A U.S. Congressman has introduced a resolution that would protect citizens who videotape cops in public from getting arrested on state wiretapping charges.
Edolphus Towns, a Democrat from New York, introduced the resolution on Thursday, the same day USA Today wrote a scathing editorial denouncing these types of arrests.
Edolphus “Ed” TownsThese types of arrests have become an epidemic throughout the country as more people are carrying some type of video-recording device on them at all times
But the case that has gained the most national attention has been the arrest of Anthony Graber, a National Guardsman who is facing 16 years in prison because he uploaded a video of a Maryland State Trooper pulling a gun on him during a traffic stop.
Ten days later, Uhler discovered that Graber posted the video online. Two videos. A longer one without audio and a shorter one with audio.
That prompted Uhler to issue an arrest warrant against Graber, citing that “Graber did not inform Tfc. Uhler that he was recording him by video or audio, thus violating criminal law 10-402(b).”
He also tacked on the charges of “reckless driving” and “negligent driving” to the arrest warrant.
And then six cops raided his parent’s home where Graber is living early one morning.
These psycho Maryland cops and DA’s seem to be a perpetual problem.
# 14 DrPiper said, on July 17th, 2010 at 3:33 pm
“This whole case stinks from top to bottom.
Maryland State Troopers are insane anyway. They actually walk out into the fast lane of 495/95 (the capital beltway) to stop speeding vehicles. A lane that regularly travels at 75-80 mph. I have been there when they do that and it causes the stomping of brakes, the swerving of vehicles and near collisions almost every time.”
I used to live in Alexandria, VA and they are no better there. Maybe worse. In DFW, a few are bad, but for the most part they do a pretty good job and follow the rules. Strange, yes? You’d think in Texas it would be crazy, too, but it’s not. I’ve always been treated courteously and almost always just given a warning.
Of course, a really good story always helps. I told one State Trooper on I-20 he might as well write the ticket up for 100 mph ’cause if my boss thought I was loafing I’d get fired. He laughed hard and just let me go.
#7 1860 Navy “Concealed carry holders are more law abiding than any demographic you can name. Dope.”
Well said.
got any source for concealed holders being the most law abiding? No links will be conclusive you idiots continue to just make shit up. I googled and got as far as such info is not available:
Bobbo, I carry a gun every chance I get (work won’t even allow me to have it in my vehicle) and put it on as soon as I get home.
I have been threatened in my own driveway while mowing and until last week figured I would never have to pull it. I was wrong. At 4:30AM someone was walking around our property and our neighbors and their dogs lit him up. He was looking for gas as he ran out and pulled into our driveway. He stopped moving and looking as soon as I stepped around the corner with my Glock in my hand similar to the cop in the video.
Being the nice guy I am I challenged him, got the story AND gave him two gallons of gas to get him home.
There have been no “blood in the streets” since my state became a CCH/CCW shall issue state and all you have to do is look at the stats.
Do I want to shoot someone? No, and I think about it every time I put the gun on. On the other side, I don’t want to see a loved one or myself shot, maimed, raped or even killed either.
Mr Diesel
When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
The undercover cop is lucky he wasn’t shot. When seeing a guy get out of a unmarked car while wearing no identifiable uniform and pulling a gun seems more like a road rage incident than a cop making an arrest. He should have pulled his badge first if he was interested in self preservation.
I would absolutely love to own a gun. But seriously, guns should NOT be in the hands of people that go bat crazy like me. So no guns for little old me, unless y’all really want me to own one. Do you?
You just can’t trust any policeman pig (OK maybe just in New Orleans). These losers shot and killed two (some shot in the back), shot 4 others, and the civilians were unarmed. These losers then planted guns and covered up their mistakes with lies and intimidations. This year Five police officers already have pleaded guilty to lying and covering up. The Bush Administration did nothing. Lets hope all of these pigs get whats coming to them.
Diesel–thats great and I do believe you. Now, can you answer the question?
If I was Anthony Graber I’d have one of my friends video tape shooting Tfc. Uhler in the head then have it uploaded to utube
i’m from Ireland, and this has convinced me that America is a highly corrupt nation, and I don’t think i’ll ever go there, useless it was to blow up a nuclear power station and do the rest of the world a favour