The Republican National Committee has canceled a fundraiser with conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart, who is under fire for promoting an edited video that falsely portrays former Agriculture Department employee Shirley Sherrod as having boasted about discriminating against a white farmer looking for her assistance.

Breitbart was scheduled to appear with RNC Chairman Michael Steele at a reception later this month in Beverly Hills…

The spokesman said the fundraiser was cancelled “To better capitalize on the fall fundraising season that happens post-Labor Day, while also lowering costs by utilizing existing trips to California.”

Michael Steele is concerned about lowering costs?

Breitbart has been under fire for posting the video clip of Sherrod that led to a rush to judgment and Sherrod’s forced resignation. She was later vindicated when her speech to a chapter of the NAACP was shown in full.

I look forward to the exercise in sophistry requiring neocons and libertarians to defend both the RNC and Breitbart.

  1. SparkyOne says:

    Michael Steele is still employed? Shame.

  2. Not My Usual Alias says:

    #1, they’re stuck with that imbecile.

    Breitbart belongs under a bus. I’m surprised the GOP actually figured it out, given that lately they give the biggest stages to the biggest idiots.

  3. jbenson2 says:

    Throw Michael Steele out and replace him with a proven fundraiser and crowd pleaser – Palin.

    She gets great experience on the ways for Washington DC and postpones her Presidential bid until 2016.

    Only problem is that she is making a ton more money right now.

  4. DonMoore says:

    I thought the RNC fired everybody in CA for attending all those Strip Clubs.

  5. McCullough says:

    I can think of maybe 2 politicians I wouldn’t gladly run over with a tank. Both parties.

  6. Annie Porter says:

    RNC probably feared getting sued along with not-so-Breitbart

  7. Not My Usual Alias says:

    #4 DonMoore….in any normal business everyone associated with attending a lesbian strip club would get fired. In the RNC, being so much more principled you know, they just ignore it and it goes away without any firings.

  8. bbald123 says:

    Under the bus? Really? Breitbart willfully and maliciously edited video in order to deceive. He deserves to be kicked to the curb.

  9. Improbus says:

    If Michael Steele where white he would be long gone. They should through him AND Andrew Breitbart under the bus.

  10. jbenson2 says:

    bbald123 claimed:
    Breitbart willfully and maliciously edited video in order to deceive.

    Really? Got any legitimate sources that prove your accusation?

  11. dusanmal says:

    @#8, #10: I have personally seen complete video on Breitbart site (not just the snippet) before Sherrod resignation. If someone is malicious it is people who claim that he have shown only the snippet without knowing the facts.

  12. BuzzMega says:

    While he is under there, could you please back the bus up, turning the wheels this way and that a few times?

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Defending Breitbart? Seriously?

    I ask again…..seriously?

  14. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    I look forward to the exercise in sophistry requiring neocons and libertarians to defend both the RNC and Breitbart. //// Hah, hah==fat chance of that. Their sophistication only rises to the level of #11–dismal==just lie about it.

    But speaking of sophistry: “Throwing someone under the bus” refers to an innocent who is sacrificed for political expediency==not someone who is fricking GUILTY!

    Hey, its just words, but words are what we think with, when we do.

  15. LordOfTheSpies says:

    It’s too bad no-one expects The Spanish Inquisition to come for this scumbag.

  16. MikeN says:

    For Breitbart to provide only an excerpt(the video was not edited) that has the opposite meaning of the full video, knowing that the full video would very likely become available, would make him not just a partisan hack but a total idiot.

    I think it is more likely to believe his story that he only received the excerpt at first.

  17. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    MikeN, it may come out some day that Breitbart’s own people made that video…I’m not a conspiracist but it fits a pattern… Just like it eventually came out that Brietbart and O’Keefe fabricated most of the Acorn video.

    So, who shot the Sherrod video? Nobody knows, do they? I think the guy in the photo up above knows.

  18. jbenson2 says:

    #16 – S.O.P for the Democrats and their supporters. The hell with the truth, just throw slop on the wall.

    Code Pink
    New Black Panthers
    La Raza
    Green Party
    Earth Liberation Front

    Just a few that come to mind.

  19. jbenson2 says:

    Old Baggins suggested:
    it may come out some day that Breitbart’s own people made that video…I’m not a conspiracist but it fits a pattern… Just like it eventually came out that Brietbart and O’Keefe fabricated most of the Acorn video.

    Mark the tape on that one!

    Let me have whatever your smoking.

    I’ll join the club. Yeah, it is amazing what computer graphics can do with video nowadays.

  20. bobbo, demonstrating the value of Sophistry by being so poor at it says:

    #18–JB==you lose all credibility when you make the “I know you are but what am I” gradeschool retort.

    I CHALLENGE YOU: match anything said/done by those you list that was picked up by the Dem Party leaders as their talking point for the day?

    I’ll be surprised if you can do it for any group you list which will be proof of just how pitiful your BS is. ie, all BS, just made up BS. Delusional.


  21. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    jbenson…you did hear the reality behind the Acorn video, right? Overdubbed audio, edited to appear they wore those outfits into the offices, etc? It was all a scam. Reputable news agencies have admitted they were taken…disreputable news agencies still cling to the scam…..

    So, who shot the Sherrod video?

  22. Greg Allen says:

    Brietbart threw himself under the propaganda bus that the right wing media are driving.

    It’s time for legitimate media to stop reacting to the right wing media.

    Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, O’Reilly and their zillion dumber clones are professional liars and toxic to America.

  23. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    jbenson…Here is the real story of the Acorn crap that Breitbard so vigorously defended last year.

    Here’s a look at Breitbart’s credibility.

    Still care to defend this clown?

  24. Greg Allen says:

    >> jbenson2 said, on August 2nd, 2010 at 9:21 am
    Code Pink
    New Black Panthers
    La Raza
    Green Party
    Earth Liberation Front

    I’ll guess that few-to-none of these are registered Democrats. (Certainly the Greens are not!)

    Furthermore, if you add them all up, they a tiny nothing compared to the crazy-ass Tea Party movement which is leading the GOP around by their noses these days.

  25. Greg Allen says:

    >> bobbo, demonstrating the value of Sophistry by being so poor at it said, on August 2nd, 2010 at 9:36 am
    >> I CHALLENGE YOU: match anything said/done by those you list that was picked up by the Dem Party leaders as their talking point for the day?

    You got that right, bobbo.

    Most Democrats would have to Google just to know who most of those groups are on his list.

    Before the Right Wing Media started their hysteria about the New Black Panthers, I had never even heard of the group.

    Yet, Fox wants us to believe they are the Democrat’s version of the tea baggers.

    I’ve heard of Code Pink but never met one. The same with the Earth Liberation Front. FALN? La Raza? Never heard of them

    But the conservatives want us to believe it’s all the same — the GOP have their nutcase tea baggers and the Dems have these groups.

    An arguable exception could be the Greens… WHO ARE NOT DEMOCRATS. (read that again, brainwashed conservative)

    I’ve met a few Greens and I think I share some politics although I’ve never really looked into it. I’ll guess that’s the case for most Dems. Many of us Dems are still PO’d at the Greens for helping get GW Bush elected.

    But the Greens certainly don’t lead the Democrats the way the Tea Party leads the GOP. Only the most lunkheaded political analysis would draw a equivalence.

  26. Greg Allen says:

    Interestingly, “jbenson2” doesn’t mention the Democrat’s true equivalent to the Tea Party — the progressive movement.

    Lots of progressives would consider themselves part of the Dems abut also a pressure from the left.

    They are also a large movement. I’m not sure how big they are but I certainly meet a Dems who call themselves that..

    And, like the Tea Party and their candidates, there are a few real Dem leaders who call themselves progressives — Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich for example. I think there are others.

    Even so, the progressive movement is not equivalent to the Tea Party in scope or influence. But they are kind of the same in the position they play in the Democratic party.

    I would also argue that the progressives are not 10% as unhinged as the tea baggers.

  27. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Re: New Black Panthers….Fox news loves to cover scary black people.

    Remember during the presidential debates when those red and blue lines would squiggle all over based on the response to McCain and Obama talking? Fox has those meters, and they peg (100% up) when the bubble-headed bleach blondes start whining about scary blacks or scary Latinos. Fox is all about pegging those meters. They’re diligently scouring the news for scary brown people, and will break into the news cycle as needed if they find some.

    No matter that NBP is just eight guys before Fox started their hysteria, nobody in the video looked the least bit intimidated, and Bush’s DOJ first decided not to pursue the case. No matter the facts, they’re goddamned scary black people!

    Morons, all of you that watch that crap.

  28. Greg Allen says:

    Olo Baggins of Bywater,

    Had you heard of the New Black Panthers before Fox got conservatives all up in a racist lather?

    I checked Wikipedia which didn’t list their size. Maybe they could all fit around a dining room table!

    Today’s conservatives have abysmal political judgment and Fox exploits that endlessly.

    If _I_ hear about some crazy right wing militia group in Idaho, I don’t confuse that with the the whole GOP.

    Yet, that’s exactly what the conservatives do with Code Pink or New Black Panthers.

  29. soundwash says:

    Lesson Learned:

    republicans are no different the democrats. they both use underhanded tactics to buy votes, sway opinion and distract you from the real issues.

    Both parties need to be deleted.

    Sadly, i have no “palatable” solution to the problem. -as my “solution” begins with wiping all forms of “money” and even the *idea* of money or monetary based trade from the mass consciousness at large as well as the planet.

    -highly unlikely, but not impossible.


  30. Dallas says:

    He violated the Repuke rules for slimy slander – getting caught!

    Now he must die


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