Curiously, the cancer rate is 10 percent higher in the left breast than in the right. This left-side bias holds true for both men and women and it also applies to the skin cancer melanoma.
The researchers suggest an explanation based on differences in sleeping habits in Japan and Western countries. […] The futons used for sleeping in Japan are mattresses placed directly on the bedroom floor, in contrast to the elevated box springs and mattress of beds used in the West. A link between bedroom furniture and cancer seems absurd, but this, the researchers say, could the answer.
In the U.S. bed frames and box springs are made of metal, and the length of a bed is half the wavelength of FM and TV transmissions that have been broadcasting since the late 1940s. In Japan most beds are not made of metal, and the TV broadcast system does not use the 87- to 108-megahertz frequency used in Western countries.

Thus, as we sleep on our coil-spring mattresses, we are in effect sleeping on an antenna that amplifies the intensity of the broadcast FM/TV radiation. Asleep on these antennas, our bodies are exposed to the amplified electromagnetic radiation for a third of our life spans. As we slumber on a metal coil-spring mattress, a wave of electromagnetic radiation envelops our bodies so that the maximum strength of the field develops 75 centimeters above the mattress in the middle of our bodies. When sleeping on the right side, the body’s left side will thereby be exposed to field strength about twice as strong as what the right side absorbs.

So, the new meme is, Futons good, box springs & TVs bad?

  1. ECA says:

    2.5 feet?
    I REALLY hope you are NOT THIS WIDE..

    Thgis means that all us SHORT SCRAWNY people are SAFE..
    ALL you BIG BONED, WIDE, MUSCLED big farts are going TO DIE..

  2. greensaab says:

    So we all sleep on our right side to make this work? I don’t.

    [Huh? Read the article. — ed.]

  3. greensaab says:

    I did read the article editor. Why don’t you read it and explain it?

  4. Uncle Dave says:

    #3: The metal in the bed acts as an antenna, both collecting and radiating radio waves from TV and other signals into your body. Always laying on your right side puts that side of your body closer to this source and therefore affected more by potentially cancer causing radiation.

  5. greensaab says:

    #5: Like I wrote before, “So we all sleep on our right side?” I sleep on my back or left side more than anything.

  6. Nate Homier says:

    In other news, scientist discover that planet earth allows in some UV radiation. Politicians scramble to attack Gaia and people launch lawsuits against mother nature.

    This story is just bullshit, probably funded by lawyers. It sounds so wonderfully perfect for lawsuits.

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    #6: Oh, come on now. It’s not that hard.

    The article says most people sleep on their right side which, therefore, is more susceptible to cancer because of proximity to the metal and the Inverse Square Law. So, in your case, your left side and back are more susceptible, based on this theory.

  8. sargasso_c says:

    And in countries that drive on the left side of the road, driver side windows are on the right of the car and those countries have a much higher incidence of melanoma skin cancer on the right. In Japan, people use public transport.

  9. greensaab says:

    I read the above text and never saw anything that suggested people sleep on one side or the other only that sleeping on the right side will cause cancer on the left 75cm above. I can tell you that sleeping on my back might be the best since I am not fat and that would put the strength above my chest. Even if I slept on one side or the other that would be the outside of my shoulder 75cm away.

  10. FRAGaLOT says:

    Well the analog TV broadcast has been turned off for about a year now, and I don’t think it’s being used for other purposes yet. So will cancer rates go down now?

  11. Gasbag says:

    So we are all sleeping on a microwave oven then?

  12. Jim says:

    Um… so where are his definitive studies (preferably by a physicist) of metal box springs showing that there is measurable concentrations of EM energy in the ways he specifies?

    I’m calling BS.

  13. Microwaves are non-ionizing radiation, therefore no cancer risk.

    Who did this study, the memory foam people?

  14. Buzz says:

    Actually, this is an erroneous conclusion.

    It’s the size of the drive shaft in cars made in the US which are resonating with the IF frequency in AM car receivers. No wait. It’s the 16 inch separation standard for studs in the walls of US buildings. No wait. It’s the resonant frequency of being fat US citizens. No wait. It’s the overexposure to US dental X-rays. No wait. It’s the 60 Hz line frequency which is faster than the rest of the world. No wait. It’s because we drive on the right. No wait. It’s due to the corn syrup. No wait. It’s from the marijuana. No wait. It’s the ink on the money. No wait. It’s those automatic door openers. No wait. It’s the electromagnetic interference between elevator cars and the rebar in the concrete. No wait. It’s from constantly traveling east/west and west/east cutting through the lines of flux in earth’s magnetic field. No wait. It’s that jolt you may not have felt from the ATM. No wait. Window screens. It has something to do with the prevalence of window screens. No wait.

    [I think you pinned it down there… no wait. – ed.]

  15. Glenn E. says:

    Sounds like someone is trying to pump up the sales of the Sleep Number Beds. Cause those have no metal springs at all. Just air bladders. The supporting frame should effect anyone, even if made of metal. Most, if not all, have no center support rail. Or it’s the wrong direction. And thus shorter than the required wavelength. If you actually believe that crap.

  16. SimonSezz says:

    According to this article:

    Cancer rates have been increasing since the 1950’s when high power TV antennas were being installed. But there are arguments from both sides and there’s proof on both sides about this issue so who knows what’s right?

    I think the method for research in this area isn’t perfect. For example I read in Germany they disproved the whole cancer theory by testing children for Leukemia and cancer after a year of living near high power antennas. I don’t think you’re going to get results that fast.

    Here’s an interesting Popular Science article on the matter:

  17. FRAGaLOT says:

    #16 they are talking about metal bed FRAMES. not air mattresses. read the article.

  18. Rider says:

    One major problem with this is electromagnetic RF radiation has no link to cancer.

    getting kind of tired of fear mongering.

  19. ECA says:

    tell that to the cellphone companies, they will love you. And 1997, is abit old. look up something NEWER in the past year.

    A point of contention..
    Have they tested the pressure of the body on the BED and the pooling of the blood on the lower area??

  20. Rider says:

    @#19 go ahead and show me something newer that disproves what I posted.

  21. Dallas says:

    I situate all my furniture outside of any resonant frequency paths.

  22. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    HAH. My brother called me Retro for sleeping on a waterbed.

    I still call BS

  23. Angus says:

    So buying a Sleep Number bed helps prevent cancer? It’s basically an air mattress on a plastic base. No metal at all.

  24. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Studies show that if this study was presented as fact on Fox News, three million people would believe it to be completely real, and unable to be convinced otherwise by the liberal media or anyone else.

  25. 2cynykyl says:

    Why isn’t the “bullshit meter” graphic at the top of this post?

  26. Mextli says:

    I think the photograph supports the theory. One of the subjects is already developing enlarged glands in the chest.

  27. peter_m says:

    Why not just ground the bed frame, box-spring and mattress’ inner structure????

    I like the right drive car theory better…

  28. Benjamin says:

    I guess I am safe. I sleep on a Select Comfort Mattress because Glenn Beck and Rush said to buy one. No metal is in my bed.

  29. soundwash says:

    For a further all encompassing peek into the all the scams being run on the American (ignorant) Public, where “frequency” is a key player, -may I introduce this rather well referenced case into evidence:


    and may I add two thing:

    1) “the law” states that as long as it’s called “research” -our lovely government may experiment on the U.S. public to it’s heart’s content and beyond, without any prior consent notice or knowledge to said public. in kind, it also allows you the public (or a corporation, as they are “people” too) {sic} -to bypass many laws and regulations. (remember that)

    2) once again, clues for the curious. -some well documented frequencies that effect mind, body and spirit alike:

    2.5) -in light of all of the above, you had best hope “non-lethal” weapons do not become “all the rage” with governments (esp ours). -because save for “bean-bag” and other physical modalities / rounds, they ALL exploit the body’s responses to various frequencies.

    Curiosity 101: (laws aside) kinda makes you wonder why they picked 2.45ghz (and 5.8GHZ) for the main Wi-Fi & Cordless phone center frequencies, -as these are the same frequencies used in microwave ovens.

    -in the long term, the medical industry must love that rather “odd” coincidence.


  30. Rich says:

    So now I’ll be mentally calculating the RF wavelength corellary for every metal object I encounter- that’ll be good for my brain!

    If you’re seriously worried about this you could run a green ground wire from some point on your bed frame and box to any nearby electrical outlet, and attach it to that center screw. That should ground the bed and make it radiate less or no RF energy. NOTE- Mac users DISREGARD this advice as you’ll inevitably attach that wire to the hot conductor instead of the ground, kill yourselves, and call your high-priced lawyers from beyond the grave on your damn iPhones and sue me.


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