- Social media sucking up most of people’s time online.
- Email fading.
- Android sales topping iPhone in sales. The crossover should stick. But therein lies the rub.
- Dvorak’s advice: do not drop an iPhone4.
- Meanwhile, a new easy jailbreak is available.
- Motorola Droid updated this week.
- MSFT does early patch for shortcut flaw.
- Win 7 passes Vista.
- Kindle is sold out.
Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.
I love the idea of a $139 Kindle, if you want one. I paid $269 for mine. (Kindle II) However, after a year and a half with it, and reading The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, along with many other books, I find I prefer to simply buy a used book on Amazon, pay the 3.99 shipping, and it is cheaper by far, assuming I get the book for under four bucks, which, usually, I do. I bought several great “like new” paperbacks for a couple of bucks plus the 3.99. And, I get the WHOLE book, with MUCH better graphics and pictures. All in all, I don’t like my Kindle II much at all compared to a good book.
Kindle! For people who can’t stand the dark.
Books! For those of us who still want to be able to read our documents many decades after we acquired them.
Dammit John, 7 weeks left of summer..by my calculations that’s more than half! And I suck at math.
#4, last day of Summer is on August 31th.
Just a matter of time before we stop reading books and magazines on dead trees. Magazines will transition first to electronic display viewing because they are generally disposable content and a greater opportunity for advertisers.
Pedrito, how do you stay in touch in the electronic age? Fax or Western Union?
Ironic that I read “Kindle Sells Out” and wondered who that noble underdog and champion of the poor author, Amazon, could have cravenly given in to.
Here’s an idea, Don’t drop ANY phone!
Up next, Apple’s Drop Test videos.
Dallas, I believe Pedro’s high-tech includes the weed whacker and the leaf blower. Part of his heritage…
Even with such expansions, I know of a few glitches in the market. For instance, let’s look at the steady price drop (http://pressdisplay.com/pressdisplay/showlink.aspx?bookmarkid=RB837VA3MZT&preview=article&linkid=21f62024-21dd-428b-8996-3455bc51ddaa&pdaffid=ZVFwBG5jk4Kvl9OaBJc5%2bg%3d%3d)
Anyway, all pieces to the puzzle, right?
Kindle is a SPY DEVICE !!! Read the Terms of Service !!! STAY AWAY !!!
#5. Only if your a schoolkiddie…that you?