Good Morning Viet Nam!!

It looks like the draft is back if the Democrats get their way. Funny that this is not getting any attention.

Bill: To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

Now what was the reason we elected Obama? Oh, yes, to stop global warming.

  1. jman says:

    lot of damn liberals on this page who should’ve been drafted, maybe they’d learn something

  2. smartalix says:

    BTW, Rangel himself is a decorated vet, here is a quote from Wikipedia:

    “He earned a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star for his service in the United States Army during the Korean War, where he led a group of soldiers out of a deadly Chinese Army encirclement during the Battle of Kunu-ri in 1950.”

    So FYVM to those who challenge the man’s military cred.

    As for his corruption controversy, I must admit I’m feeling a little Bill Clinton here. Yes, Rangel played fast and loose with rent-controlled apartments in NYC, but almost everyone who has one does, sadly. Yes, what he did was wrong, but not “let’s scew the electorate” wrong. He should be censured and be done with it.

  3. Benjamin says:

    We don’t need a draft. We have plenty of volunteers to form our military. Besides, if we ever need a draft, then we have the Selective Service that you had to fill out when you turned eighteen.

    Besides here is what I am worried about: “or in civilian service.” Building FEMA camps might be a national or homeland security need and I want no part of building FEMA camps.

  4. Phydeau says:

    Look at all the chicken hawk wingnuts scurry for cover when the draft is brought up. Not so tough now are you, when it might be you or your kid?

    Man up, wingnuts. You want the U.S. to go to war everywhere so you can feel tuff, put your money where your mouth is.

  5. Rabble Rouser says:

    Gimmie a break. Rangel introduced that bill on 15 July. Nearly 2 weeks ago!

  6. Benjamin says:

    #68 Phydeau said, “Look at all the chicken hawk wingnuts scurry for cover when the draft is brought up. Not so tough now are you, when it might be you or your kid?”

    Did you serve in the military? Well I did. I would go back in a second if I was healthy enough to. My uniforms are still packed the same way they were when I left the military, just in case they say I can come back.

    I still don’t think there should be a draft. I served with enough people who had an attitude like they didn’t want to be there. The military doesn’t need more of those people.

  7. Dallas says:

    #68 agreed. Any mention of a draft in whole or in part makes them magically reconsider.

    Again, the rationale is poor/unemployed kids are expendable and plenty around willing to sign up for a government paycheck and free medical care.

  8. deowll says:

    So they draft all these people and put them on the government pay roll sweeping the streets. Unemployment falls and the Dems can claim a huge success in cutting unemployment.

  9. Dallas says:

    #75 Pedrito, the military is not intended to be a jobs program for the unwashed masses. I know this fits nicely in the republipuke compassionate conservative propaganda manual but no, sorry.

    Call for military duty is to defend the country and pussies like like you that like to wrap your fat ass with the flag need to be drafted.

  10. Al Gore Ate My Hamster says:

    The world is ending soon. 64 posted something I agree with completely as a good start.

  11. Dallas says:

    #77 Well, I would say you are the only pussy I I I I I interact with and that’s only because I can’t smell you from here. 🙂

  12. Rick Cain says:

    It’s just a simple strategy to make sure that in the next major war, the children of the wealthy end up in combat as well. No deferments.

  13. 1LTLos says:

    I think that not one of us here have read Rangles bill. We can only speculate. BUt with the tide as it is going the Conscripted Army would consist of a bunch of illegal aliens who will gain citizenship or amnesty through military service but the sworn oath is slightly different – The allegiance is to defend Obama -not to defend the united states and the US Constitution from enemies foreign and domenstic – to Obama! This is clearly a road to fascism as we can come – This little bastard Soetoro/obama has to be removed from office and held accountable for his actions and intent!

  14. linky says:

    First time posting here. I’ve read through the bill (it wasn’t that long at all) and have a question…if it matters, I am a lower/mid 20’s yr old male, married, decent white collar IT job, homeowner and registered for selective service act. I’ve never served in the military but my brother did for 7 years and did spend time overseas.

    For those that oppose the bill (or certain items in it), could I get a clear, concise list of reasons why? Looking to avoid political fingerpointing/extremist babble and get simple, honest answers.

    Not trolling, genuinely curious and open to other’s thoughts on the matter.

  15. madeup says:

    If this generation cannot handle SCHOOL without shooting the place up..

    What makes them think that we will be able to handle being DRAFTED without going on a shooting spree?

    But hey,at least they are kind enough to provide the ammunition and the gun.

  16. madeup says:

    “Every adult has a shared experience. I see my dad’s generation complain about being drafted to vietnam but they all have stories and can relate to that time in their lives. It brings them together regardless of skin color or social standing.”

    Slaves also had a shared experience, and once they were free they had stories to share and could relate to each other.

    Oh wait, that has to do with skin color, so clearly THAT was dicrimination!

    It is UNFAIR that those slave had a SHARED experience, too bad my generation will never have a shared experience like that 🙁

  17. John Adams says:

    Most of you are simply “whistling in the dark.” Eventually the United States, with its escalating military adventures, will be forced to enact a military draft. Like it or not, this will be the reality down the road.

  18. cyoung says:

    This is an old story…Gonna be hard to get any draft bill passed in this day and age! However, it’s inevitable that one will have to be put on the table at some point in time. A few years back,the Congressmen had put a package together that would draft not only men but women as well. with stipulations that required other than middle class and poor to complete their obligations before or after College or any other civilian commitment they are bound to. I believe this was defeated in the house, but not sure? I saw the outline and would love to see this passed..I did 15 active years in the Army before taking the SSB bonus plan. Sometimes I get worried that all us old timers might be asked to return to active status!!! Please pass a bill..Everyone should be required to complete their obligation,militarily, or civil.


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