*Moron tourists.

  1. chris says:

    I have seen tourists in Montana closely approach a resting moose and, in a separate trip in BC, a black bear with cubs.

    This is the same as with serial killers: if you pay attention to their stories some other jerk gets an idea.

  2. Zuse says:

    That is why we have the second amendment. The right to arm bears!

  3. admfubar says:

    hey boo boo! we cannot get a pick-a-nic basket if them bison keep trampling all the tourists…

  4. BubbaRay says:

    Tourons, indeed! Gee whiz, I’ve had the bejesus clawed out of me by a housecat jumping from the floor and I want to get close to a large wild animal?? I’ll pass.

  5. Floyd says:

    These are definitely tourons, which was also the term for idiot hikers and other stupid outdoor tourists back in the 1960s.

    Throwing a stick or otherwise hassling a wild animal is just asking for trouble.

  6. AlanB says:

    I believe it’s spelled “tourans”.

  7. deowll says:

    After carefully observing the film more than once somebody hit the animal with something that bounced off its hip. I can’t tell what it was but I’m sure somebody with the right equipment could make a good guess and no I’m not saying these people did it.

    Rule 1) avoid large powerful wild animals especially if they look angry or upset.

  8. bobbo, keeping standard word order says:

    Shouldn’t it be Morist?

    Rather vapid observation though. We all try to get as close as we think it is safe and the ability to judge relative risk is not within human comprehension. I’ve been attacked by sharks twice so now I won’t swim in or near the ocean at all, yet I see other people do it all the time. Swimming the Hudson River is now a thing to do. Yet, I’ll go back packing into the Sierra’s were its not remarkable to have a bear walk thru the campsite and that doesn’t bother me. Give me two bear attacks and I’ll give that up too. Same with playing pool on the wrong side of town.

    We are all silly hoomans.

  9. ray says:

    #8 bobbo “I’ve been attacked by sharks twice…”

    Gee, I wonder why…? You would think the sharks would recognize you’re eloquence and important contributions to this site. Then again, maybe that’s the very reason they attack you. O____O

  10. Mextli says:

    What’s with the upside down fish?

  11. Zybch says:

    Its the darwin fish. A play on words (or whatever) on that stupid jesus fish logo that the god botherers all like to stick on their stupid bumpers to show how ignorant and superstitious they are.

    And that ‘stick’ was definitely thrown at the animal. Any idiot could see that and it amazes me that the dumb woman claimed it wasn’t thrown, and that the incriminating footage was released at all!

  12. jbenson2 says:

    The unasked question:

    How many ambulance-chasing lawyers have contacted them already? and how many millions do they plan to sue for?

    As Yakov Smirnoff says: What a country!

  13. MacBandit says:

    The stick is in its fur around its head and when it whips its head the stick bounces off its back. They didn’t throw it. Look closely at about 22seconds just as they turn the camera at the Bison you can see it sitting just in front of its horn.

    They are stupid for getting so close to it especially out in the open like that where you can’t duck behind anything.

  14. deowll says:

    Okay it was on the animal’s head and when it tossed its head it accidentally hit itself with it.

    The object looked to be about the size of a hunk of stove wood.

    The city slickers didn’t do anything to it other than being closer than I’d prefer to get to a bull I don’t know without a barrier of some kind.

    I’ve seen a bull kill a man before. Thing is the bull didn’t even attack him. I think the guy landed on one huge blunt horn on the far side and it sort of rolled its head and I saw the guy six feet in the air before he fell to ground and got up and ran to the fence. He died of internal bleeding. The bull just ambled out of the arena.

    The official verdict was the bull stepped on him but that doesn’t explain how I saw him above the bull’s back looking like a rag doll for an instant.

    Other than throwing him off that big bull didn’t pay that man much more attention than a fly but he killed him anyway. They are God awful powerful.

  15. McCullough says:

    I am on vacation in Yellowstone as we speak. There are signs “EVERYWHERE” that indicate that this would be an extremely bad idea.

  16. bobbo, junior Red Baron says:

    McCullough–so how close will you get to:

    1. Chipmunk
    2. Bambi
    3. Bison
    4. Wolf
    5. Bear
    6. That Chick two cabins down with the Harley Tramp Stamp?

  17. McCullough says:

    You forgot #7. Coyote, actually that could be #6 also.

  18. Glenn E. says:

    This is simply “natural selection” at work, in human society. Idiots with enough spare money to burn, to go on such vacations. While the rest of us are struggling to keep our jobs (or are looking for one). It’s the foolish extravagant ones that get picked off by their careless, adventurous behavior. Too bored by the lack of challenges in their lives. That they take such risks. Daring something to happen.

    And nature manages to get away with doing the dirty work. That some of us may wish we could get away with doing. Basically this comes under the heading of “give them enough rope, and they’ll hang themselves”.

  19. Celery says:

    No excuses, they shouldn’t have been that close. These people are fundamentally stupid. “Touron” is too kinder term. On my only visit to Yellowstone I watched idiots with compact cameras get out of their cars and walk up to elk in the middle of rutting season. If you want a photo, buy a big friggin zoom lens and stay away. The US has some very good laws concerning approaching sea mammals in boats. The same should apply to the animals in yellowstone.

  20. Rob Leather says:

    Think that’s bad. There’s even some confusion if it’s a buffalo or a bison.

    My thoughts… it’s 1/2 tonne of angry bovine…. does it matter!?!

  21. Dallas says:

    I see why sheeple tourists want to get close and have their children ride them for a photo op but there are plenty of signs.

    Two yrs ago at Yellowstone I was shocked watching sheeple getting out of their car (with their young sheep) to photograph a black bear with 3 cubs crossing the highway – as rangers were shouting at them at a distance.

    Hopefully this video gets played on Fox News and prevents a tragedy from happening in the future.

  22. Martin Thomas says:

    I’ve visited Yellowstone many times and a couple of trips ago it struck me than some Yellowstone visitors approach this beautiful national treasure as though they were visiting another version of Disneyland. I noticed this characteristic most frequently with visitors driving cars and motorhomes with California license plates.

  23. Winston says:

    “That is why we have the second amendment. The right to arm bears!”

    Yes, and I have a stuffed pair of bear arms hanging on the den wall… which I have a right to, dammit.

    I’ve been to Yellowstone twice and both times there were two bison relatively close to the public trails winding through the upper terrace area of Mammoth Hot Springs. They really liked that location for some reason. I was alert and ready to run like hell if needed and most certainly didn’t mess with them or loiter anywhere near them.

    The video of the incident was too crappy to make out enough detail, but someone either threw a dead branch at the bison or it was something that got caught up in its tail and was thrown into the air to hit the bison’s back.

  24. xjonx says:

    “Let the bears pay the bear tax. I’ll pay the Homer tax.”

  25. yankinwaoz says:

    Winston said “I was alert and ready to run like hell if needed”

    Really? You think you can outrun a wild animal?

  26. Greg Allen says:

    I’ve seen a 110lb woman lay down on the beach right next to a 4,000lb male sea elephant for a snapshot. She was all giggly but I was terrified. The seal could have rolled over and never even felt her.

    BTW, those are one of the more amazing animals I’ve ever seen in the wild. Well worth pulling over if you see a herd (pod?) of them on the beach. But keep a distance!

    Bison, bear and sea elephants are just obvious dangers — I keep a distance from all wildlife. A kick in the face from a “cute” deer probably won’t be lethal but can be nasty.

  27. Buzz says:

    There are too many people. We need to thin the herd.

    New signs: Feed The Bears. Et cetera.

    Sure, it will be dramatic and rough at first, but think about how rich all Americans will be when we pare this population down to, say, 100 million instead of 320. Everybody will be three times richer, and the number of cars on the freeway will be drastically less.

    All we have to do is allow only those things that traditionally were designed to protect individuals from their own potentially fatal reciprocal actions.

  28. ECA says:

    Sign on Gorilla cage..


  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    OK, so they were stupid and there are a lot of stupid people out there. It appears that everyone missed the stupidest part of the whole video.

    The woman needs surgery on her knee and her insurance won’t cover it. The man doesn’t get to see the orthopedic surgeon until a week after the incident. While you can’t fix stupid, you can fix injured bodies. This is the treatment private insurance has given us yet for some reason some people think this is superior to a public option.

    Ya ya, some wing nut will scream how public insurance would have him wait for hours, yada yada yada. American health insurance, the world’s envy.

  30. canuck says:

    1st – CBS sucks – bison and buffalo are NOT the same animal. Get your facts straight.

    2nd – #12 – Lawyer? Sue? Seriously? Who’s going to sue who here? The idiots are going to try and sue a bison?

    3rd – #29 – I am glad to be a Canadian – firstly because we have medicare that would cover ALL of those injuries, regardless of how stupid people are. Secondly – we are (most of us, anyway) aware of what “wild animal” means – keep the hell away from it! Don’t try to pet it, don’t try to hug it, don’t… don’t… JUST DON’T!

    And let’s not forget about the Chinese kid that got mauled by a panda after he scaled a wall just because it looked “cute” and he wanted to give it a hug… sheesh….

    Seriously, people?


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