or may not:
All Praise Bob!
Wow, an unused piece of sports equipment at JCD’s house!? I’m shocked.
How many remember when Windows was call the “Executive Cartoon Interface” ??? Well “Bob” was the Smiley Face Interface for CEOs !!!
I used to have a complete windows 2.0 in the box. Tossed it during spring cleaning a few years ago. Wonder what that cost me.
Toss it. I mean, literally, TOSS IT. You missed your ebay window when beenie babies were going for hundreds of dollars. It’s a refugee from the landfill….now.
What were you doing in the closet?
Has anyone noticed the resemblance Bob has with Ballmer?
There’s plenty more of these globs washing up on the shores of the Gulf.