This story, clearly being buried by the main stream media because I only saw it months after it was published, obviously points to the REAL illegal alien problem we have. We must build a space fence NOW to keep them out! And off my lawn!@!

One-fifth of the world’s population believes that aliens walk among us, disguised as Homo sapiens for an unknown, but doubtless chilling purpose.

That’s according to a Reuters Ipsos poll, which probed 23,000 adults in 22 countries, and discovered that India is an epicentre of ET activity, with 45 per cent convinced the invasion has already begun.

The Chinese, too, clocked up a substantial 42 per cent of believers, followed by third-placed Japan with 29 per cent.

The Belgians, Dutch and Swedes are having none of it, bottoming out the list with a mere eight per cent. Blighty, meanwhile, scored 16 per cent – a figure perhaps artificially boosted by followers of David Icke.

The overall average of those saying yes, the lizard people have arrived, was 20 per cent, and while the 80 per cent who scoff at such claims is ostensibly heartening, it is of course possible they’re aliens themselves – in which case they would say that, wouldn’t they?

  1. bobbo, who is full of swamp gas says:

    Durp Aliens durp wordiness durp dime store intellectual durp lapsed Christian

  2. Dallas says:

    #21 Basically, Pedro’s mule elected to show up on this blog with his own handle and Pedro conceded he has a better contributions.

  3. Dallas says:

    #12. Pedrito, just say’n that if people are willing to follow aliens in large numbers, it’s surprising some pope or alien bible has not been produced.

    I am not a follower by nature, I am a leader.

    I’ve not totally discounted putting on a lacy gown, red shoes but with an aluminum hat. Any thoughts on this business opportunity? Are you in?

  4. IckeWasRight says:

    It’s now obvious they have infiltrated all political parties, banks and the mainstream media.
    Is there any way we can get rid of these aliens or replace them with a less malevolent race of reptilian overlords?

  5. Breetai says:

    Larry Elder used to have a sayign on his radio show back in the day.

    “10% of the people think if you send Elvis a letter he’ll get it and half of them expect a letter back.”

  6. Angry says:

    #37 #39

    Haha a Daily Affirmation like Stuart Smalley. Dallas is good enough, strong enough, and gosh darn it, people like him as a LEADER!


  7. Glenn E. says:

    No fifth of me believes in space aliens! Not any of my arms or legs. And certainly not my torso or head. So they must be taking an average. And other people have more than one body part that does believe.

    If this survey is any indication of an increase. Then it just confirms my theory that humans are getting stupider, in the 21st century, compared to the past 20th century. Sure technology and medicine (more tech) has improves. But our collective understanding is slipping backwards. Towards the 19th and 18th centuries of believing in ghosts and goblins. Space aliens just being the new form of goblin. And lets not overlook just how popular all these “Twilight” and “Harry Potter” movies are. So even the old werewolves, sorcerers, and vampires, fiction is making a strong comeback. And would we be surprised at just how many people take these movies seriously?

    And I’ve also noticed that the atheists that keep discouraging people from having any religious believes. Don’t do squat to prevent people from believing in all this supernatural crap. Apparently, it’s too lucrative. And some media giant might have their knees broken.

  8. MV says:

    As an Indian, I assure you that most Indians have never heard about an UFO, much less worry about an invasion.


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