The industry has also argued that sugar is sugar.

Heaney said his team found otherwise. They grew pancreatic cancer cells in lab dishes and fed them both glucose and fructose.

Tumor cells thrive on sugar but they used the fructose to proliferate. “Importantly, fructose and glucose metabolism are quite different,” Heaney’s team wrote.

“I think this paper has a lot of public health implications. Hopefully, at the federal level there will be some effort to step back on the amount of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in our diets,” Heaney said in a statement.

The evidence keeps mounting against HFCS. The corn lobby made this happen. Vegetarians and Vegans eat a diet high in fructose and HFCS..

  1. Benjamin says:

    Bullcrap. It is protective tariffs on sugar that caused the switch to HFCS. Who makes tariffs? The government does, so HFCS is the government’s fault.

    I want sugar in my pop. On a related note, Mt Dew Throwback is back in stores. Yay.

  2. Sea Lawyer says:

    #1, the point is that when comparing sugars, fructose is much worse for you than is glucose because of how your body processes it in the liver. Where that fructose comes from: HFCS or sucrose, doesn’t much matter.

  3. SparkyOne says:

    Where did this BS line come from?

    “Vegetarians and Vegans eat a diet high in fructose and HFCS..”

    There are no HFCSs in fruit and vegetables.

  4. Rabble Rouser says:

    There is fructose in fruits and vegetables. Fructose is, after all fruit sugar. There is also sucrose in a lot of fruits and vegetables.
    I think that once the whole story is found out, it will be that you need a combination of glucose and fructose, not just one or the other, to keep healthy.
    Everything in moderation folks, that’s my motto.

  5. Improbus says:

    The only place I get HFCS is when I go eat at a restaurant or fast food place. That is a rare occurrence nowadays. I go out of my way to buy organic produce, dairy and poultry.

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    I don’t buy the notion that Vegetarians and Vegans eat a diet high in fructose and HFCS. After all these are the kinds of people who avoid all processed foods in the first place. I really don’t see veggie/vegans walking around drinking a cans of coke.

    HFCS is ubiquitous in many food products but only factory made processed foods. You’re not going to find it in the “Monsanto grown” produce section of your super market.

  7. Milo says:


    HFCS is a Frankenstein molecule that is not found anywhere in nature. Getting your fructose from it very much matters!

  8. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and syrup affecionado says:

    Yep, I just bought some mapeline flavoring to make my own maple syrup. I do this because it is very easy and very cheap AND because in the same liquid measure of syrup I use half the amount of sugar so my waffles aren’t turned into a plate of candy. ((Thickens/viscosity has to be achieved by using gar gum.))

    First ingredient by % is HFCS. Second ingredient is corn syrup. Obviously these two component only act as a carrier for the actual maple flavoring and “ought to be” available packed in plain water or even alcohol? But all the brands on the shelf were the same.

  9. FRAGaLOT says:

    Real sugar is Sucrose (which is fructose AND glucose combined), not JUST fructose.

    Sugar in it SELF is a processed product you get from cooking sugar cane and beets (you also get molasses as a by product). The sugar compound (C12H22O11) we know simply as sugar in a crystallized form.

    Your body has to break this down into the two parts of Glucose and Fructose before you can metabolize it. That’s the good thing. The theory is that fructose on it’s own goes strait into the blood stream and is not effected by insulin which is meant to metabolize glucose.

    There’s also an organic version of Fructose which you find in produce, honey, etc. And this is the stuff that FERMENTS when you want to create alcohol.

  10. FRAGaLOT says:

    #7 you’re sadly mistaken. Fructose is not a freak compound. It’s one HALF of normal table sugar, and it’s found in vegetables, beans, and honey.

    But HFCS is just a extreme amount of fructose in a syrup, made from cooking corn over and over. But normal sugar is also made from refining process not unlike producing HFCS. It’s just fructose is metabolized differently in humans, than glucose.

  11. raddad says:

    Sugar is sugar. It doesn’t matter what the source is. You could make sucrose from a charcoal brickette if you like and it would still be sucrose and act exactly the same. It doesn’t matter if the source is “natural” or “un-natural”.

    Sucrose is rapidly broken down in digestion to fructose and glucose, the same sugars that are in HFCS. Why would it matter if the break down occurs before consuming? If so, are fruit and honey hazardous? Does the consumption of fruit and honey promote cancer?

  12. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and syrup affecionado says:

    #9–Frag==thanks for a good straight summary. I think you got the fructose metabolism wrong from the study I did of this a month ago when this subject last came up. I made notes from google on the back of an envelop: Note==all my google research is done in the wee hours of the morning. I could have something garbled:

    1. Fructose can only be metabolised in the liver====ie, like a poison.

    2. In the liver, insullin is not involved but phosphorus is used to metabolize the fructose which uses phorphorus up meaning it is not available to keep blood pressure low===ie, causes hypertension.

    3. Fructose raises triglycerides and creates “new lipids”====ie, FAT.

    4. Fructose is a chronic toxin and therefore passed on by the USDA which only regulates ACUTE toxins.

    5. ie = a calorie is not a calorie.

    6. Sucrose is :

    A=1/2 Fructose metabolised in the liver
    B=1/2 Glucose metabolised in all cells of the body and the only energy source of the brain.

    I avoid HFCS as much as possible.

  13. chuck says:

    I avoid HFCS and sugar and just consume natural Aspartame. The brain tumors might go away and it hardly affects my memory at all.

    The brain tumors might go away and it hardly affects my memory at all.

  14. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and syrup affecionado says:

    #11–HFCS shill==you say: “Sucrose is rapidly broken down in digestion to fructose and glucose, the same sugars that are in HFCS.” /// your lie is in the very name of your poison: HIGH FRUCTOSE corn syrup. Note the “high fructose.” Its artificial, not found in nature, manufactured by man. While sucrose is 50/50, HFCS is 75/25.

    So, while sugar is sugar, HFCS is NOT SUGAR.

    Its fun to do the google on hfcs. You see conflicting information and page after page of horribles.

    But you know, if it ain’t in nature, the evidence in favor of a food substance has to be overwhelming. In the case of HFCS, the evidence is overwhelming, just against it is all.

  15. Special Ed says:

    I’d like to buy Pedro a couple cases of HFCS drinks.

  16. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and syrup affecionado says:

    I’m just waiting for cgp to tell us that the fructose uptake is less than xx parts per million in our body and therefore is nothing to worry about.

    Its always good to note the difference between “making an argument” vs “countering with facts.”

    Not everyone gets that.

  17. interglacial says:

    Why can’t you guys grow more sugar beet? I don’t think it’s as good as cane sugar but is much better for you than corn syrup.
    HFCS has got to be one of the main reasons why alot of Americans are so damn large or have a problem with diabetes.

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    It’s Obama’s fault just because.

  19. Sea Lawyer says:

    #17 very true

  20. raddad says:

    #14-HFCS zealot==But you know, if it ain’t in nature, the evidence in favor of a food substance has to be overwhelming. In the case of HFCS, the evidence is overwhelming, just against it is all.

    That’s my point. Fructose IS in nature. Fructose is “fruit sugar” and is very common. It doesn’t matter if the fructose is in HFCS, honey or grapes. It still acts the same. The idea that an artificial mixture of fructose and glucose is somehow inferior to processed sucrose is ludicrous.

    By the way, the sucrose you seem to prefer uses sulfur dioxide, phosphoric acid, calcium hydroxide and activated charcoal in its manufacturing.

    Oh, and the most common HFCS is 55% fructose, not 75%.

  21. Milo says:


    BS, Corn has to be milled, heated, treated with chemicals to break it down, then chemically treated again to force the molecules to perform unnatural acts on each other, which produce their evil spawn HFCS.

    Look it up, that is if you aren’t just a Big Corn hole!

  22. Camacho says:

    US consumes a lot of oil. Refineries have a lot of petrochemicals (byproducts of refining process) left behind. Plastics and fertilizers are one way of moving the byproducts away from the refinery. Corn is a useless crop that requires a lot of fertilizers. This is why Americans are fed so much corn-based foods.

  23. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and syrup affecionado says:

    #19–HFCS Shill==I post as someone who did a little google in the wee hours of the morning. YOU post as an expert.

    What I recall is that HFCS is from 42-55% fructose with the balance being glucose and sucrose. Problem is sucrose is 50/50 and 50% of 50% is 25% meaning the total fructose in HFCS is closer to 75%. If it weren’t then it wouldn’t be “HIGH FRUCTOSE.”

    So tell the blog: what is your special interest in pushing hfcs? My goal is simply to get at the truth, so I’m interested in what you have to contribute if it isn’t anything but lies and spins.


  24. Dallas says:

    Sheeple don’t care about the dangers because they can buy a two liter bottle of Coke for 79cents to wash down their 99cent whopper.

  25. jbenson2 says:

    All this talk about sugar is making me hungry.

    mmm… Donuts!

  26. raddad says:

    #21-HFCS zealot

    I am a chemist, but have nothing to do with food chemistry or HFCS. Just trying to inject some rationality into this thread.

    The balance of sugar in HFCS is glucose, not sucrose, so your assumption is incorrect. It is indeed 55% fructose.

    Not pushing HFCS. Just saying IT DOESN’T MATTER.

  27. Milo says:


    Does Mr. Chemist know that there are different kinds of HFCS, with differing amounts of fructose, up to 90% in some cases?

    And does working for a PR or viral marketing firm or getting an industry grant for research count as “nothing to do with food chemistry or HFCS”?

  28. raddad says:

    Does Mr. Chemist know that there are different kinds of HFCS, with differing amounts of fructose, up to 90% in some cases?

    Yep, I knew that. Point out a food that uses 90% fructose.

    Retired, so I don’t really have anything invested in this sugar argument.

    If people want to consume natural sugar, it’s fine with me. But, be aware natural sugar is nothing like the white stuff you buy in the grocery store. Think brown sugar, but dirtier.

  29. Jmrouse says:

    It’s not just the industry that’s trying to argue that sugar is sugar, it’s scientists and doctors. You know, the PH.D people who actually study this stuff for a living.

    Not that I would expect a blog that pushes Global Warming denial-ism to care about science.

  30. ECA says:

    For those that dont get it..
    Fructose, in nature is found in Fruits and many vegetable. THE KEY to BULK.
    For every GRAM of fructose you eat in an apple/fruit you eat TONS for FIBER.(not really tons, JUST A BUNCH).
    Its so sweet, it dont take much to MAKE things sweet.
    The MAIN problem is that IN THE USA(we tariff ALL SUGAR CANE IMPORTS, CHEAPEST SUGAR IN THE WORLD) is that…
    1. we dont have TONS of sugar cane.
    2. Sugar cane is expensive.
    3. HFCS is made CHEAPER then cane sugar.

    The main sugar OUR BODIES LOVE/USE is glucose. You wont believe where it comes from. If you did, you would know the secret of DIETING.

    WE use so much FRUCTOSE in CANDY and everything, its like eating a BUSHEL of APPLES for every candy bar you eat.
    The amount is so great, that our bodies have to break it down, and in so doing, we become a Chemical factory. the materials it creates ISNT ALWAYS GOOD.

    HERE, watch..its abit long, but worth EVERY SECOND.


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