1. ECA says:

    I have seen a nixon sticker..
    Will it work??

  2. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and critic of film and all other pursuits says:

    Is this a subtle message that we are all forked?

  3. Guyver says:

    Ha. Ha.

  4. Rabble Rouser says:

    Still waiting for some around here to remove their Bush/Cheney stickers!

  5. Benjamin says:

    I have started taping my political bumper stickers in the back window unless the bumper stickers are magnetic. I like the magnetic ones because you can easily take the stickers off after the election.

    After the election, it really doesn’t matter who I supported for the Secretary of Agriculture or the State Treasurer. Most people don’t know who those people are anyway.

  6. Dennis says:

    I just started cutting out sticky letter ‘N’ to paste them over the “H” in those Obama “HOPE” stickers….

  7. Improbus says:

    I don’t the this product. I have a firm no sticker policy for my transportation. I know our public “servants” have feet of clay and can’t be trusted. They get no free advertisement from me.

  8. Winston says:

    CHANGE! (the guy in the White House who’s owned by everyone but you, just like the last guy)

  9. Dallas says:

    Pretty lame and contrived with the following indicators noted:

    – The McMansions, sterile sidewalks and trees planted to code at 7.5 ft apart in the background suggest a Republisheep neighborhood.

    – The one guy walking like he had a stick in his ass was also suspect.

    – The triple hummer sized garage? very suspect.

    I give it a fail but should satisfy the target sheeple audience. A more appropriate theme would be sticker removal tool for:
    * Dig Dig Dig
    * My son is a white A student
    * I love my Fag friend
    * Sara Palin 20xx

  10. gad says:

    I much rather wear my Obama/Biden tee shirt than put a Sticker on my car since the Tea Bagger/pro Business/pro Insurance Companies/pro Bankers (they’re all the same) people are more likely to give me the same horrified/disgusted look while I give them a big smile. My car, being defenseless would be more likely to suffer from cowardly attacks than I would. Sticker removal joke is lame, when I saw folks with Bush/Cheney stickers on their cars I’d give them the ‘number’ – number of Americans killed in Iraq and tell them congrats on their choice in President.

  11. bandunk says:

    While I’m not an Obama Supporter, this video reeks of agenda. First off, the ad is claiming to be for the disenfranchised supporters of Obama, but then you go to their site BSRemoval.com and they have that advertised next to a Ronald Reagan for President shirt(???) Now I could digress and go on that Reagan was actually the president that really indoctrinated the whole “Let’s have a huge deficit and destroy the middle class” political strategy that we have now and actually was a terrible president, but I won’t. Instead, I will point out that most people that voted for Obama don’t have a hard on for Reagan, that’s republicans…you know the ones that probably funded this video.

    Lastly, this ad actually suggests something I agree with wholeheartedly and that’s “If you put a bumper sticker on your car for a politician you are an idiot that will end up being disappointed”. Of course, when you go to their site they state to remove the pro-obama stickers and replace them with your newly purchased anti-obama stickers. Once again this points to the agenda thing and that really, even if this guy is trying to make a buck, is just telling you to join the sheep idiots on the other side. It really depressing to see the two sides we have to choose from are the do nothing Obama administration…or petty non contributing tea-partiers who want America to be the America of when Reagan was in office…which bankrupted us.

  12. GottaLaugh says:


    I know it must be wrong if this guy is wanting to MAKE a buck. The only PROPER way to GET a buck is from the government.

    It’s a joke!! Grow a sense of humor!

  13. Mextli says:


    “A more appropriate theme would be sticker removal tool for:
    * Dig Dig Dig
    * My son is a white A student
    * I love my Fag friend
    * Sara Palin 20xx”

    I will send you one if you can’t find one.

  14. Mextli says:

    #11 “when I saw folks with Bush/Cheney stickers on their cars I’d give them the ‘number’ – number of Americans killed in Iraq and tell them congrats on their choice in President.”

    Good idea! Be sure to keep it up with Afghanistan.

  15. Cristina in Tampa says:

    It’s amazing how DUMB the general public can actually BE! What these dumb-bunnies are wanting is NOT a President….but a freaking WIZARD! It may have only taken a presidency or two for Bush to screw it ALL up….but it’s going to take a heck of a lot longer than just a couple of years (even for you know-it-all dumb-bunnies) to get us OUT of this mess!
    You may be GREAT at removing bumper stickers…but let’s hear YOUR solutions on how to “fix-it” quicker!!! …better yet…call Obama and help ’em out instead of wasting your ultra-valuable time making stupid videos like this!
    No wonder our Country is going down the tubes!

  16. 1860 Navy says:

    #16 Ya know, sweetheart, Steve Jobs has his sycophantic fan-boys, and Obama has people like YOU.
    I don’t think higher taxes helps anyone but Mexicans and Welfare bums. I don’t think I should pay for their health care, either. I don’t think Michele Obama should be telling me what to eat, and I don’t think Prius-drivers like you should be allowed to vote.

  17. chuck says:

    Cheney/Biden ’12
    Change you don’t want.

  18. deowll says:

    #11 It’s really hard to tell for sure because Congress pretty much left the unknown big banks running the Fed to write it but it looks like the big bank reform bill was just used to sell your bum to the big banks who will now supervise them selves and don’t have to tell Congress jack. You do understand that this organization has never even been audited and is not actually a branch of the government?

    Did I mention we don’t even know who is on those banking Committees in the Fed? I don’t know about you but that level of openness and transparency always give me the cold shivers.

    Oh _you_ are a _progressive_ so having a bunch of absolutely unaccountable and unknown people telling you what you will and won’t do should make you feel all warm and cozy after all big brother loves you and won’t do anything to shaft you.

  19. jccalhoun says:

    I actually saw a car with a “Defeat Dukakis” bumper sticker the other day. Some people really do need to get rid of the stickers.

  20. RSweeney says:

    Last year, I was at a stop light behind a car covered with Obama stickers. I thought, what kind of moron still believes and mentally made a note of the license plate number. I held back and kept a wide space for this idiot.

    About 1/2 mile down the street, I watched as the Obama car crashed full speed into the rear of another car which had stopped for a school bus.

    I called 911 with the license.

    Self-identification of morons is a good thing. It allows you to put more space between their car and yours.

  21. Cristina in Tampa says:

    #17 Is SO far off-base…but I must admit, it would be very interesting to see the little Napoleon climb up into the President’s seat and “DO”….instead of showering us with a stream of never-ending diarrhea from the gullet that, like junk-mail is meaningless and a bit annoying…In case you haven’t noticed, our country is in the WORST kind of trouble…Obama made it fairly CLEAR that we as a COUNTRY will have to work to get out of this… sacrifices, adjustments that we don’t necessarily like or agree with will, in turn, work to our advantage in the very near future.
    By the way, BABY DOLL – I drive a Lexus and I shave my pits… now jump down from your little footstool and go finish your milk #17!

  22. LotsaLuck says:

    Uh.. the whole point of the ‘commercial’ is that a bunch of former Obama fans are no longer Obama fans. Public opinion polls show as much.

    Especially damaging, poll-wise, are the folks who wanted to be part of the ‘history making event’ of electing the first black president.

    They are mostly white, mostly well off, and are now mostly disenchanted.

  23. Phydeau says:

    #26 Dream on, Republicans. Disaffected Obama supporters are disaffected because he’s acting like a Republican. You will never have their votes.

  24. Phydeau says:

    Whoops, that was directed to #25. However, it’s always a good Republican strategy to try to discourage as many people as possible from voting. That’s how they’ve succeeded in the past.

    But their angry white male base is dying out… good luck finding another fearful ignorant demographic to exploit. 🙂

  25. Benjamin says:

    #22 bobbo, to be fair to #17, higher taxes help no one except government workers. I could solve the debt and deficit problem without raising taxes: STOP SPENDING SO MUCH MONEY. This includes bailing out businesses deemed “too big to fail.” If they are too big to fail, then they won’t fail. The Titantic was too big to fail and they couldn’t bail it out fast enough to save it.

    As for your issue on health care for illegals, that wouldn’t be an issue if we fined employers who hire illegal aliens and made it easier for legal immigrants to enter the country.

    Michelle Obama is saying kids are obese. I’ll tell you why. Kids aren’t allowed to play at recess because games like tag, cops and robbers, and dodge ball get banned and kids have to stand idly by. I heard some schools even banned kids from running during recess because they could fall and get hurt. It’s not because a kid has a cupcake for another kids birthday that makes them fat.

    BTW, the tea party is not an actual party that runs candidates. They vote for people that are in existing parties. Who should and shouldn’t vote? People that are not informed on the candidates or issues should not vote. Becoming informed on the issues and candidates is one of the responsibilities of voting. I am not going to judge who is informed or not though, nor should some election official make that determination. Knowing if you are informed before you vote will have to be on the honor system. If you are a Prius driver, you should really look and see if you are informed on the issues.

  26. 1860 Navy says:

    Bobbo. Bite me, you conceited piece of crap.

  27. Faxon says:

    #29. Be nice to Bobbo-looey. He knows EVERYTHING.

  28. Cursor_ says:

    Just to remind the people that were toddlers in the 1950s or not yet a glint in the milkman’s eye…

    Higher taxes under Eisenhower built the interstate, schools, prisons, post offices, hospitals and other projects that we have allowed to fall apart thanks to lower taxes.

    So when you drive down your road and hit a pot hole bless Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama for lower taxes.

    Even better when you die in a bridge collapse due to lack of infrastructure maintenance make sure your final prayer is that lower taxes continue.


  29. angry says:

    #30 Ha! Bobbo is the Cliff Clavin of this site! Know it all indeed…

  30. Rider says:

    Yeah because McCain has been nothing but sane and rational lately. We were fucked either way.


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