Wielding a blow-dryer, a leading atheist conducted a mass “de-baptism” of fellow non-believers and symbolically dried up the offending waters that were sprinkled on their foreheads as young children.
Kagin, who is American Atheists’ national legal director, firmly believes that regardless of one’s religious beliefs, each person has the right to say or do what he or she wants, provided it is within the law. In the past, he has reportedly called out parents who subject their children to strict fundamentalist religious education, referring to it as child abuse.
“They are practicing child abuse in teaching that the world operates in ways other than it does,” he told the convention crowd. “And in my opinion, they are engaged in terrorism by weakening our nation and our understanding of science and things with which we can defend ourselves and progress. If it had not been for these fools we could have been at the stars 2,000 years ago.”
Kagin said he thought some people might get overly offended by his poking fun at religion. “If someone is so secure in their faith, why are they the least bit concerned about some little atheist mocking them?” he asked. “I think the reason they are worried and concerned is the very deep fear that if everyone doesn’t believe it, maybe it isn’t so.”

In vaguely unrelated religious news, Hindu gods are now prohibited from trading in the stock market.

  1. Dallas says:

    This wet versus dry religious arms race must stop.

  2. Animby says:

    Well, I was raised Southern Baptist and so took a whole body drenching. Will this guy blow me?

  3. Scott M. says:

    The trouble with atheists is they make a religion out of not believing in a religion.

    Monk’s robes and a hair dryer indeed. And a message delivered by a lawyer? Please.

    The most convincing argument for the invalidity of religion is your own life experience. Short meeting. No props. End of story.

  4. TooManyPuppies says:

    I thoroughly enjoy and exercise my right to not believe. But when others start acting just as stupid as old men wearing funky hats while in a dress, or see jesus Fracking christ in their grilled cheese sandwich, I call them fucktards.

  5. dusanmal says:

    When he starts de-musliming muslims in whatever whimsical way (glue around the neck maybe?) I’ll take him seriously in his “atheism”. So far he is just anti-christian.

  6. bac says:

    I just hope there are very few atheist that partake in giving religion credibilty by this reach around method.

    A person shouldn’t really care if the church of fairy tales knows you do not believe in their fairy tales.

    But if one has the need, a better demostration might be to gather a bunch of people, give them copies of Darwin’s books then attend a Sunday service with books in hand. But who wants to waste the time?

  7. Cursor_ says:

    “Kagin said he thought some people might get overly offended by his poking fun at religion. “If someone is so secure in their faith, why are they the least bit concerned about some little atheist mocking them?” he asked. “I think the reason they are worried and concerned is the very deep fear that if everyone doesn’t believe it, maybe it isn’t so.”

    Funny how it works the other way ’round as well.

    Give a monkey a brain.


  8. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    I caught that segment. Turns out his son is a born again preacher, so this “evangelical” thing appears to be genetic? I must be a passive carrier because I was as repelled by this meaningless ceremony consistent with any other “group” ceremony.

    He tried to emphasize it was all in fun but to my mind it was all social conformity-another example of conformist social thinking, aka religion. Very rare for “atheist” to celebrate/congregate over that status, much better to read a book, or take a photograph, or bake some croissants.

    OTOH–his audience was the recently religious. I guess a little group ceremony will help the passage to rational thought.

  9. Buzz says:

    That’s not a hair dryer. It’s an electric penis enlarger. I know that guy. And I am pleased with the results.

  10. libhomo says:

    I love the bizarre and paranoid reactions that some religionists get when they are exposed to atheist humor. People should remember that one person’s religion is another person’s belly laugh.

  11. Brian says:

    I am an Atheist. I am also not as insecure in my non-belief as these fools as to cause me to mock the beliefs of others. Doing so is simply childish. Not to mention immoral and rude.

  12. Shubee says:

    The “blow-dryer of reason” is unreasonable.

  13. Mikey Twit says:

    I’m an atheist and I think this is idiotic. I’ll discuss it if asked, but I don’t go around telling everyone, you need to not believe.

  14. cgp says:

    Hey JCD grap that Jesus switch pic back.

    I believe (no not that word).

    I think religious teaching to minors should be banned. They are too immature to properly deal with what is being placed before them.

  15. Cursor_ says:

    “I think religious teaching to minors should be banned.
    They are too immature to properly deal with what is
    being placed before them.”

    Then let us ban ideology in the guise of citizenship and civics as well.

    Utopia is as valid a reality as the existence of ghosts, Santa or rights.

    None of it exists. We only believe they/it do/does until we are shown it is a lie.


  16. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I’m a Christian but, damn, I thought that was funny.

  17. matt says:

    methinks there’s no difference at all between an atheists proselytizing and someone from any other religion proselyting.

    In both cases they are asking you to accept something that they can in no way prove. That’s why it’s called FAITH.

    What makes ass-hats like this guy particularly annoying is that he fails to see that he’s denouncing the very activity that he participates in. Does anyone really think he wouldn’t indoctrinate HIS kids with Atheistic beliefs??

  18. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Thank you matt: the guys adult son is a born again preacher. They have a close father/son relationship and simply don’t discuss that particular issue.

    If I go out on the street corner and tell people my potato peeler is the very best and will change their lives and get people to wash and peel potatoes, have I started a new religion?

    Rational thought: similarities vs differences = weigh and contrast == sum up >> reach a conclusion.

    Too many of you retards only get to the first similarity you find, then you leap to a bumper sticker slogan. Apply to the present real life example and get back to us.

  19. cgp says:


    Well what does the term ‘minor’ imply, and why its restriction? The problem with indoctrinating minors is once they reach an age where they hopefully have mature minds as well as independence, they usually are committed to cultural obligations.

    Any honest process of disengagement has various degrees of alienation.

    I just wish more religions were honest in these matters.

  20. cgp says:


    Of course there is a difference

    prove it to me versus non doubting thomases

    rational thought vs dogma

    scientific process vs revealed knowledge

    never sure vs always sure

  21. Glenn E. says:

    This crackpot is obviously out to offend as much as possible, in order to get the attention he craves. Just like gays who are merely satisfied with being left alone. But who have to parade around and dance (like a certain Tv show host) like some fool. In order to be the face of those who aren’t. They’re not about expressing their life choices. They’re about making a spectacle of themselves. Which is just vanity. And exploiting whatever issue they’ve latched onto, to make their pathetic life more seem important.

    So this clown has written a book. Big deal. All the books, written and sold, by all the atheists, who ever lived. Amount to a drop in the bucket, compared to all the Bibles and Korans printed and sold.

    This clods justification for atheism is “been to the stars 2,000 year ago”, because science wouldn’t have been persecuted for so long. Well clearing this idiot knows nothing about science history, or the history of anything. Those he really think the Pagans would have worked out the sciences any faster. Oh wait a minute. Paganism is a religion too. There were no atheists 2,000 years ago. They didn’t know they need to stand out from all the Pagans, in order to get media attention. Back then, they’d have been crucified along with the Jews and Christians. 2,000 years ago, nobody could afford the luxury of pretending to believe in nothing. They’d have been thought to be crazy.

    And human civilization isn’t based on “survival of the fittest”. It’s been based on some form of law, for millenniums. Laws the animal kingdom would never have devised, to protect the weaker. And none of these so-called atheists would risk being tossed in jail, refusing to obey these laws. Or swear to tell the truth in court. So they’re a pack of hypocrites. That only practice their atheism, when it’s not too inconvenient to buck the majority.

    And if they really want to reach the stars sooner. I say fine, ship them all off to there, now. Bet they’ll chicken out of that too. What atheist has ever sacrificed anything important in their life, for what they believe in? Or rather, what they don’t believe in?

    Apparently, only by railing against all established religions, is any part of their existence validated. Which is their wacky way of claiming, “yes, we can prove a negative.” Sorry. The world just doesn’t work that way.

  22. Winston says:

    “When he starts de-musliming muslims in whatever whimsical way (glue around the neck maybe?) I’ll take him seriously in his “atheism”. So far he is just anti-christian.”

    Why would he do a PR stunt attacking Muslims in a predominantly Christian country. Besides, I have the perception from mainstream media news reports that public mocking of the Muslim religion can have “life altering” consequences. He may be taking that into consideration.

  23. sargasso_c says:

    The blow-drier of reason is followed by the styling mouse of atheism.

  24. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    #21—-Gee, can anyone get Glenn E his meds? By getting up today on the wrong side of the bed, I think he skipped his morning routine.

    So much wrong there, we cannot cover each point. Just the ones that perhaps will have universal agreement?

    1. This crackpot is obviously out to offend as much as possible, in order to get the attention he craves. /// I thought he was too silly to watch. Is something this silly really that offensive? Maybe to those who really need exactly that kind of balance?

    2. There were no atheists 2,000 years ago. /// Your basis for this is what? Absent a poll, the surviving written record is pretty sparse. Excellent for wombats to project their own prejudices into.

    3. And human civilization isn’t based on “survival of the fittest” //// Yea, thats why hunter gatherers and subsistence farming civilizations are still competing for number of Nobel Prizes won.

    Actually just about EVERY sentence you wrote is pretty idiotic==just the very justification any atheist would reasonably pay attention to before drawing your attention.


  25. deowll says:

    The guy was obviously seeking media attention and if he has a book I guess that explains why. Of course these people leave the Muslims alone. They are afraid but I’m afraid they miss the point. If you read the Koran all Atheists should be killed. They oppose the will of Allah. They aren’t members of one of the monotheist religions that can be permitted to live if they pay the tax. Game over.

    What the Greek/Roman Philosophers thought is a little hard to determine because neither the Christians nor the Muslims recorded it but based on what I’ve been able to find out it did make a lot more sense than what many headline seeking modern atheists are pushing.

    Most didn’t actually buy into the traditional pantheon but then many thought the something, perhaps a guiding force or intelligence was out there. They believed in right and wrong and tried to teach how to live a good, useful, and productive life.

    I agree with Marcus A. and others that you can hang on to whatever shreds of your personal dignity still exists no matter how bad your circumstances or how much physical or spiritual pain you may be in. You can always decide to do the right thing whatever you see that as being. Rich or poor, free or slave you can do the right thing.

    Marcus was not a fan of either the Jewish or Christian faith but he was a fan of what seems to have amounted to the golden rule: Show others the same courtesy, concern, and respect you would wish them to show you even if they are powerless before you. Maybe especially if they are powerless before you.

    A tendency to actively abuse the powerless may been one of man’s least endearing traits.

  26. angry says:

    God bless Kagin and his wacky performance art. Get that man a grant!

  27. Greg Allen says:

    >> Kagin said
    >> some people might get overly offended by his poking fun at religion.
    >> “If someone is so secure in their faith, why are they the least bit concerned about some little atheist mocking them?

    That logic cuts both ways — secure, mature atheists don’t mock religion.

    In my observation, atheists who are anti-religion typically have emotional or psychological problems — often related to unresolved parental issues.

    (And this cuts both ways too.)

  28. Somebody says:

    #3 Scott M. said:

    “Monk’s robes and a hair dryer indeed.”

    If it’s any consolation, later that evening, bobbo defrocked him.

    # 12 Shubee said:

    “The “blow-dryer of reason” is unreasonable.”

    That was dry humor.

  29. Somebody says:

    # 17 matt said:

    “methinks there’s no difference at all between an atheists proselytizing and someone from any other religion proselyting.”

    Let me point out the difference then. The conversation with the atheist won’t end with “and that’s why you should give me 10% of your income and obey my every command.”

    Unless he’s a communist like bobbo. Then he’ll ask for 90%.

  30. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and critic of film and all other pursuits says:

    somebody = Ha, ha. But really: from ZERO to 90%, and I don’t think those in a position to set the rate ever “ask” for the amount. Caps or Comms = a request at the point of a gun is hardly asking.

    So close to slavery? Ha, ha. Yes indeed. And even the differences sometimes seem illusory?


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