When the 20 agents arrived bearing a search warrant at her Ventura County farmhouse door at 7 a.m. on a Wednesday a couple weeks back, Sharon Palmer didn’t know what to say. This was the third time she was being raided in 18 months, and she had thought she was on her way to resolving the problem over labeling of her goat cheese that prompted the other two raids. (In addition to producing goat’s milk, she raises cattle, pigs, and chickens, and makes the meat available via a CSA.)

But her 12-year-old daughter, Jasmine, wasn’t the least bit tongue-tied. “She started back-talking to them,” recalls Palmer. “She said, ‘If you take my computer again, I can’t do my homework.’ This would be the third computer we will have lost. I still haven’t gotten the computers back that they took in the previous two raids.”

As part of a five-hour-plus search of her barn and home, the agents — from the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office, Los Angeles County Sheriff, Ventura County Sheriff, and the California Department of Food and Agriculture — took the replacement computer, along with milk she feeds her chickens and pigs.

While no one will say officially what the purpose of this latest raid was, aside from being part of an investigation in progress, what is very clear is that government raids of producers, distributors, and even consumers of nutritionally dense foods appear to be happening ever more frequently. Sometimes they are meant to counter raw dairy production, other times to challenge private food organizations over whether they should be licensed as food retailers.

A couple of things to note, this story has cropped up word for word in a slew of odd publications. Not sure exactly what that means, but it is worth dogging. I do know there is a concerted effort to shut down raw milk producers around the country. Raw honey seems odd. What’s wrong with that? It’s called HONEY. Why steal it?

Found by Patrick Murphy.

  1. jbellies says:

    “As for raw milk, I recall one of the reasons why most of the states in the country ban it is because of the risks of consuming it with children.” Besides, it isn’t Kosher to consume milk with children.

    Seriously, though, food seems to be one of those areas where the liberals, bureaucracy and the big statists, the fascists and big food are all working together in one unholy alliance. When they all come together like that, there is no light hand.

  2. O'Really says:

    # 31 Cap’nKangaroo said,
    #23. FYI meat packers have onsite government inspectors around the clock.

    Even…better, then how is contaminated getting into the market and making people (children in particular) sick with e. coli.

    It’s because meat, tobacco, alcohol, etc all have spent big money, the form of lobbyist, to influence government standards.

  3. t0llyb0ng says:

    Is industrial hemp a good thing? Then why aren’t we allowed to grow it? Because someone might sneak some smoke-able stuff in there & Jeebus wouldn’t approve of that.

    That’s where our “modern” minds are at—medieval through & through.

  4. Pagon says:

    #14 – thank you.
    #28 – “Once a companies raw milk starts killing children consumers will stop buying their milk and they will go out of business.”

    Yeah! Out of business! That’ll teach the bastards not to kill people!

    How many dead people would it take to convince you to try a different supplier, if you even could do so? In our industrial food system, it’s nearly impossible to pinpoint the source of contamination in almost every product.

    May I suggest that you get past the headlines and read a few articles through to the end. It’s just amazing what you’ll learn about the actual world.

    Oh, and try not get all your ideas from bumper stickers. Reading them while driving can cause accidents, and developing your world view from them definitely causes brain rot and is bad for our country.

    btw, I like your online nickname – an obvious takeoff on the Mr. Magoo character. Excellent role model, since Mr. Magoo was nearly blind.


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