Here is the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and actress Tilda Swinton when she played the role of the corrupt and murderous attorney in the film Michael Clayton.Interesting look.

For an even more amazing list go here.

  1. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Let’s see about that. Hank of hair, bag of bones==yep, those are women. As eerily similar as Jebus on burnt toast.

    So, what could be interesting is to match doppelgangers and see how close they are genetically–ie, how far back do you have to go for a common ancestor. Then do a statistical regression on all such matches, and you find out we all look pretty much the same?

  2. Joe says:

    Should I care? I’ve never delivered milk, mail or any other goods to their mama’s.

    Signed, The Traveling Salesman 😉

    (This is just more proof that women can be even more lecherous than men. Especially the ugly ones!!!)

  3. Buzz says:

    Funny how DNA seems to get the parts count correct, too, most of the time.

  4. meatball says:

    Julia Gillard is MILF-alicious! Admittedly, I have a weakness for redheads. 🙂

  5. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    The PM looks much nicer. The other chick has sharp knees.

  6. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    #4 said: Julia Gillard is MILF-alicious! Admittedly, I have a weakness for redheads.

    I wonder if the drapes match the carpet?

  7. sargasso_c says:

    Both are Anglo-Celts. Tilda is Highlander and Julia is Welsh. Their physical characteristics are inherited.

  8. Monty0000 says:

    I think you have to toss Jodie Foster into this look-a-like ring, too.

  9. Luc says:

    They forgot Sarah Palin vs. Tina Fey! I remember the first time I ever saw Sarah Palin, I still didn’t know who she was, I thought it was Tina.

  10. MikeN says:

    Michael Clayton is one of the worst movies ever made.

  11. Chris Mac says:

    You so small you funny

  12. Chris Mac says:

    i have a red pencil box

  13. Chris Mac says:

    oops wrong thread

  14. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I checked out the second link and must honestly admit I only recognized about 15% of the names. And other than maybe Reese Witherspoon, I would be totally unable to match a face to a name. Should I be embarrassed or proud of my utter lack of knowledge of these people?

  15. cgp says:

    A better match would be Margret Thatcher in her early political career.

  16. Arkyn1 says:


    You should be proud, very proud indeed. It simply means that these people have contributed nothing or less to your life’s story, and were seen in passing, as minor distractions. This is only fair and proper.

  17. John C. Qwerty says:

    I’d pay good money to see Julia Gillard get it on with Tilda Swinton’s character in “Constantine” in the morning.

    Now that would be worth my Double Nickels on the Dime, right?

  18. John C. Qwerty says:

    I think there are a few here who look like….

  19. jbellies says:

    I get Robert deNiro, Andy Garcia, and Al Pacino confused, even though they don’t look alike, but not Dustin Hoffman.

    There are more women on the look-alike lists because women have less genetic variation, while men have the Y-chromosome mess. The glorious junkyard of genetics.

    The issues of fashion, slebrity and even the search for doppelgangers to known actors in order to play a close relation–all mean that these lists tend to highlight those from a narrow range of careers.

    I thought that Patty Duke looked a lot like her English cousin. But in the end, it all comes down to mud wrestling.

  20. 1860 Navy says:

    A certain politician and a sock monkey.

  21. Buzz says:

    How come no stars dress up like Janet Reno?

  22. Floyd says:

    #18: Having met Al Franken face to face once (I used to live in Minnesota), he looks nothing like an “old lesbian.”

    The guy is of Jewish descent, and probably comes by his curly hair honestly. He also has a reputation in the Senate as being a “straight shooter,” which is rare in politics. And–he’s witty!

  23. DaddyBear says:

    Is it just me, or is Australia one of those places in the world where they drown the ugly people?

  24. Nugget Coombs says:

    # 23 DaddyBear said, on July 18th, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    Is it just me, or is Australia one of those places in the world where they drown the ugly people?

    Yes of course we do!!! We’ve even managed to drown a couple of Yankees off Queensland.

  25. Milota says:

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