Banks trying to kill customers

Laboratory tests commissioned by Environmental Working Group (EWG) have found high levels of the endocrine-disrupting chemical bisphenol A (BPA) on 40 percent of receipts sampled from major U.S. businesses and services, including outlets of McDonald’s, CVS, KFC, Whole Foods, WalMart, Safeway and the U.S. Postal Service. Receipts from Target, Starbucks, Bank of America ATMs and other important enterprises were BPA-free or contained only trace amounts.

The total amounts of BPA on receipts tested were 250 to 1,000 times greater than other, more widely discussed sources of BPA exposure, including canned foods, baby bottles and infant formula.

Found by TwelveTwo.

  1. TooManyPuppies says:

    John, you really should listen to No Agenda. Those guys brought this up quite a while ago. 😉

  2. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    How can this be anything but already illegal? ((If its true?)).

    To that end, yes, if business is poisoning its customers, the government should REGULATE the activity and outlaw it.

  3. chuck says:

    The exposure to customers is minimal. But employees often handle 100s of receipts per day.

    So the banks aren’t trying to kill the customers. They are trying to kill their employees. Gotta cut costs somehow.

  4. Al Gore Ate My Hamster says:

    Good. Everyone should be killed to stop global warming.

  5. HeeHee says:


    No, just you.

    Shutting off the hot air you and the rest of the anti-science jerks put out might save the world.

    Try this test. Next time you get real sick, refuse any medicine invented by scientists.

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    What so is this a joke? They talk about BPA in paper receipts which you don’t consume internally. Then mention baby foods as a COMMON source of BPA that IS consumed (eaten) and apparently that’s okay-fine?

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Outlaw thermal printers!

  8. Derek says:

    Simple answer. Wash your hands regularly and don’t eat receipt paper.

  9. steelcobra says:

    Olo, Target uses thermal printers. It sounds more like ink/toner printers are to blame here.

  10. Adam Carolla says:


    Well, here’s the problem. I have not been eating the receipt paper but using it as toilet paper. Should I be concerned about my a-hole falling out?

    I hope not as Donny, Bald Brian, and Teresa Strasser might make fun of my prolapsed bowels.

  11. envirotex says:

    meme: “plastic bottles are bad”

    Ask your mates at H&K. Aren’t they doing the marketing for the company that makes the replacement for BPA?

  12. Grey Bird says:

    Plastic bottles *are* bad, but it’s because they absorb chemicals and can become bacteria havens with continued reuse. For single use they are safe, but then there’s the problem that we don’t recycle more than half of them (I think it’s something like ~60% but I’d have to check for an accurate figure). Of those we do recycle, instead of being re-made into more plastic bottles, they are shipped to China and made into other things such as clothing.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #9, read the article. Some supplier of thermal paper has a problem.

    Thermal printing is universal, I wonder if anyone uses ink in retail.

  14. Benjamin says:

    I got eight thermal receipt printers sitting on my desk right now. Should I be worried? I handle receipts from them every few days or so. I never ingest the receipts though, so I think I might be all right. I think I get more BPA from the year old Aquafina bottles that I bring my bottled water to work in because my employer got rid of the water cooler to save money. I ingest the water. I really have to wave the BS flag on this story since most people do not ingest receipts.

  15. The0ne says:


    While I haven’t research into this topic much, one of our products is a point of sale system that uses these papers. We haven’t seen any issues with the papers we’re using so it might be a specific to a company/batch.

    And it is illegal to be having this much, but the legalities of how it got to market is a different issue. With this many, I say someone didn’t do their job in inspecting them in the first place. Ah, regulations…got to love it!

  16. Faxon says:

    yes yes. And CO2 is a pollutant. Can I go back to the good old, racist 50’s?

  17. Mike Elgan says:

    It won’t kill you, but it might turn you into a girl.

  18. lever says:

    The headline and picture are misleading, showing a receipt from Bank of America. If you read the copy, it says BofA is one of the few who do not have BPA in their receipts. No banks are listed in the companies who do have the problem.
    No, I don’t work for a bank. But I can read.


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