Sad that it’s come to this.

  1. left-right paradigm says:

    The discussion here seems more about the symptoms than the cause. As long as we perpetuate the failed drug policies that make smuggling so lucrative, don’t expect this situation to improve.

  2. 10 22 says:

    Leftists UNITE! Stomp out ANY attempt to enforce the immigration laws of the United States of America.

    I am all for this. Kick some wetback ass!

  3. Pagon says:

    #26 – Mextli said, on July 23rd, 2010 at 11:06 am

    # 23 Pagon “Interesting how they can’t stay hidden when the subject has anything at all to do with race, isn’t it?”

    In every post so far you are the only one to mention race. Got a little chip on your shoulder?

    Just calling it the way I see it. Don’t change the subject to me. It’s a cheap trick to avoid the point, usually engaged in by those with no legitimate argument. For example – Oh Yeah? What about you – etc..

    As a matter of fact, I have several chips on my shoulder.

    – I am against racists, regardless which race, religion or group they are from, or who they hate. (btw, I am white.)

    – I am against vigilantes. We are a country of laws and legal law enforcement agencies. If you don’t like them, vote

    – but you might not win. (btw, I own several handguns, rifles and shotguns and know how to use them.)

    – I am against misguided fools who think our government was imposed on them just because their “side” didn’t win the election.

    It’s beside the point but; I enlisted in the US Army for three years, when being drafted would have only been for two years, and I was honorably discharged. Did you enlist in our military, Mextli? With a moniker like Mextli, I would expect you to be a career soldier – but I think not.

    Wikipedia excerpt on Mextli:
    In Aztec mythology, Mextli (also Mexitl or Tecciztecatl) was the god of war and storms and was born fully armed as a warrior. He accepted hundreds of sacrifices annually.

    I bet you are willing to accept the sacrifices of others, though.

  4. mcpepants says:

    if you kill a crossing Mexican is it a crime?

  5. HeeHee says:

    How come the nutjobs can’t spell?

  6. Pagon says:

    # 32 Aude said, “If/when, we/you realize the real truth. that we have been lied to for thousands of years so the 12 tribes can keep there power and keep the truth hidden.”

    The twelve tribes, hmmmm.

    For those not paying attention – that’s the 12 tribes of ancient Israel. So I guess it’s not all the fault of the Mexicans, the blacks, and (fill in the blanks). It’s really all the fault of the Jews.

    Yo, Mextli. I was right. It’s all about hate. You’ll have to change your nickname for this blog now; but it won’t matter.

    The rest of you – in case you haven’t read it, please read my previous post #37.

    BTW – For those who don’t know what haters mean when they say “New York Liberals”, or variations thereof. It means *#@!+! Jews. Listen for it. Let’s force them to make up a new codeword. 🙂

  7. LDA says:

    # 40 Pagon

    Sometimes when ‘they’ say ‘New York Liberals’ they mean ‘Jew Bankers’. Sometimes when ‘they’ say it is not about race it is not about race. Sometimes people dismiss legitimate concerns as racism. Sometimes extremists take over because legitimate concerns are dismissed.

    P.S. When people say the Twelve Tribes control the world they mean the Jews control the world, so I’m with you on that point.

    P.P.S. They were doing this when Bush was president too (I don’t know if the neo-Nazis were but the minute men certainly were).

  8. LDA says:

    ˚To whom it may concern (McCullough?).

    Two posts were inserted in between the others just after I posted as # 41. I think # 35 and # 17. It happened one at a time over about 20 seconds (two page refreshes). It screwed up the reference numbers and my post moved from # 41 to # 43. Very curious.

    [Those were probably posts that were in the moderation queue. – ed.]

  9. McCullough says:

    #44. It’s not a conspiracy against you…lighten.

  10. LDA says:

    # 45 McCullough

    “It’s not a conspiracy against you…lighten.”

    Your welcome, I though you didn’t know, I was trying to be helpful.

    “OK I give up. You guys are right, these are the good guys.”


  11. DaveO says:

    These guys being WP, Nazzy’s or whatever and the border crossings are two separate problems. The willful neglect to address the border issues by the government drove these two together. But, go look up Mexican immigration policy and how they treat illegal immigrants into Mexico. A border jumper would probably be better off running into these guys than the Mexican police/militia.

  12. jccalhoun says:

    Aude said,
    If/when, we/you realize the real truth. that we have been lied to for thousands of years so the 12 tribes can keep there power and keep the truth hidden. Blood is unbreakable. if your not part of the blood they don’t care about you.

    Educate your self with real knowledge not just something someone told you.

    I guess real knowledge doesn’t include knowing the difference between they’re, there, and their, or your and you’re…

  13. Dallas says:

    These teabaggers are an entertaining bunch. I especially like the one dressed like Bigfoot.

  14. UNKN says:

    That fat idiot has a .22 assault rifle? Nice man, real nice.

  15. 1911 says:

    #50 9mm?

  16. 1911 says:

    What you are looking at is an AR 15 chambered for the ubiquitous 9mm NATO round, which is good enough for the entire US Armed Forces handgun supply, except for special forces who who still prefer a 45, which, happily, – “Kills ’em dead”.

  17. ECA says:

    I WANT AN AA12..

  18. ECA says:

    A dream..

    AA12 and duck hunting..

  19. Buzz says:

    They ain’t nuthin’ more satisfying then puttin a thirty ought six through the brain of some little brown twenty year old wetback senorita who is sneakin into the good ol US of A.

  20. angry says:


    Dallas can’t resist letting the word “teabagging” slip from his gob when frothing over those skinheads. Control yourself!


    “Humor” I hope you sick bastard? Either way, not funny. Get help.

  21. Dallas says:

    #57 Ewwww. I wouldn’t go near those creepy Teabaggers, trust me.

    ….especially the GI Joe wannabe porker. That is what our military is talking about. He looks like he was gonna have a stroke climbing that ant pile.

  22. Floyd says:

    If you really want to be on the up and up, then join the Military

    “So they can transport me to a foreign country we have no business being in? And that’s called “defending the Constitution?”

    Count me out.”

    I served my time in the Army.

    “Hispanics were in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona … long before Europeans moved to those areas.”

    “So if some American Indian took a piss on my land centuries ago, I should allow their ancestors free reign over my house?”

    Only if they have clear title and you don’t. If you don’t have clear title, you may have that issue. There were a lot of claim jumpers around in those days, and a lot of others that had clear title. That’s why there are title companies.

    The Hispanics I’m referring to are people that moved to the Southwest long before English speaking immigrants did. In many cases they have land grants, deeded by the King of Spain, and clear title.

  23. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    Nazis – just doing the jobs the federal government won’t do.

  24. Buzz says:

    #57; Angry: Get a moran, brain!

  25. Rick Cain says:

    Fatboy needs to do some more pushups, he’s not fit for military duty on the border.

    But in all seriousness, the REAL problem is that the USA does not punish big business for hiring illegals. The penalties are light and nobody really gets in trouble for it.

    Focusing on the illegal is expensive, but cracking down on corporations that hire illegals is cheap.

    Problem is corporations own our government, so they ensure that they will never be penalized, and the government continues to waste tax dollars on interdiction.

  26. Joseph Ravenstine says:

    #64 Government does not focus on illegal employment because there are a number of industries than could not survive in a global market without exploiting the gray market for labor. It is not only cheaper to employ an illegal because you pay them less, it is cheaper to employ an illegal because as an illegal worker you don’t document, you don’t insure (or more importantly you do not pay claims,) if you are going to document someone you pay then at double rates for 30 hours while you have them work 60, if you withhold taxes you do not report it you instead pocket it.
    The last point always drives me a little nuts; advocates often say that illegal workers pay into the Social Security system yet receive no benefits; a supposed win for the SS system. This is often not true. In order to collect and pay SS you have to have SS numbers for the employees. As an employer I have experienced the system; it does not take long to get a letter that says a SS number is bad or to have the government use you as a debt collector when you are ordered under penalty to withhold an employees income. If you have hundreds of employees with bad numbers your business would be pretty easy to spot if anyone cared.
    As long as the focus of public policy is to suppress wages and lower the threshold to consumerism while not relenting on government influence and control, the powers that be must continue to support a gray market economy. People in influential positions prefer the current state as is makes every business a back door friend or a front door foe. Why would they give up this relationship without fighting to keep it to the bitter end?

  27. srsnakes says:

    I live on the AZ-Mexico border. To you Nazis out there…..stay off my ranch. If I see you on MY property, no one will ever see you again.


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