A brutal and historical cold snap has so far caused 80 deaths in South America, according to international news agencies. Temperatures have been much below normal for over a week in vast areas of the continent. In Chile, the Aysen region was affected early last week by the worst snowstorm in 30 years. The snow accumulation reached 5 feet in Balmaceda and the Army was called to rescue people trapped by the snow.

In Argentina, the snow in the region of Mendoza, famous for its winery, was described by localimagemeteorologists as the heaviest in a decade. The temperature in the morning of July 16th was the lowest in the city of Buenos Aires since 1991: -1.5C. The cold snap caused a record demand for energy and Argentina had to import electricity from Brazil. Many industries in Argentina were shut down due to gas shortage.

It snowed in nearly all the provinces of Argentina, an extremely rare event. It snowed even in the western part of the province of Buenos Aires and Southern Santa Fe, in cities at sea level.

Now I know why the sudden urgency to say 2010 is the warmest year ever before the year is over. Who needs this data added to the math?

Found by denialist Jason Price.

  1. keaneo says:

    Yup, yup. Probably added another 6-7% of the Earth’s weather to the dipshit anti-science database. Keep BP happy.

  2. Improbus says:

    Don’t confuse climate and weather.

  3. Phydeau says:

    I don’t thing “global warming” means “every square inch of the earth’s surface increasing in temperature by the exact same amount”. As I recall part of what they’re predicting is more variations in temperature, i.e. hots getting hotter, colds getting colder.

  4. rob says:

    Really John? Weather != Climate.

  5. Al Gore says:

    Who needs this data added to the math?

    This shouldn’t be a problem. Enough of the weather stations are at airports and built up locations that will more than compensate for this. It doesn’t matter that even kids can see though the lies, we’ve got the mindshare and that’s all that counts so shut up.


  6. HeeHee says:

    I always apppreciate hearing from climate change denialists. It eliminates the guesswork, and shortens the time needed to spot the idiots.

    After all, we probably won’t be allowed to tattoo their foreheads with “EMPTY”. (funnier tattoo ideas welcome)

  7. Benjamin says:

    Strange that the temperature readings only show warming North of the equator. I guess because we put our temperature sensors next to chimneys and air conditioning exhaust vents up here in the North. If they did the same thing, it wouldn’t be so cold down there.

  8. Pete says:

    It is winter in the southern hemisphere…Just saying.

  9. Al Gore says:

    # 6 HeeHee, nice one. Can I use that quip at my next speaking engagement? Shame, fear and ridicule is one of the best ways to promote these causes and this denialist issue is just a psychological problem after all.
    Keep up the good work – carbon credits will be in the post.


  10. Glass Half Full says:

    That’s global warming, radical weather shifts, exactly what’s predicted.

    For the VERY dumb people (most) on here, let’s try to understand the difference between a MOMENT of weather (day/week) and TREND (years). If the average over the last 5-10 years trending up or down?

    Put it this way. You may have a HUGE winter snow storm (DC did this winter) and colder then normal temperatures for a week. But then a HOTTER than normal summer for a month, such that averaging ALL the temperatures (colder lows, higher highs) the average temps for the year are still going up.

    If this doesn’t make sense you do, just sit back quietly and play X-Box and let the adults deal with this problem.

  11. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    AGW vs Deniers. I wonder on what other psychological issues they vary?

  12. The_Tick says:

    Oh for fuck sakes, Won’t these global warming nutballs ever figure out that Oil companies have been the whipping boys for for big science for decades now. First these science assholes try and give us evolution, then medicine and now this. Lets get back to blood letting and prayer before it’s too late. Won’t someone please think of the children.

  13. HeeHee says:

    #9 You have my permission to use any of my stuff. Just put me in the credits.

  14. Proud Alien says:

    What’s your point, Dvorak?

  15. The0ne says:

    Shameless rip from Comedy Central…

    Here, it was nightime and we were all afraid. Worst yet San Diego is now being hit with foggy weather during the summer, something that is unheard of for centuries! I think we’re at the brink of doomsday, seriously…it was fcking dark last night and COLD (50F maybe). Holy sht, better stock up on can goods, porn videos, guns to shoot anyone you see and a nose clipper.

    Oh, an Boobo, don’t forget to take with you that ego of yours.

  16. freddybobs68k says:

    “Facts don’t necessarily have the power to change our minds. In fact, quite the opposite. In a series of studies in 2005 and 2006, researchers at the University of Michigan found that when misinformed people, particularly political partisans, were exposed to corrected facts in news stories, they rarely changed their minds. In fact, they often became even more strongly set in their beliefs. Facts, they found, were not curing misinformation. Like an underpowered antibiotic, facts could actually make misinformation even stronger.”


    From Cage Match seems somehow appropriate.

    @ bobbo

    I think you’d find some very interesting and strong correlations if a study was done.

  17. Al Gore says:

    #10 Glass Half Full,
    That’s global warming, radical weather shifts, exactly what’s predicted.

    All the computer models predict greater heating at the poles compared to the equator (vis. ice caps melting, polar bears drowning etc.) Weather is driven by these temperature differentials so according to the hypothesis there should be fewer freak weather events. Don’t worry though, I’m sure guys are working on new models so hold tight on that one.

    If the average over the last 5-10 years trending up or down?

    If you take out the weather stations located at airports and cities the temperature since 1997 has been getting slightly cooler. Over the last 100 years it’s been pretty well static. Luckily enough of the weather stations are no longer in rural areas.

    You should step away from your Wii and look up ‘urban heat island effect’, or better still, stand in the middle of a large expanse of black asphalt or next to some air conditioning units.

    Thanks for getting with the program.


  18. deowll says:

    #3 The problem is the model says certain things should be happening that aren’t for example Europe is having a heat wave but the model says the gulf stream should die and Europe should cool off with really nasty winters

    TN should be hot and arid. So far it’s been nice this year. My last electric bill was $38 but then I can stand some heat and don’t run an air conditioner however it was about 68 on my front and back external house thermometer last night. I do live near a creek and next to a small green park which cuts the local heat island effect of my home town. The rain his been a little above the norm in my view this year.

    If I recall correctly Florida should be turning into a desert due to low rainfall. Is it? Sure we had a drought down there a few years back and through out the south east but what about this year?

    The number of major hurricanes should be going up. We had Katrina which followed the big Galveston hit a long time previous so we were due. The last few years, actually decades, seem to be running a little low.


    The model is all about making long range weather predictions. If the real world bears no resemblance to the modal then the modal is crap.

    Got a flash for you guys on climate change. A recent study by two historians have tried to tie in major geopolitical events to major climate events and it looks like major cooling events bring about major political upheavals often accompanied by major movements of populations in Europe and China.

    They did not try to do the rest of the planet.

    I do believe strongly in man made climate change. North Africa and the lake Chad region as well as one of the dying land locked Asian lakes are clearly being killed by deforestation, overgrazing, and water diversion.

    If we would just stop farming and remove all the man made structures causing excessive run off and heat island effects I’m confident the likelihood of droughts would drop dramatically.

    All the draining and channelizing they did in Florida has been determined to be a major cause in less rainfall in the region because local evaporation off the wetlands got recycled.

    This lacks the glint of gold so you don’t hear much about that any more.

  19. jbenson2 says:

    #3 Phydeau said:

    I don’t thing “global warming” means “every square inch of the earth’s surface increasing in temperature by the exact same amount”. As I recall part of what they’re predicting is more variations in temperature, i.e. hots getting hotter, colds getting colder.

    In other words

    If the temp goes up – Global Warming
    If the temp goes down – Global Warming
    If the temp stays the same – Global Warming

    What a great way to cover all the bases.

  20. MikeN says:

    It’s winter in South America right now. And having snow on the ground makes surface temperatures a little bit warmer, compared to water in the atmosphere.

  21. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #23–jb==what is it about “a long term trend” escapes your comprehension?

    #17–freddybob==I do assume. Right now, there is enough ambiguity in the popular culture that AGW vs Denial is a subject of projection and attitudes, so I do assume there would be many correlates. As simple as lib vs con, and NOT correlated to intelligence or education===not just yet, will take a few more years.

    #16–theIdiotOne==well certainly, if I’m going anywhere I will with me take my ego. Won’t we all? Conversely, it would be nice if you would leave your stupid in San Diego?

  22. MikeN says:

    Oops, I got it wrong. It’s the creation of snow that warms the atmosphere.


  23. Skeptic says:

    Of course climate and weather are different. The problem is that climate scientists themselves are guilty of blurring the difference in order to perpetuate their profitable fear.

    How many news releases have you seen where “scientists” have announced the warmest month on record, or the warmest season?

    How about this for a bullshit statement, recently from the mouths of climate (cough) scientists:

    “The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced Thursday that last month was the hottest June ever recorded on Earth.”

    Oh really?

  24. CZ says:

    The weather/climate ALWAYS is changing. Only now, it is a political tool for the left. Hence, the change from the “global warming” terrorism, to the “climate change” terrorism.

    This is a runaway gasbag effect in politics, and even small time idiots like Gavin Newsom are basing their entire careers on it’s relevance. Good news is that while they are focused on this red herring, they don’t have time for “gun control” or other destructive progressive policy making.

  25. The0ne says:

    Boobi, it’s great you’re probably read the book denalism and have something to say. Well, make wiki and google, but whatever. It’s my pity I’m bringing along with me on my escape of this foggy weather. Pity for you and the others. This foggy weather may indeed kill people this week; it’s starting to sprinkle rain drops now! Rain!? In San Diego?! During summertime!?

    Pretty soon I’m going to have to join those stupid polar bears and hunt down those fishing boats taking my food supply away. That and resorting to hunting down human babies as my alternative food source. Good thing is that millions of people believe nothing is happening so me and my buddy polar bears will have a grand feast. BTW, you have kids?

  26. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #24–skeptic==whats your point? That is was or wasn’t? or that you are assuming something that wasn’t said?

    #26–TheOne==you are babbling.

  27. Awake says:

    So many are unclear on the concept that climate change includes extremes at both end of the spectrum.

    In Texas we had record cold snaps and 10 inches of snow in Fort Worth, yet this is still going to be a ‘top 3’ year for heat. Extra heat far north detached and pushed huge “bubbles” of arctic air down through the USA. Same thing is probably happening in the southern hemisphere.

    Washington just endured its hottest June since records began in 1872, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. So did Miami. Atlanta suffered its second-hottest June, and Dallas had its third hottest.

    In New York, the weather was relatively pleasant: only the fourth-hottest June since 1872. Then again, New York is on pace for its hottest July on record.

  28. MikeN says:

    Awake, there is the theory of higher extremes caused by CO2 induced global warming, but there is no theory that says it would happen even without the warming. The higher extremes have to happen around a higher mean.

  29. ECA says:

    repeat after me..
    “you aint lived on this planet LONG enough to know the weather”

    Interesting facts.
    Sea levels have been 200 FEET LOWER, as found by China when they found a Village 200 feet under water.

    ICE AGE..yep that means it is COLD.

    This planet CHANGES, and we MUST try not to augment what is happening.
    Its NOT that WEATHER changes. it HOW FAST it changes.
    How many of you remember the OLD DAYS..and having 3′ of snow every year, and NOW its not there..
    THE ONLY way we can survive, is to ADAPT. DONT make this a planet CONTROLLED by man kind, thats like a FAULTY DAM waiting to BURST.
    The only REASON we have survived THIS LONG, is we ADAPT.

  30. Guyver says:

    3, Phydeau,

    As I recall part of what they’re predicting is more variations in temperature, i.e. hots getting hotter, colds getting colder.

    If the colds are getting colder, then it’s probably not GLOBAL warming.

    11, Bobbo,

    AGW vs Deniers. I wonder on what other psychological issues they vary?

    Those who believe in AGW are faith-based using no empirical evidence or proof of causality. Some “deniers” are asking for the application of the scientific method while there are those who truly will deny anything the Left will come up with.

    The Left is predisposed to group those who are truly deniers and those asking for empirical evidence in the same group. Go figure.

    BTW, skepticism != denialism.

    20, JBenson2,

    In other words

    If the temp goes up – Global Warming
    If the temp goes down – Global Warming
    If the temp stays the same – Global Warming

    What a great way to cover all the bases.

    Damn! You figured him out. 🙂

    22, Bobbo,

    jb==what is it about “a long term trend” escapes your comprehension?

    What is it about correlation != causality that escapes your comprehension? You sound like you’ve already come to a “scientific” conclusion over what is truly driving this trend.

    You need to scientifically establish causality. This is done by empirical evidence and not by your faith or version of “common sense”. Scientific method please. Then you can predict trends to your heart’s delight. Otherwise, you’re just preaching dogma.

    As simple as lib vs con, and NOT correlated to intelligence or education===not just yet, will take a few more years.

    Real simple. Liberals can’t survive in the real world without government. Others can.

    well certainly, if I’m going anywhere I will with me take my ego. Won’t we all? Conversely, it would be nice if you would leave your stupid in San Diego?

    LOL. Sensitive are we?

    28, Awake,

    So many are unclear on the concept that climate change includes extremes at both end of the spectrum.

    When the AGW evangelists fail to prove causality they resort to changing the argument from “Man-made Global Warming” to “Man-made Climate Change”. Essentially it doesn’t matter what happens, you just want more regulations even if you can’t make your case scientifically.


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