A funny thing happened while we were researching our latest complete and updated list of airports with full-body scanners; we stumbled across one of the newest travel products on the market, and arguably one of the most creative: Flying Pasties.”

Pasties—you know, stickers you put over your naughty bits—aren’t just for strippers and Lady Gaga anymore! They’re apparently also for your average air traveler. According to Flying Pasties, their $20 orange stickers sets (tastefully printed with “PRIVATE”), “give you back your right to privacy while respecting security.”

While Flying Pasties is emphatic about the fact that their pasties do not protect you from the radiation of full-body scanners, they don’t mention any technology present in their stickers which actually keeps your nips and bits unseen. They sound like regular old stickers with skin-safe adhesive, and how are scanners that can see through thick leather wallets going to be fooled by these?

There’s a sucker born every minute.

  1. bballhead says:

    Would a little bit of foil in these work?

  2. Zybch says:

    You could always try something like this:

  3. eighthnote says:

    Wow – a whole fashion industry could spring up over this. Customers could even customize their “covers” with their choice of design. Maybe a familiar symbol of some kind.

  4. BorisArnold says:

    That’s some nice pert breasts she has in that photo.

  5. Glock says:

    Yea, right. The screener sees some unusual material in three areas of your body, those which are hidden most of the time, and he/she is surely not going to probe further.

    I wonder how many passengers with sex toys up their coozes are stopped for a cavity search?

  6. Steve S says:

    bballhead said,
    ‘Would a little bit of foil in these work?’
    I made that mistake on food I put in the microwave. I don’t want sparks flying off of my naughty bits.

  7. for4 says:

    #4 pert breasts?

    Looks like a photoshop using a butt where the
    breasts should be!

  8. deowll says:

    If it worked they’d just do a body search. If it doesn’t work they let you through.

  9. Awake says:

    Would you really want the job of having to carefully stare at the average American male or female naked? Over and over and over, 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, for near minimum wage. Ughhh.

    That job is not a reward, it is a punishment straight from god, assigned to those not even worthy of being reincarnated as a cockroach.

    The very thought of having to see naked some of the lardasses that go to the local Walmart makes my testicles shrink in horror. It’s like seeing your grandmother naked… difficult to have any sexy fantasies for weeks after that shock.

  10. Aaa says:

    Lead underwear may be making a comeback

  11. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #10 AaaSo – Lead underwear has never gone out of style.

  12. Dallas says:

    I’m sure Pedro has nothing to hide – literally.

  13. Greg Allen says:

    Can I get a whole suit made out of that material?

  14. zoredache says:

    } Would a little bit of foil in these work?

    And then how would you get through the metal detector?


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