1. brm says:

    “It’s really that simple!”

    gag. I like how Raskin’s son talks like Steve Jobs.

  2. Improbus says:

    Sounds promising.

  3. Mike says:

    May be useful for a small amount of people who use that many tabs.

    Still, moving the tab bar above the address bar is dumb. I saw their video when they reasoned it away, but they are over thinking it.
    I switch tabs all the time I barely ever use the bar above the tab bar, and when I do it’s only ctrl-l to type in an address. It just makes a further distance I have to constantly keep moving my mouse to switch tabs.

    Good thing I use Opera!

  4. ECA says:

    too many options..Its getting closer to IE..

  5. brian says:

    Google Chrome can do much of those features right now. If you drag a tab off of the main window you get a new Chrome browser window with it’s own tab grouping. It’s nice to see some real competition in the browser war again!

  6. deowll says:

    Interesting for those that want to keep a lot of tabs open at the same time and that might include me.

  7. Jmrouse says:

    I use a Mac and find the experience of using Firefox much slower then either Safari or Chrome. I love Firefox, but no longer use it because of this. If they can focus on speed again and get it back up there then I will switch back.

  8. Cursor_ says:

    Wouldn’t it be easier to enable a CTRL plus mouse click to highlight tabs and then right mouse menu to group tabs and it opens all of them in a new window?

    Rather than have a GUI that you have to drag and drop into a container and THEN get the same result?

    That also simplifies it for those whom would use a touch interface by tap and hold for a second to highlight tabs and then move it into a tab group?

    The way they have will only make it more complicated in the end when they also come up with a cockamamie spinning globe of tabs like the idiot eyepad app that ABC news was showing off.

    Fucking just let us get things done without all the extra graphic bullshit! And all the overhead that entails.


  9. Thomas says:

    May be useful for a small amount of people who use that many tabs.

    “Small” number of people? Who doesn’t use many tabs? I’ve yet to run into such a person. It is very possible that they will add the ability to move the tab bar above or below the address bar.

    If you drag a tab off of the main window you get a new Chrome browser window with it’s own tab grouping

    You can do that now with FF.

    I like Chrome and Safari but until they have better extensions and recognize that people actually like sidebars, they will play second fiddle to FF IMO.

  10. Tree Stylin says:

    There’s an alternative that already exists as a Firefox plugin, which is great for a tab junky like myself.

  11. Silber says:

    I think it’s stupid. The vid, not the tab-candy. Because he tries to be Steve Jobs, because this is a nice idea and he tries to make simple(!) world-changing innovation shenanigans of it.

    “I can have hundreds of groups, and have them in hundreds of metagroups, and I can have all the internet open in my Firefox!” (Dramatization)

    Really? I don’t think so. Some of those features he’s talking about sound quite nice to me, like co-browsing or even the whole group-stuff. Might give us some handy new things to play with, no more, no less.

  12. Tippis says:

    Today’s no-news shocker: FireFox comes last, providing a clunky solution to an already solved non-problem, no doubt slowing itself down more than ever!

    They really need to kill that browser and start over — the entire purpose of the whole browser have long since been lost: to provide a sleek and fast alternative to the bloated Netscape. Something new is needed to provide a sleek and fast alternative to the bloated Firefox. :-/

  13. interglacial says:

    People must be losing focus and the ability to think straight if they end up with this many tabs open at once.

  14. KMFIX says:

    I don’t use tabs.

  15. dbres042 says:

    A) Firefox sucks vs Chrome (from performance pov)

    B) Viewing your tabs at once may be useful on some rare occasions, but most of the other features will not be. Especially if I have to organize all my tabs myself each time without these groups being automatically saved for me.

  16. sargasso_c says:

    #8. Jmrouse. I agree. FF feels much slower. And the more plug-ins it has the slower it becomes. Bookmarked RSS feeds update themselves, even if you don’t open them each day, so a whole lot of downloading is going on in the background in Firefox.

  17. ECA says:

    FF, is getting to big.
    It would be interesting to containerize it.

    Iv had a concern for a long time and it goes like this.

    WHY open a video/audio in the browser..START a program to do it, OUTSIDE the browser. That other program PROBABLY has more protections then ADDING THEM ALL to your browser.

  18. Listener53 says:

    Did we not go down this path before,
    calling “What are we going to do with all these “windows””(Date:1998)????
    “windows” morphed to “tabs”.

  19. Breetai says:

    Hjmm… Just realized I’ve been doing this for a while with Ubuntu’s multiple desktops.

    Combining the two has WIN written all over it.

    Both are Open Source = Even Bigger WIN!

  20. Dan says:

    I honestly think the plp that made this feature made b/c it they are OCD and made it for other OCD plp.
    Get a real power user tab UI.
    I have 100-200 tabs open on a regular basis with no problems.


    You may think that’s excessive but having more than 1 window open in the old days seemed excessive too, stop fighting innovation.

  21. Cursor_ says:


    100-200 tabs open. Hoarder. Seek help now before you become the 80+ year old that either has a ton of crap stacked to the ceiling blocking causing a fire hazard or enough animals that you cannot care for and we have to send animal services over to confiscate.

    No one NEEDS so much of anything. 20 tabs maybe, but 100+ no that is an illness.


  22. Rex says:

    Information overload, my head is going to explode.


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