1. Al Gore Ate My Hamster says:

    Obama can still earn my vote. If, in 2012 there are more SUV/pickups on the roads, more Americans in “big” houses, more so called urban sprawl and AMerica is stronger militarily compared to other countries, I’ll vote for him. Get to work Barry. Good luck, I’m pulling for you.

  2. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    #10, I don’t know where you live, but that looks like a typical middle class subdivision to me. (Probably lower-middle class by Austin standards, and we are a pretty liberal city.) There are plenty of neighborhoods which are predominatly liberal all over the country with WAY WAY bigger houses than that.

    #31, Sure – all of the highways in the country were build in the 50s. None have been rebuilt since then, and none will be rebuilt now that we have lower taxes, because roads are such a huge percentage of the federal budget. Sure.

  3. chris says:

    #10 & #12

    You are both right. This comes directly out of the conservative media machine.

    Sadly, it is also correct.

    Obama stands for exactly nothing. The really infuriating thing is this was entirely clear during the campaign.

  4. jman says:

    why isn’t this bobbo loser banned?

  5. Sea Lawyer says:

    #37, how about you first?

  6. Greg Allen says:

    Middle Class American deserve our decline.

    We love politicians who have anti-middle class policies (Reagan, Bush Jr.)

    He crap on leaders who have pro-middle class policies. (Clinton, Obama and Bush Sr.a little.)

  7. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:


    Well, that’s quite a hurtful thing to say, I must say. So is the question should I post more ignorantly to keep the groups good will? Heh, heh.

    Some criticisms fail on their utterances. Others, like mine, require a list.

    Ha, ha.

  8. JimD says:

    It took the Repukes THIRTY YEARS TO DESTROY AMERICA !!! After two hundred years of growth !!! They ARE NOT FIT TO LEAD AND ARE NOT THE ALTERNATIVE TO OBAMA !!! You think Newtie “BLow Me So I Can Deny Having Sex With You” Gingrich is a “Leader” ??? Do you think they have ANY LEADERS ??? Do you think the Repukes have ANY IDEAS – EXCEPT MORE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH ??? Why have they put up a website trolling for “Ideas” ??? The REPUKES ARE TOTALLY INTELLECTUALLY BANKRUPT !!!

  9. kim says:

    Way to go, Bobbo! Once again, you left the “Americans only by accident of birthplace” spluttering.

  10. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    JimD–while I totally support the attitude you post with, your description of Newtie sounds more like Clinton? And I must say Newt actually is “a leader.” I also disagree with most of what he hypocritically manufactures for his base, but after all, that is “leadership.” And afterall he really did guide the balanced budgets that Clinton gets credit for. Don’t think he would actually do the same if he were in power. The Repuke’s are so much more about getting power and destroying the Dem’s than they are about governing the country. “IF” THEY PASSED PROGRAM CUTS to match or exceed their tax cuts, THEN I might cede they had any ideas.

    But, they don’t.

  11. IDIOT missing in Kenya says:

    The wing nut LIBS on this site are complete comedy. Angry white guys, disillusioned Palin lovers, blah blah blah. How is your buddy’s 43% approval rating? Not bad for a racist piece of human garbage, parading around like a change agent. Obama is going to be hamstrung come Nov, and out as of 2013. Wait until you see the change coming then…

  12. pedro's confused donkey says:

    pedro put a sticker on his ass. me. it says “vote for pedro.” he must think I am a voter because he is always screwing me. i’m pedro’s ass and my ass hurts. and the goat’s too.

  13. chris says:


    A valid point. I would change “deserve” to “earned”, though.

    Bush Sr. was from an era when conservative was not equivalent with completely insane. Good times, those.

    Clinton, who I like immensely, doesn’t get a free pass. He was instrumental in opening the doors to the world; that helped reinforce the dynamics that led to the current credit revulsion. He is probably the last of the progressives. At least until we see widespread social disturbances on par with the Great Depression, that is.

    Obama missed his window. If he wanted to be FDR he could have done it. He really could have. But he didn’t.

    As one party explodes into psychosis the other fiddles into irrelevance. There isn’t anything credible in third party land.

    My, we are in a pickle.

  14. srgothard says:

    People like Obama and Bush 41 will always be around as long as people think that government is here for more than public defense and to protect people from each other. Government is not here to educate you, feed the poor, medically treat you, give you roads, regulate your phones, rotate your kids through foster homes, force you to buy the right types of cars, etc. If an action you do directly harms someone else, then the legal system is here to punish you. However, if you are in need, go to your family, friends, church, or charities. Don’t demand that people are forcibly taxed to take care of you.

  15. Bubba says:

    What would Obama think if he saw this?


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