The industry has also argued that sugar is sugar.

Heaney said his team found otherwise. They grew pancreatic cancer cells in lab dishes and fed them both glucose and fructose.

Tumor cells thrive on sugar but they used the fructose to proliferate. “Importantly, fructose and glucose metabolism are quite different,” Heaney’s team wrote.

“I think this paper has a lot of public health implications. Hopefully, at the federal level there will be some effort to step back on the amount of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in our diets,” Heaney said in a statement.

The evidence keeps mounting against HFCS. The corn lobby made this happen. Vegetarians and Vegans eat a diet high in fructose and HFCS..

  1. ECA says:

    in truth, I would rather drink HARD alcohol then AL THE SUGAR placed infront of us on a DAILY basis.

  2. bobbo, HFCS Zealot says:

    ECA–true enough. In my youth, I could drink beer after beer but only about 3 soft drinks. Why is that?

    #25–raddad==I accept your expertise and your statement of non-bias at face value, as I do everyone here until they post sheer idiocy the third time. Ok, or a LIEberTARD the first time==they are so easy to spot.

    Aren’t sodas over 90% hfcs? I assume you mean after you remove the water?

    But that challenge is “off point” and I wonder if that is on purpose? True no “food” is 90% sugar ((proof again that soda is not food?)) but rather is the source of the sugar/sweetness fructose or glucose?

    I wonder about your statement that hfcs is 55% fructose. If sugar is 50% fructose then 55% doesn’t seem that “high?”

    I’ve read that hfcs is from 42-55% fructose with “other sugars” making up the balance. Milo says it can be as high as 90%. I wonder what it is “most often” or in most food addatives?

    Is it possible to bottom line your expertise? Are you saying the addition of hfcs to our diet is a complete non issue or are you failing to get at some more subtle point?

  3. Milo says:

    It is as high as 90%; HFCS on wikipedia.

  4. raddad says:


    Bottom line HFCS is a non-issue. The most important thing is to eat a variety of nutritious foods. I personally don’t consider sweetened sodas to be nutritious and I avoid them.

  5. ECA says:

    Watch my video..Please it explains ALOT..TONS..
    Sucrose/fructose is HFCS.. and Both are not good for humans.

  6. bobbo, HFCS Zealot says:

    #33–raddas==I wonder if your message is being lost in your message?

    You seem to be saying: “HFCS is a non issue because it is not nutritious and everyone should be eating nutritious food.” You see how that leaves open the idea you may be so politically biased as to be a shill?

    Are you saying that the fact fructose is metabolised solely in the liver is meaningless?

    Are you saying as in the OP that the fact that cancer cells reproduce by using primarily fructose not not sucrose is meaningless?

    Please define “non issue” as a either of the above points seem like “issues” to me.

    ECA==Watching the sugar video now. Fascinating as are the other video’s in the side bar.

  7. Watson says:

    The way the body reacts to sucrose and glucose is completely different that the way the body reacts to fructose.

    If facts are what you crave, then here are some facts:

    Consuming fructose-sweetened, not glucose-sweetened, beverages increases visceral adiposity and lipids and decreases insulin sensitivity in overweight/obese humans

    J. Clin. Invest. 119:1322–1334 (2009). doi:10.1172/JCI37385.

  8. R. Kenner says:

    For summer fun, try not eating anything from the store that lists HFCS or corn syrup among the first 3 or 4 ingredients. Wala: you’ll find yourself losing weight, saving money, and eating healthier. But it won’t be easy once you leave the produce aisle.

  9. Al Gore Ate My Hamster says:

    I try to avoid eating HFCS by eating meat instead.

  10. raddad says:

    I am saying that fructose is fructose whether it comes from HFCS, fruit or the sugar you sprinkle on your cereal. If, as the article from the OP would infer, fructose is dangerous then all sources of fructose should be avoided, not just HFCS.

  11. raddad says:


    I am saying that fructose is fructose whether it comes from HFCS, fruit or the sugar you sprinkle on your cereal. If, as the article from the OP would infer, fructose is dangerous then all sources of fructose should be avoided, not just HFCS.

  12. raddad says:

    As for fructose being metabolized in the liver…

    I don’t know. That’s kind of outside my area of expertise. Isn’t that what the liver is for? Still, the source of fructose doesn’t matter.

  13. Watson says:


    You are correct that fructose is fructose no matter where it come from.

    I think what is at issue is that eating sucrose, which your body has to break down into glucose and fructose, triggers the body to properly recognize and dispose of the excess carbohydrates.

    Fructose on its own won’t do it. I’m not sure what levels of sucrose or glucose would be necessary to compensate for the extra fructose in HFCS. When I was younger I could go through a suitcase of Mountain DEW in a day and a half.

    I stopped drinking HFCS containing beverages 3 months ago, and so far I have lost 30 pounds, and I’m only a couple of pounds from normal BMI.

    I occasionally drink a “Throwback” and I notice that I feel “done” before I even finish the drink. From the perspective of marketing, I think HFCS is better for business not just because of sugar taxation or corn subsidies, but also from the perspective of people aren’t triggered by their bodies to stop consuming quite as early.

    Mix HFCS with alcohol (certain malt beverages come to mind) and you have a recipe for metabolic syndrome.

  14. jccalhoun says:

    Vegetarians and Vegans eat a diet high in fructose and HFCS..

    That explains why Dvorak likes to bring up high fructose corn syrup. Dvorak has a thing against vegans.

  15. bobbo, HFCS Zealot says:

    raddad==ok, it is becoming clearer. You wish to be irrelevant. “Fructose is poison” as the linked video says at 20:20. Yes, the liver is there to REMOVE POISONS from the body. Oh–more fructose is poison at 43:30.

    So, your logical point is: “The amount of fructose you consume is a non-issue because fructose is fructose.” Couldn’t one say the very same thing for cyanide or any other poison?

    And the point of the video is that sugar is indeed poison as well. We need “a little” NOT A LOT in our diet===and thats why our USA diet is KILLING US, just as it does to every society it gets introduced to.

    Can you tell us if this logical fallacy is innocent on your part, or are you doing it on purpose?

  16. Daniel says:

    To say that veg*ns do or don’t consume HFCS more than any other group is misleading. Veg*nism is about avoiding animal products. HFCS is not an animal product, so its not relevant. There are vegans who eat junk food with tons of HFCS, and there are omnivores who avoid HFCS.

  17. raddad says:

    So, your logical point is: “The amount of fructose you consume is a non-issue because fructose is fructose.” Couldn’t one say the very same thing for cyanide or any other poison?

    Nope. I said the source of fructose is a non-issue (not the amount). I’m speaking as a chemist, not a biochemist. I have no idea what the proper daily amount of sugar would be. As far as I know there is no RDA for sugar.

  18. bobbobbobb says:

    #43 bobs – I think raddad has been very consistent in his point. I disagree with him, but you’re trying to twist his words so you don’t have to take back calling him a shill.

  19. bobbo, HFCS Zealot says:

    #46–bobbobbobb==well, given raddad’s consistent and uniform response and your addition to cheer him on, I took another look.

    The trouble with being analytical as opposed to being a shill is: I can view many issues as more favorable to one side or the other. My own process then is to weigh those two sides and establish which one makes the better sense.

    The Heading of this posts provides a definition CONTEXT for the consideration of HFCS in the American diet: “More Evidence Against High Fructose Corn Syrup”==to the point that HFCS is BAD FOR US.

    Now, the counterpoint raddad makes is: “Sugar is sugar, supplemented by fructose is fructose and both amount to a non-issue.”

    Anyone who want to focus on the tautologies is NOT FOCUSING on the import of their use. Two different subjects depending on how you parse the discussion. You can focus on the meaningless, or the meaningful?

    But bobbobbobb==you make an almost similar error. Just what is it that raddad said that you “disagree” with? Seems to me if he has been quite consistent, then there’s nothing to disagree with???

    Just curious.

  20. Guyver says:

    9, FRAGaLOT,

    Real sugar is Sucrose (which is fructose AND glucose combined), not JUST fructose.

    Chemically speaking, anything ending in “ose” is a “real” sugar.

    10, FRAGaLOT,

    It’s one HALF of normal table sugar, and it’s found in vegetables, beans, and honey.

    True, but that doesn’t mean that table sugar and fructose are the same thing or share the same exact chemical properties (biologically speaking).

    12, Bobbo,

    Fructose can only be metabolised in the liver====ie, like a poison.

    It’s my understanding that our bodies DO NOT know how to metabolize fructose. Fructose gets sent to the liver (which doesn’t know what to do with it). There, the fructose gets converted (not metabolized) into fatty deposits.

    Fructose raises triglycerides and creates “new lipids”====ie, FAT.

    Which is why I don’t believe the liver knows how to metabolize fructose.

    A=1/2 Fructose metabolised in the liver
    B=1/2 Glucose metabolised in all cells of the body and the only energy source of the brain.

    It’s my understanding that the only sugar that is ideal for the body is glucose since it also feeds our muscles as well. BTW, dextrose is a form of glucose.

    There are some studies trying to link “fatty liver” with high consumption of HFCS.

    14, Bobbo,

    your lie is in the very name of your poison: HIGH FRUCTOSE corn syrup. Note the “high fructose.” Its artificial, not found in nature, manufactured by man.

    It’s not a lie more than it is a matter of semantics. HFCS is a chemically concentrated form of a naturally occurring sugar (fructose). But yes, fructose doesn’t occur naturally in concentrated form.

    So, while sugar is sugar, HFCS is NOT SUGAR.

    Take any basic chemistry class and you will know that HFCS is in fact a sugar.

    16, Bobbo,

    I’m just waiting for cgp to tell us that the fructose uptake is less than xx parts per million in our body and therefore is nothing to worry about.

    Consumed in SMALL quantities, HFCS has little to no impact on your overall health. The problem is, HFCS is in EVERYTHING…. if you buy a commercial brand of bread, you might be shocked to see that it too contains HFCS.

    That being said, unless you completely cook / grow your own foods then you will be exposed to HFCS. The trick is minimizing your exposure and reading the labels.

    17, Angel,

    It’s Obama’s fault just because.

    But in reality, he’s personally blamed the previous administration for everything that’s failed under his leadership.

    19, Raddad,

    That’s my point. Fructose IS in nature. Fructose is “fruit sugar” and is very common. It doesn’t matter if the fructose is in HFCS, honey or grapes. It still acts the same.

    I agree up to a point. Consuming large amounts of food heavy in HFCS is like overdosing on sugar. So although the fructose in HFCS is the same thing in concentrated form, the problem lies in people hammering their bodies with levels of sugar consumption that would not be normal under “natural” circumstances.

    21, Camacho,

    Corn is a useless crop that requires a lot of fertilizers. This is why Americans are fed so much corn-based foods.

    It has to do with the U.S. being an agricultural country and us consuming what we grow in abundance. Our diets are heavily wheat, corn, potato, soy, and rice based because that’s what we grow. Most of the refined foods at the grocery store will have at least one of these ingredients.

    23, Dallas,

    Sheeple don’t care about the dangers because they can buy a two liter bottle of Coke for 79cents to wash down their 99cent whopper.

    No need to be ego-centric. Many of those sheeple you speak so lowly of probably do want to eat better, but healthy foods can’t compete with the heavily subsidized prices of junk food.

    26, Milo,

    Does Mr. Chemist know that there are different kinds of HFCS, with differing amounts of fructose, up to 90% in some cases?

    So what?

    29, ECA,

    The MAIN problem is that IN THE USA(we tariff ALL SUGAR CANE IMPORTS, CHEAPEST SUGAR IN THE WORLD) is that…
    1. we dont have TONS of sugar cane.
    2. Sugar cane is expensive.
    3. HFCS is made CHEAPER then cane sugar.

    It’s my understanding that the reason why the food industry went to HFCS is because we have a ban on international sugars. Why? Because international sugars are about 50% cheaper than domestic sugars. If you’re someone like Coca-Cola, sugar is a main ingredient. Because of government involvement in trying to protect domestic sugar farmers, the food industry went to HFCS. They also later discovered I believe that it improves texture and shelf life which is another driving reason why it’s in damn near everything.

    31, Bobbo,

    ECA–true enough. In my youth, I could drink beer after beer but only about 3 soft drinks. Why is that?

    Too easy. You were a lush. 🙂

    Aren’t sodas over 90% hfcs? I assume you mean after you remove the water?

    Depends on what you buy. Jones, Boylans, Fitz’s sodas all use pure cane sugar in theirs.

    I’ve read that hfcs is from 42-55% fructose with “other sugars” making up the balance. Milo says it can be as high as 90%. I wonder what it is “most often” or in most food addatives?

    Probably varies due to desired texture.

    Is it possible to bottom line your expertise? Are you saying the addition of hfcs to our diet is a complete non issue or are you failing to get at some more subtle point?

    I think his point is to not have the same mindset of HFCS as you would Nutrasweet or Splenda. He seems to simply be saying, let’s not go overboard. Fructose occurs naturally. HFCS is just a concentrated form. Consume in moderation (if you can).

    34, ECA,

    Watch my video..Please it explains ALOT..TONS..
    Sucrose/fructose is HFCS.. and Both are not good for humans.

    Consuming sugars is generally not good for you. But it tastes pretty damn good. 🙂

    76 ways sugar can ruin your health (scroll to the middle):

    35, Bobbo,

    You see how that leaves open the idea you may be so politically biased as to be a shill?

    Are you saying that the fact fructose is metabolised solely in the liver is meaningless?

    Are you saying as in the OP that the fact that cancer cells reproduce by using primarily fructose not not sucrose is meaningless?

    Please define “non issue” as a either of the above points seem like “issues” to me.

    You’re over-analyzing this way too much.

    43, Bobbo,

    Can you tell us if this logical fallacy is innocent on your part, or are you doing it on purpose?

    He’s explained to you that chemically there is no difference between the fructose in HFCS or what you are thinking is “regular” fructose. You’re just exposed to much higher concentrations of fructose in HFCS (as the name makes it quite clear).

    You’re getting stuck in first gear.

    I don’t believe he’s trying to promote

  21. bobbo, HFCS Zealot says:

    Well, Thank you Guyver. I actually read the wiki on this:

    While listening to the anti-hfcs video here:

    Looks like most HFCS in the market place is the 55% kind. I think the video and most rants I’ve heard really are confusing two issues: the harm of hfcs compared to sugar, vs, the harm of a diet with too much sugar be it hfcs or sugar.

    I’ve been noticing grocery store cookies. They are too sweet for me when 33% or more of the calories comes from “sugar.” The one’s I’ve noticed really don’t have hfcs listed, but I think I better take a second look at that.

    I admit I may have treated raddad according to my own bias. An honest mistake. I assume people posting here want to make a point, rather than be pointless. Posting fructose is fructose when the issue is “too much fructose” creates the Gestalt of a disagreement.

    I’ll try to give people less credit in the future. Thanks Guyver! ((hah, hah!!)

  22. interesting to see just how defensive the HFCS Loobyists, sorry… Corn Refiners Assoc. have been about this

    They even went as far as to issue a press release claiming to be from the Cancer Research Alliance (a defunct organisation) that they “corrected” after folks on twitter pointed it out

    See before and after links:

    The problem is that it’s big business, and there are big dollars involved. ADM for instance cost the US taxpayers $3bn a year … and in turn invest a good chunk of that profit in subverting the common good (or Lobbying if you want to give it a pretty name)

    The CRA, AmeriBev and other users of HFCS don’t actually give a damn about corn or health concerns or America and Americans… their sole motivator is the bottom line and if maintaining subsidies, tarrifs and shouting down open and objective research are tactics that they need to do to keep the gravy train afloat you bet they’ll continue to play what ever tricks they need.

    I’m so pleased that John saw this and has been able to help shed some light on the matter but it’s down to each and every commentator or reader here to not let it lie… look for natural alternatives (non GMO, non processed), reduce consumption, make better choices, write/call your State and Federal officials, fight for disclosure of who is getting campaign and other financial support from these organisations to make you and your kids sick and let them know you won’t support them or their party if they continue (oh, and not just here in the US … the rest of the world should be concerned as when they see the trough dry up here they’ll be after your money).

    Sure, HFCS isn’t the only problem (the power of commercial lobbying is out of control – just look at Intuit in California at the moment,0,6498588.story) but tackle each problem in turn or go where your passion takes you and make a difference now…. while you still can.

  23. ECA says:

    the smart people in this group, know what they are saying..and at least LOOK at things..

    AND the main problem of ALL of it comes down to a few interesting facts..

    CORPS will do anything to reduce the VALUE of the goods they give you, to MAKE MONEY.
    The Value of cane sugar AROUND THE WORLD, is LOW. VERY LOW. think of what would happen if the USA cane growers couldnt make MONEY..They cant grow ENOUGH sugar to do ANYTHING to the USA market. but it would be MONEY leaving USA soil.
    Corps would rather serve you SWEET FLAVORED CARDBOARD if they could get away with it.
    I wont get into FORTIFICATION of foods and breads. which was past in the WW1-2 era.

    The price of FOOD is not based on the COST TO THE FARMER…it takes as much work as it EVER DID. 1 small company does the SAME and grades the quality, Another corp BUYS UP the quality and repackages it and DOUBLES/TRIPLES THE PRICE you COULD have bought it from the Processor. OreIda Processor/BIRDS EYE repackages… OreIda processes 90% of the Fruits and vegetables from Oregon and Idaho and SELLS it to the other companies..OREIDA USED to sell their OWN product label at <1/2 the price.

  24. ECA says:

    dont get me started on meats.

  25. McCullough says:

    I didn’t have time to read thru all of the comments, but has ANYONE mentioned the fact that HFCS comes mainly from Frankencorn, you know the genetically modified crap that’s is being literally shoved down our throats. If someone has already mentioned this, I apologize.

  26. Nonmilitant Vegan says:

    John, why the hate against vegans? I don’t live on a diet of junk food, so where is my HFCS going to come from? Lighten up dude. And someone’s comment that fructose comes from fruit really made me laugh.

  27. McCullough says:

    #41. “I occasionally drink a “Throwback” and I notice that I feel “done” before I even finish the drink. ”

    That is something I have noticed also, we can get “Mexican Cokes” here and they are delicious, and one satisfies.Not so with soft rinks made from Monsanto produced corn product poison.

  28. ECA says:


    as almost EVERY loaf of bread in the store HAS IT. Every box of Cereal.
    from soda pop to Bread.

  29. Guyver says:

    51, Bobbo,

    Posting fructose is fructose when the issue is “too much fructose” creates the Gestalt of a disagreement.

    So what point EXACTLY were you disagreeing with Raddad?

    It seemed to me that people were rushing to judgment that Raddad worked for the corn growers association because Raddad stated the obvious (even though the Corn Growers Association use the same line but for different reasons).

    It doesn’t make the statement false.

  30. ECA says:


    Learning to READ in the USA is a REAL hassle.
    and tons of other words that ALL MEAN ‘MAYBE’..NO FACTS. NO TRUTH..
    IF THIS THEN THAT, is in programming, but NOT in the USA language.

    Then you get IDIOTS to add to it, IT WONT HAPPEN, the chances are SLIM…and so forth..

    By the time we get thru ALL THE CRAP/GARBAGE and to A’/SOME’ TRUTH…???? what can we think?

    Look up aspirtain and MTBE in the federal LISTINGS FROM the EPA…
    LOOK at the dates they FOUND this information.


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