If she said I could do her but she’d have to kill me after, I’d still do it. Makes me want to join the KGB.  Here’s the story.

What kind of career options are open to a pretty young Russian spy like Anna Chapman now that she has been busted by the FBI and deported from the United States? With her Facebook photos splashed on tabloid front pages across the world, espionage is probably out. But Chapman—known in Russia by her maiden name, Anna Kushchenko—could have a national political career ahead of her in Russia. She is already a local hero in her hometown of Volgograd (formerly known as Stalingrad), where a Kremlin-backed youth party last week called on the local mayor to make her an honored citizen. While Chapman and 10 other accused spies were in jail in the United States, Volgograd’s official newspaper also held a songwriting contest to provide “moral support for our people,” says organizer Sergei Onishenko, “We think of her as our hero.” The winning song, a catchy ballad, includes the line, “You have not been broken by jail. You gave away none of our secrets.”

  1. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    Makes me think: “Only in America.”

    Then I slap my forehead.

    Sucks when our enemy is too much like ourselves.


    Is there any real difference?
    Lie, Cheat, Steal. Bribe. = No.

  2. Personality says:

    Marc. I don’t think she knows how to kill a fly so you have nothing to worry about.

  3. deowll says:

    To be honest we may have known about these people for years and only arrested them because we needed somebody to trade for the four people we got.

  4. Mr Diesel says:

    I’d still do her.

  5. yankinwaoz says:

    I have a funny feeling she is going to have a career in the west sooner than later. I’m sure Hollywood beckons, and she can make some sweet money. She may have to base herself in London though since she may have trouble getting a US visa now.

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    Hero for what? what secrets does she have that anyone gives a shit about?

  7. Mr Diesel says:


    How to quietly suck a golf ball through a garden hose I hope.

  8. Animby says:

    Marc – if you get a chance go ahead but do it soon. Afterall, she is a Russian and I’ve seen it happen too often: One day she’s a beautiful, sexy woman and a week later she’s a bear with one tooth, a babushka and smelling like boiled cabbage. (Care to haiku that image, Bobbo?)

  9. cgp says:

    Can someone explain to me what national secrets these Russians were after?

  10. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    Young Beauty’s Siren Song
    Alluring to one alive.
    Then, all slowly die.

    [Fail! 6-7-5 – ed.]

  11. hhopper says:

    A cute young lady
    A clandestine Russian spy
    Will become a hag

  12. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    There was a young beauty from Moscow
    Caught as a spy and a pinko
    She was sent home
    In return for our own
    But still, we want her back – somehow.

  13. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    Hey EDS!!! Took me 3 recounts before I got Six! It wasn’t “pronunciation”–somehow I wasn’t counting right.

    Well, thats aggravating. Good thing Master is not around.

    Young Beauty – Desired.
    All Women actually
    Then we all get old.

    Hopper starts strong but last line is a bit harsh. What could we do to improve it? Just seems to need a few more syllables?

    I’ve often wondered which would be worse: to be born plain/ugly and stay that way, or born beautiful and watch it whither away. Thankfully, I’m of the 90% in the middle where its not an issue either way.

  14. The Pirate's Parrot says:

    It’s George Bush’s fault Perky ain’t gettin’ any, Russian or otherwise.

  15. Dallas says:

    You should see her brother. Wow

  16. Animby says:

    # 14 bobbo, “Hopper starts strong but last line is a bit harsh.”

    I disagree. Hopper done good and met my challenge. But I’m not a haiku kinda guy. For my money, I think your limerick is better. By the way, in answer to your question, I have always been gorgeous and every morning when I look in the mirror, I am amazed that I just seem to get better looking!

    There was a young lady called Anna
    Who came to the States via Kenya
    She’s young and pretty
    But the point of this ditty
    Is in Russia she’ll wear a babushka


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