1. Grandpa says:

    ….and your point is?

    1. Eddie is an idiot
    2. Eddie is a retard
    3. Eddie is a clutz
    4. Eddie is a Republican

    Take your pick…

  2. ggore says:

    Yeah, like, dude, y’know, um, it’s like, um, like what’s the real, like, reason for this post? To show this slacker dude who has no value for his electronic devices or what he does with them? He keeps looking at his buddy for validation but the buddy is having none of it, giving him the “you’re an idiot, you broke your phone” look and turning away. The buddy doesn’t even agree when the guy says he lost one or two phones due to thievery by girls. He will grow up to be one of those people who believes that NOTHING he does is his fault.

  3. Cursor_ says:

    And not ONCE did the real questions EVER get put to him nor any other Apple user.

    Did YOU PAY for it?
    Did YOU PAY for your replacements?
    If yes, HOW do YOU afford doing this all the time.
    If no, WHY do your parents spoil your uncaring little ass?
    Did YOU report the sorority girl or was that a pay up cos you used rufies on her?

    No way would I pay that much for a phone and then keep replacing it.

    Willfully ignorant imbecile.


  4. Chris Mac says:

    sad but true

  5. Rick Cain says:

    He needs to apologize to that Gypsy woman he insulted.

  6. Neal says:

    @Cursor Have you ever heard of insurance?

  7. interglacial says:

    Someone needs to buy this lad a mobile phone. I drop my 5 year old Nokia all the time and it’s still a better phone than any of the glass bricks people feel the need to fondle all the time. It’s smaller, lighter, has better reception and sound quality and the battery lasts about a week between charges. Only problem is people tend to look at me oddly when I walk around stroking it.

  8. Zybch says:

    Eddie should stop buying stupid iPhones with stupid-ass slippery glass surfaces if hes such a butter fingers.
    Oh, and I absolutely second #3’s thoughts.

  9. Rider says:

    I find it funny that everyone assumes this kid has his parents buying his phone for him. He is clearly in in his mid 20’s and at work, probably making more money than anyone who has commented so far.

  10. rudedog says:

    You forgot better reception when holding it (any position). Will not drop most calls.

  11. Improbus says:

    Please tell me this guy doesn’t drive and if he does can we see his car?

  12. Lou Minatti says:

    I think Eddie should stick with a $19 burner from Walmart.

  13. Angry says:

    John was interviewing replacements for Adam at Mevio?

  14. Fishguy says:

    Eddie is Adam’s replacement.

  15. harold says:

    Here’s hoping he never has a child.

  16. Donal says:

    Perhaps the point was that the inflated iPhone sales may be due to idiots buying replacement phones over and over again.

    Conclusions: This guy makes too much money, has no sense of responsibility and lives in a fantasy world that is perpetuated by the people around him.

  17. B, Dog says:

    I like Eddie. He has a t-shirt that sums up his style. I figure it is just a phase he’s going through. Bummer for the phones though.

  18. WmDE says:

    Mr. Dvorak, what has Eddie ever done to warrant being thrown to the wolves? Did you find him on your lawn?

  19. madtruckman says:

    so wait, he has this all busted up iphone… he acts like it still works! or is he that stupid to carry shards of glass in his pocket day after day? not sure what to make of this video….

  20. Faxon says:

    #15- Adam, don’t worry. We love you.

  21. chuck says:

    WWSJD? Maybe buy a case for his phone, which is made of glass?

    I love the attitude: I didn’t break it. Maybe I did? I dropped it. It’s not my fault.

    Try dropping a TV from 3 feet off the ground. Will it break?

  22. The Dude says:

    Mister JCD is clearly biased against Apple. Google isn’t exactly an Angel when it comes to privacy. He doesn’t post those stories. This kid could have had any phone. Any free thinker can see what’s really going on with posts like this.

  23. Idiot Interview says:

    Thanks for wasting my time with your airhead rentboy.

  24. Jetfire says:

    That’s why I have mine in a Case & and have a Screen protector on mine. I have dropped and kicked my other iPhones across the room with no problem. I’m waiting for my Case manufacture (Contour) to make one for the iPhone 4 now using a iFrog case now that I don’t like but it’s all I could find at the time.

  25. Jim says:

    *shrug* He’s cute anyway.

    My boyfriend’s has a huge crack in it from when he dropped it last year. This is with the extra case and wrappings too. It also still works, albeit a bit funky, and we can’t tell if at&t’s service is crap or if the phone just can’t get signals sometimes (I suspect both.)

    My boyfriend is a klutz, but four or five times would be a bit much. That’s when I’d start suggesting those boost/virgin throwaways.

    I’ll stay with my nexus, thanks.

  26. chuck says:

    JCD: Ok, Eddie, I’m going to ask you a few questions about your phone, put the video on my blog and you’ll be ridiculed by America.

    Eddie: Ok, so do I get the intern position at Mevio, or do I still have to blow Adam?

    JCD: You still have to blow Adam.

  27. Civengine says:

    Friend of mine just got a new front screen put on his 3gs for about $35. Problem solved. 3rd new screen for him.

    I asked if his repairman could do a samsung captivate as I await my phone’s demise…

  28. sargasso_c says:

    He didn’t hold it right.

  29. Mike says:

    Eddie, you’re doing it wrong. You don’t drop the phone, it drops the calls!

  30. Mr. Show says:

    I think I’ve figured it out. That’s no “Eddie”. That’s JCD’s son who interns at Mevio. He’s trying out a new character who’s going to be a sidekick to the Tech Grouch.


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