SACARAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Friday will order 224 California National Guard troops to the border with Mexico, fulfilling an earlier commitment to President Barack Obama.

In May, Obama launched a plan to deploy 1,200 National Guard troops to the southwest border, alarmed by a tide of smuggled drugs and immigrants and pummeled politically over illegal immigration.

Schwarzenegger earlier pledged California’s full cooperation with federal initiatives to secure the border and attack the narcotics trade. “This is just the beginning,” Schwarzenegger said last month. “We must find a more permanent solution to our broken immigration system.” Schwarzenegger has long supported a larger military presence along the border in San Diego and Imperial counties, quickly endorsing previous buildups President George W. Bush.

In the order to be released Friday morning, the governor urged his adjutant general to “use volunteers to the maximum extent possible.”

So let me get this straight, Obama is concerned about California’s border, but doesn’t give a shit about Arizona? This doesn’t make a damn bit of sense to me. And what happened to “our borders are quite secure ” that California Congressman Bonehead was spewing the other day? Are we supposed to boycott California? Will Californian’s boycott themselves?

  1. 1860 Navy says:

    The Democrats, (plus that knucklehead Arnold), don’t seem to know their asses from their elbows on the issue of criminal immigration, and are spinning their stories wildly, hoping the voters don’t notice what lying, disgusting leaders they are.

  2. deowll says:

    Why do I get the feeling that Obama thinks California is more important than Arizona? Could it have something to do with the number of electoral votes?

    Maybe I’m missing something but this looks incredibly two faced to me.

  3. Steve S says:

    I wish Arnold had kept making movies instead of trying to govern the ungovernable state of California.
    In the movies he was the hero.
    As a governor, he is just pathetic.

  4. Mextli says:

    “We must find a more permanent solution to our broken immigration system.”

    I didn’t see the words undocumented and comprehensive. I thought they were mandatory in any article about immigration.

  5. jbenson2 says:

    The last line on the posting just nails the hypocrisy of the libs:

    “Will Californian’s boycott themselves?”

  6. AC_in_Mich says:

    As a longtime eBay buyer and seller – California sure as hell will not get any better if Meg Whitman buys her way into office!

  7. Micromike says:

    I’m a Californian who knows we took this land from the Mexicans in the 1850s. I think we should all use it, remember sharing in kindergarten? There is plenty of room for all and American kids won’t do the farm work. I grew up in Bakersfield (Kern County) and worked in the fields and sheds while in school but most kids these days won’t do it. Somebody needs to harvest the crops and do millions of jobs Americans think they are too good for.

    Fuck the feds – States Rights are more important.

    Just say NO! to Government.

  8. roastedpeanuts says:

    224 soldiers..? Pretty specific.. and very small. I bet almost half that will be support staff.

    So 100 something soldiers to help with California’s giant border?

    Sounds like a big FU.

  9. dusanmal says:

    @Micromike: “I’m a Californian who knows we took this land from the Mexicans in the 1850s” – Obviously Californian raised up on Leftist Public Education.
    In 1846 a group of American settlers in Sonoma declared the independence of a California Republic, leading to a war and independent American California. See any parallel to British Empire and settlers declaring independence from it and fighting war to get their freedom?

    As for “and do millions of jobs Americans think they are too good for.” I personally know order of about 100 construction workers who lost their jobs to illegal immigrants, directly. As well as several construction businesses who fell unable to compete with crooks hiring illegals at slave-pay.

  10. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Maybe because Arizona is mostly a dusty, empty shithole desert with a very small population and just lots of old snowbirds who are afraid of anything browner than the gravy at their early bird dinners at Denny’s. We already know they’re lying about being the number two kidnapping capital of the world.

  11. Animby says:

    # 11 m.c. in l.v. said, “Arizona is mostly a dusty, empty shithole desert…”

    I take umbrage, sir. The lower half of the State is mostly desert but it’s a desert full of life and beauty. The northern half includes some wonderful mountains, terrific skiing resorts and, oh yeah – the Grand Canyon! AZ is the sixth largest state in the union and consequently has a wide variety of terrain. The population of the State is right in the middle of the pack but growing very fast. I think only Nevada is growing faster.

    As for kidnappings? Your own refuatation states “…Nobody was tracking the statistic in a comparable way.” So maybe AZ is third or fourth or even tenth! BFD – it’s a major problem and it’s tightly linked to the illegal immigration problem – another point confirmed by your own reference.

    On behalf of Arizonans everywhere, may I be the first to wish you a happy return to New Jersey.

  12. jccalhoun says:

    Animby said,
    As for kidnappings? Your own refuatation states “…Nobody was tracking the statistic in a comparable way.” So maybe AZ is third or fourth or even tenth! BFD – it’s a major problem and it’s tightly linked to the illegal immigration problem – another point confirmed by your own reference.

    Or maybe AZ is the lowest and there really isn’t a problem at all and it is overblown…

  13. Winston says:

    Estaré de vuelta… en la frontera de Texas!

  14. badcowboy says:

    It is the way Arizona is doing it. A police officer can ask anyone at any time to produce papers – if you can’t produce the correct paperwork, you could be considered an illegal.

    The AZ law will be quickly taken to extremes as having ‘immigration checkpoints’ set up in cities much like DUI checkpoints. I have enough issues with having to stop for DUI checkpoints, let alone having to stop at a Nazi style checkpoint just to see if I have the correct paperwork.

    Keeping people from crossing the border is another issue and that is what CA is working on.

  15. Awake says:

    As long as the ‘drug war’ is fought by concentrating on the source rather than the consumer, it is a lost cause. Here we are pointing the finger all the time at the producers, without looking inwards and attacking the real problem , which is the huge appetite for drugs by the American consumer. There is a reason the drugs flow only in one direction, towards the USA, and it’s not because we will be shipping them to another country.

    Of course, it is easier to blame others for our problems that take responsibility and recognize that America is deeply flawed in many areas.

    As far as Mexicans being used as ‘drug mules’. Yes, there has been a great increase in that area, but it is a simple economic principle. It is VERY expensive to cross the border illegally in order to look for work in the USA… if offered to chance to carry a package of drugs over paying $8000 for the same crossing, which do you think they will choose?

    Again, it is drug consumption in the USA that is the real problem. Unless we admit to that fact and deal with it, we are all really a bunch of hypocrites.

  16. Skeptic says:

    I’ll be back.

  17. Thomas says:

    What a load of crap. The “Mexicans” did not come around until long after the Spanish had “conquered” (which is to say claimed) the CA territory. The Spanish “took” it from the numerous native American tribes that were living there who themselves took it from each other numerous times. Once Mexico won its freedom from Spain, CA “became” Mexico’s by default. We simply took it last.

    Second, the ONLY reason American kids won’t do farm work is that it isn’t paid at minimum wage. Either eliminate minimum wage or actually enforce it. If you actually enforced it, you’d be amazed how many Americans would take the jobs.

  18. Mextli says:

    “…recognize that America is deeply flawed in many areas.”

    Libs just can’t stand America and never miss an opportunity to trash it.


  19. Awake says:

    #19 Mextli….

    How about quoting my whole statement so it is in context?

    “Of course, it is easier to blame others for our problems that take responsibility and recognize that America is deeply flawed in many areas.”

    For example, we should admit that there is a drug problem in the USA, when it has the highest cocaine use in the world per-capita.

    You know what is sad? It is sad to see people that don’t want to make their country better by starting to admit it flaws, rather than just saying “Love it or leave it”. That is sad.

  20. gquaglia says:

    Not to worry. I’m sure the guardsmen will probably not even be issued ammo. Half hearted attempt to look like you’re doing something when in fact, you aren’t.

  21. MikeN says:

    Federal law says that the executives must assist states and local governments who ask about the immigration status of anyone. How does Obama reconcile that with his lawsuit against Arizona, or that Rhode Island has had a similar law for years? Sue Patrick Kennedy first.


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