I get to the airport, boarded my plane and I’m sitting in first class. The flight attendant was right in front of me and was curious if they were going to serve meals onboard. So I asked her, “Are you serving any meals during our flight?”

She looked at me kinda funny and said, “I can’t answer that for security reasons.”
About three minutes later, two armed Austin police officers boarded the plane, looked at me and said, “Sugarman, follow us.”
“Why” I asked.

“You apparently asked the flight attendant if the Police were onboard,” said the United representative. We’re not taking any chances and the captain asked that you be removed.”

“But I only asked her if a meal was being served,” I said. Only to be told that it was her word against mine and the Captain was not going to take any chances based on what the flight attendant claims I said.
As I stepped off the ramp into the boarding area still in shock over what happened, the customer service representative was there to book me on the next flight, which was two hours later.
Question? If I was too dangerous to fly on my original flight why did they book me on the next United flight.

The flight attendant couldn’t ask him to repeat what he said to be sure? Guess it’s time to not say a word to anyone on flights to ensure you aren’t misunderstood.

Lessons learned: I guess my business now goes to American where I am also a million mile flyer. Maybe I’ll get a lot more respect. […] And remember, next time you fly, don’t ask if they are serving a meal on board.

  1. Nobody Special says:

    Haven’t you learned yet – slaves don’t speak to their masters.
    If you aren’t in uniform you are a slave to anyone who is.

    ps. The only thing the masters are scared of is more uniforms.
    I was on a flight recently where an attendant was giving a young woman hassle, the seat was broken and wouldn’t lock upright – but the attendant could only threaten the passenger.

    I suggested loudly, in ear-shot of the attendant, that she might like to report it to the FAA – I would find her the phone number, and also that she couldn’t see the exit sign from that seat (they had badly placed them) .
    And she should note the name of the crew member that she had reported the safety violation to in the report.

  2. Howard Hughes says:

    remember, they hate us for our freedom

  3. ECA says:

    I would have request the Attendant be Taken WITH YOU..To answer questions ALSO..

  4. McCullough says:

    I don’t fly anymore unless it’s overseas, and when that pilot and the sky waitresses get tired of working at McDonalds….tough fucking shit.

  5. BubbaRay says:

    # 4 McCullough said, on July 20th, 2010 at 7:43 pm

    “I don’t fly anymore unless it’s overseas”

    Or to a different country. Unless I fly myself. If you can’t go VFR, it’s always easy to contact Center and request an amended flight plan. Har!

    TSA that!

  6. chuck says:

    Next time you have to be specific:

    “Excuse me, are Sting, Andy Summers and Stewart Copeland on board?”

  7. Glass Half Full says:

    I’m SO over the fake political…
    “War on Terror”(tm)
    “War on Drugs”(tm)
    “War on Christmas”(tm) *Bill O’Reilly only*
    “War on Poverty” ™

    Grow up and get some balls America and stop acting so chickensh*t. If someone rushes the cockpit screaming, by ALL means stop them. But lets not get SO freaken paranoid.

  8. brm says:

    Better to be safe than sorry! If only we’d have asked the 9/11 hijackers if they wanted a meal…

  9. NobodySpecial says:

    @chuck – careful, many Americans believe everything by Genesis is literally true

    (except Phil Collins of course)

  10. Rick Cain says:

    Go Amtrak. There’s 2 dining cars and a canteen that serves beer.

  11. Cristina in Tampa says:

    Would have been nice to have recorded his question…then, I wonder how they would have handled the dishonest flight attendant! …and just as they have FINALLY gotten everyone to STOP calling them STEWARDESS!

  12. sargasso_c says:

    Very Monty Python.

  13. Freeto says:

    Uhm, exactly what did she think he said?

  14. Todd Peterson says:

    Don’t complain about the food on Ryan Air = Arrest!


    (original http://www.dn.no/forsiden/naringsliv/article1940534.ece )

  15. djrob says:

    I bet that you offended that flight attendant,
    you fucking bigoted nazi!

  16. Ah_Yea says:

    It’s none of the above!!

    She reads DU and doesn’t like your posts!


  17. dcphill says:

    There needs to be an airline for the rest of us non-paranoid, unconcerned with security.
    That is the reason I don’t fly much anymore,
    I can’t be bothered by all the B.S. attached to the flying experience.

  18. techESC says:

    This is just a guess, but has anyone else noticed..

    “Are you serving any meals during our flight?”

    … sounds a lot like, “Are you having any marshals on our flight?”

    Perhaps the flight attended did not hear the question quite right and panicked, thinking a passenger wanted to know the security level and situation on board in regard to federal air marshals.

    An over-reaction, sure, but one over-reaction does not need to lead to a crazy conclusion.

    The flight attended does not need to be fired, the flight was not delayed, and one person had to wait to get to their final destination. Let this simply be a lesson for the flight attendant to listen more closely the next time.

    And give the hurt passenger a free ticket. Case closed.

  19. Joe the Aviator says:

    Sounds like bullshit to me. Hard to imagine what she thought he said, plus we have only his word to go on. There is much lower hanging fruit if you’re looking for “the TSA/aviation industry sucks” stories.

  20. Dallas says:

    I always compliment the air waitresses when I fly.

  21. 10 22 says:

    Trains good, planes bad. WHoooooo wooooooooo.

  22. jbellies says:

    If every passenger is required to have a bite of ham sandwich, no 9-11. Maybe what she heard was “I’d like to take you to Havana on this jet.” and maybe what he said was “Too bad I can’t smoke a Havana on this jet.” In a normal world she’d say “Sorry, I couldn’t hear what you were saying over the roar.” And of course he’d hear “Sarah and I will give you a better time than a whore.” An endless source of amusement. Thank you, whatever airline it was. Too bad about the poor schmuck passenger.


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