Good Morning Viet Nam!!

It looks like the draft is back if the Democrats get their way. Funny that this is not getting any attention.

Bill: To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

Now what was the reason we elected Obama? Oh, yes, to stop global warming.

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    YES!!!! OH GOD YES!!!!

    Those fat, self-entitled, mac-lovin’ money drains known as The Flower Generation will get what they deserve.

  2. Dallas says:

    The real issue is a draft might might call for Republipuke (RP) offspring to drop piano lessons to fight a war. The way it is now, the poor black and hispanic kids are expendable which is ok with the RP’s

  3. chris says:

    #22 The most numerous part of any gang is expendable street kids. In the case of the Central American mobs another important cohort is deported hoods from California.

    The guys that run these gangs are ex-military. And some of the most brutal operators were trained by US!

  4. Civengine says:

    Draft them all. I support this bill as long as there’s no way out. Just to get my hypocrite credentials out of the way, I was never in the military. Close, but my eyesight kept me out of an academy and I was too stuck up to enlist.

    I’ve come around to having everyone serve in a military service. If you can’t because of a 4F then you can stand guard duty at airports like the TSA, only cheaper.

    Every adult has a shared experience. I see my dad’s generation complain about being drafted to vietnam but they all have stories and can relate to that time in their lives. It brings them together regardless of skin color or social standing.

    Delays the entry of adults into the workforce/college until they’ve been in a gruelling work environment. This may help bring about more involved adults as citizens and increase productivity more. It would also reduce unemployment dramatically.

    Might prevent unnecessary wars. I suspect the leaders would have two armies- draft and professional to allow the leaders to continue to have adventures oversees without threatening citizens’ childrens lives involuntarily.

    Delays entry into workforce by 2 years. You would never get those 2 years back to be productive in an endeavor outside the military.

    Could provide an opportunity for indoctrination whether left wing or right wing depending on how the service was structured.

  5. brm says:


    How is that any different than under the draft?

  6. Angus says:

    When did Bush get back in office!?!?!

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    #32 Dallas,

    Rich white kids are:

    Smug black ghetto wannabe from the male side.

    Ever stoned slut from the female side.

  8. Mac Guy says:

    Fortunately, my body is too wrecked for them to take me seriously. I doubt I’d pass the PT requirements.

  9. RickM says:

    The reason so many people are adamant about “supporting the troops,” regardless of how many die for nothing, is that their loved ones have no chance of becoming one of the victims.

    Will see how many of these sunshine patriots think that war is great when their kids might have to go fight it.

  10. jccalhoun says:

    soundwash said,
    hasnt rangal submitted variations
    on this bill like 3 times now?

    I can’t believe soundwash wrote something that was actually correct. Yes, this is from Rangel who submits this bill pretty regularly:

  11. SparkyOne says:

    Civengine #34 said;
    “It brings them together regardless of skin color or social standing.”

    Except for those of us who did not return.

  12. jccalhoun says:

    Ah_Yea said,

    Or maybe it’s fulfilling a campaign promise?? Civilian National Security Force

    Or maybe that clip is taken totally out of context and right before that video started he said, “We will enlist our veterans to find jobs and support for other vets, and to be there for our military families. And we’re going to grow our Foreign Service, open consulates that have been shuttered and double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our diplomacy.

  13. spsffan says:

    Insert Foghorn Leghorn voice: “For, I say fortunately, I’m a 48 year old faggot, so I’m exempt.”

    But seriously, Rangle, schmuck that he is has a point. I’d support a draft on two conditions:

    1. Congress must formally declare war, under the provisions of the Constitution.

    2. No exceptions. Everyone 18 to 42 will serve regardless of class, ability, sex, marital and or parental status, money, connections, Hollywood, etc.

    Oh, and if there’s a world left after the war, everyone gets discharged.

  14. McCullough says:

    “1. Congress must formally declare war, under the provisions of the Constitution. ”

    Sounds great but what makes you think Congress will suddenly start following the rules?

  15. eaglescout1998 says:

    #25. American Public only wants “somebody else” to fight their wars – not their very own kiddies.

    That is a moot point. Military service is voluntary. A parent may not want his/her child to enlist, but that is not the parents’ choice to make.

    The reason the draft is a bad idea is because involuntary servitude is tantamount to slavery. And slaves make poor defenders of freedom.

  16. bobbo, how can I fly like an Eagle when I'm surrounded by Turkeys says:

    #46–Birdbrain==every point but one that you make is wrong or mostly wrong and thats giving you credit for quibbling with the word tantamount.

    I’ll take only your first point for demonstration. Mootness. You see, once a draft is initiated, military service is no longer voluntary. Your temporal orientation is spastic. About as opposite to mootness as you can get. Who read your scout manual to you?

  17. chuck says:

    Q: will gays be excluded from the draft?

  18. KiltedTim says:

    If you actually read the proposed legislation, it is NOT an institution of the draft, it’s a modification of existing law that includes females as well as males in any draft that might occur.

  19. Greg Allen says:

    When I was a kid, the Dems were anti-draft and GOPers where gung ho military.

    Now it’s flipped!

  20. Oh crap says:

    “Now what was the reason we elected Obama? Oh, yes, to stop global warming.”
    WE didn’t elect the bastard! You got a mouse in your pocket over the age of 18

  21. Awake says:

    One of the biggest problems that this nation has is that men do not know how to become men. There is no rite of passage, no confirmation of adulthood, no assumption of responsibility. For millenia, military service served that purpose, with only losers and effete elite not serving.

    We would have lot less problems in society if every 18 year old, man and woman, were required to serve in the military for 2 years if they are not doing anything else useful. Instead, we throw them out on the street, uneducated, poor, clueless, angry, not knowing the meaning of the word responsibility, loyalty and honor. Children that do not know how to become men, that have no guidance at a critical time.

    Many rational ‘liberals’ and ‘conservatives’ support “National Service” of some kind or another. A draft makes for a more balanced military, instead of over-populating it with ultra nationalistic elements from a small segment of society.

    If someone is otherwise justifiably ‘busy’ at 18, or don’t want to serve in the military, they can do time in places similar to “habitat for humanity”, or fighting forest fires, or working as volunteers in many places.. something to pay back the country for it’s many benefits and privileges.

    As is, the VAST MAJORITY of people in the USA, including the majority of people posting on this board, have never done ANYTHING to improve or support America. Nothing at all.

  22. Glenn E. says:

    Oh it does matter which political party sponsored this bill. It’s the military Industrial Establishment that wants it. They just thought it was time the Demos got some of the blame. Instead of the GOP always being labeled the warmongers.

    The reason for the draft is simple enough. Industrial servitude. But instead of underage children being worked to death in sweatshops. As in the days before the child labor laws. Young adults are forced to work for less than minimum wage (or at least at a non-competitive wage). In a job that could easily cost them their lives. And yet its not voluntary, like being a Policeman or Firefighter. And doesn’t pay anywhere near as well. I had a job as a computer technician in the USAF. And probably got paid a 1/3 of what a civilian tech would.

    The great majority of what the US military’s annual budget, gets spend on hardware. Or to defense contractors to make more, and support what they made. And then, second or third on the list is the payroll. Drafting people (women? bet not) to serve merely allows them to offer less pay. Since they don’t have to attract volunteers with a decent pay package.

    This bill is probably an indication that economy is improving. Or is expected to. Because that means the “economic draft” can’t be counted on, to fill the military jobs. Think about it. The last draft ended, just after the 1970s Arab Oil Embargo, put a lot of people out of work. And Nixon’s trade deal with red China, ensured that even more US jobs would be outsourced to there. About all the domestic jobs left are those building military weapons, and those using military weapons. We don’t trust the Chinese to fight our wars for us. Because Congressman and Senators can sell their tax payer fueled super budgets, as necessary to America. Of course some of those private contractor armies (Black Water?) may employ foreigners, we’re not told about.

    When I was at Lackland Tx, in 1975. They were actually schooling the Iranian Military Officers, on whatever training their Oil money bought. Five years later, the Iran government was destabilized, and our Embassy captured. And we’ve not been “friends” with Iran ever since. During that time we only got about a 10 cent raise in pay (per hour). While the US generals got hundreds of dollars. And they told us that’s how the pay scale works. They couldn’t afford to pay us evenly, up the ranks.

    That taught me that it’s all about the money. They were cutting back on family medical benefits, towards the end of 1979. I got out, and my first civilian job paid double what I had been making after making E-4 grade.

    So a draft is simply how they keep the cost of employment down in the military. Because when some wars in going very badly, and the domestic economy isn’t. Far fewer want to enlist voluntarily.

  23. Grandpa says:

    Perhaps this is a ruse to take our minds off the economy and illegals. It will help employ lots of young men just out of high school and college so employment numbers will look much better, “Oh look, the economy is getting better!”. It might help quash the impending bloodshed in the streets of the cities when the illegals are forgiven and social security is gutted.

  24. gquaglia says:

    I love it, hope it passes. Age bracket that this effects were a bulk of Obama supporters. I HOPE you like your CHANGE.

  25. mentor972 says:

    Did any of you actually read this bill.. including the poster?

    “Nothing in this title shall be construed to require a person to be subject to combatant training and service in the uniformed services, if that person, by reason of sincerely held moral, ethical, or religious beliefs, is conscientiously opposed to participation in war in any form.”

    ….Yeah… try reading it next time. This is nothing.

  26. brm says:


    What’s your point?

    “Nothing in this title shall be construed to require a person to be subject to combatant training…”

    If only a single person drafted is not made to serve in combat, they’ve satisfied this line.

  27. GF says:

    So, women have to sign up for Selective Service. It will fail.

  28. jim says:

    #48 Q: will gays be excluded from the draft?

    They have it covered. If you pull that one then you have to do your time in a non combat role. “2) be ordered by the local board, if found to be conscientiously opposed to participation in such noncombatant service, to perform national civilian service for the period specified in section 104(a) and subject to such regulations as the President may prescribe.”

    In Britain during WW2 those that conscientiously opposed were being sent down in the coal mines. So all they have do is make it worse then servering in the military. “Here son go clean up that toxic beach for two” years. I’m sure the congressmans son will get a nice job somewhere else.

  29. LBalsam says:

    “to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime”

    When was the last time we actually declared war on anyone?

    Sounds like they will collect fingerprints and DNA samples and then be unable to “draft” anyone because we would have to declare war first.

    Build a database of anyone between the ages of 18 and 42. Then be unable to use it for its intended purpose. What purpose will it be used for?

  30. Dallas says:

    We may need a liberal ayatolla in government… I’d hapy to fill that role and do the following:

    (1) Congressional pay is commensurate with the following pay components:
    – deficit increases/decreases while in office.
    – middle class earning power
    – domestic jobs
    – quality of life indicators that I will write

    (2) Mandatory 10 years jail for taking bribes or illegal conduct. 20yrs if it involves energy, health or military legislation.

    (3) Families of congressmen are at the top of a priority list of a now mandatory draft.


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