I had one of those derams once. Damn near killed me!
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I have a draem/deram that one day illiteracy will be wiped out!
Great example of the American education system.
This is a legitimate photo (not photoshopped). Verified by Snopes.com
The image displayed above is a television screen shot taken from a news report aired on Martin Luther King Day by Corpus Christi, Texas, station KIII-TV.
The news director at KIII-TV, Richard Longoria confirmed the photo was not altered.
Man, the bad spellers from the Tea Party Movement have infiltrated the NAACP. Talk about getting back at them.
Even racists can be dyslexic.
I draem of an America that adequately funds education again.
Idiocracy wasn’t a movie. It was a documentary.
Clearly, the first poster is referring to the Dynamics of Runoff and Erosion Modeling. Duh!
Equally obvious: the owner of the second folder is jonesing big-time for the long-lost 70’s sounds of Deram Records, who gave us such artists as Curved Air, Procol Harum, Frijid Pink, and many others so popular in the ‘hood.
Our government got out of the education business in 1967 when Lyndon Johnson and the Joint Chiefs of staff realized you can’t control an educated population. SAT scores peaked in 1969 and it is now possible to miss 25 questions and still get a perfect score. This was done to make it look like teachers are still teaching but is just a fudge factor to make the system look better.
It is NO accident and we continue to put out high school graduates who aren’t capable of handling entry level jobs.
Just say NO! to Gevernment.
God, I have hard time making fun of this image. Of course, such an image would only be (re-)posted by a black man who believed that the end of institutional racism came in the Reagan era and that people who have no capability of spelling (no knowledge of the meaning of the word orthography) have no right to speak. These people aren’t wearing fashionable sunglasses or branded clothing, and their signs are not negative in tone. … Hard to know what to say.
I was wondering how long it would be for someone to whine about this being a racist post. Lighten up Gilgamush.
i bet they couldn’t give change for a dollar without the cash register help.
maybe he had some DRAM for sale and thought he was at a flea market.
#11 – Hi, Captain Poopypants! Hey, why don’t ya slither those pants off & I’ll help you clean up, real nice. I’ll betchya got a gumdrop in there that’s a little dirty too, eh? *Kisses*
Most of the “misspelled” protest sign toters were plants. They were paid to be there to attract media attention, and cast doubts on the intelligence of all the other protesters.
Besides, if the education system was really in trouble, America would not be able to climb out of this economic depression. Wait…
Damn it. As is life wasn’t bad enough that I happen to live in Corpus Christi, Texas. Now I gotta see this.
Actually, it’s pretty representative of people from down here. Myself included. We’re also the fattest city in the U.S. (according to Men’s Health Magazine).
One night spent with pedro and you’ll have a deram too. o use a condom.
canamrotax said:
Most of the “misspelled” protest sign toters were plants. They were paid to be there to attract media attention, and cast doubts on the intelligence of all the other protesters.
Whoa! Sounds like canamrotax is the dreamer.
Dumb is dumb, left right center up or down. I know the Republicans (bloods) and Democrats (crips) want to pretend ALL the bad and dumb people are ONLY on the other side, but grow up, dumb people on in all aspects of society. I just ask that our leaders don’t ASK us to be dumb, but ask us to be GREAT and TRY to be smarter and better than we would otherwise be…or we can just be a dumbass redneck 2nd world nation. Either or.
A tube TV inside an entertainment cabinet? an accessible rack for my CD’s? I miss the 90’s
As do I, wirelessg
This picture reminds me of my favourite musical number, “The Impossible Deram.” Don’t you just love “Man from La Machna?”
Don’t be haters. Follow your draems and your derams too! Its ‘A’ before ‘E’ except after ‘R’, right?
Please get the facts. These are teachers who purposely misspelled the signs to call attention to illiteracy in there community. You think you are so smart. You idiots can’t use GOOGLE?
I used google, FlightStupid, and it led me to Snopes, which says your explanation is wrong…
Is anyone here really surprise? I’m not. I’ve been fighting with several different school systems in several states to have my younger brothers, nieces and nephews obtain “decent” education. This means getting classes relevant to their grade level AND IQ and not classes like pizza cooking, Verb usage, Learn how to skip, and so forth.
The old days of having your basic science, English and math classes that covers a wide range of its specific areas are gone. What we have now are stupid classes such as above, career class, resume writing, Knitting, and what have you. How the fck are those classes going to help my family members succeed in college.
Obvious plant. oh wait, my bad, snopes couldn’t possibly be wrong. I’m sure they did a full background check on this clown, and found him to truly be a Tea Party member and horrible at spelling. Not at all likely that this was some left-wing plant photographed by some left-wing photographer, for some left-wing news outlet. — now that would be waaaay too far fetched.
pedro thinks everybody smarter than him is a dean. even pedro’s goat is a dean because his goat is smarter too. pedro should show everybody his face. it is a new veneral disease scientists are calling pedro face or PF. pedro was not a pretty sight before, now he is even worse. I won’t describe it in case some of you are eating.