1. steve says:

    another example of sink or swim!!?? good luck!?

  2. admfubar says:

    lets not forget the tax cuts for big business..
    which brings me to another point, tax cuts are big government…
    the rallying cry of the gop…. 😛

  3. ECA says:

    lets see..
    Big corps get BIG money..
    but will it make MORE jobs, or just pay TOP wage persons BONUS’S..

    BIG MONEY to the POOR, gets TONS of persons paying BILLS, and those ABOVE the poor can pay THEIR BILLS, and if there is ANY left(there wont be) we can buy SOMETHING GREAT..(wont happen)

    Who remembers the CAR CREDIT??
    did many of you see any OTHER sales happening at the SAME TIME?? I didnt. AFTER and BEFORE I was seeing $6000 OFF sales. ADD the CREDIT and you could have saved almost $10,000.

  4. 1860 Navy says:

    Who pay the huge MAJORITY of taxes in this country? Who create the jobs? Where does all of the money the Democrats give to the poor come from? Who will be paying the health care costs of all of the criminal aliens? Who will be paying the SSI, WIC, Medicare, Medicaid costs of all the families of the poor? Not the fucking Democrats from Mexico.

  5. DA says:

    #2 admfubar

    Explain how tax cuts = big government?

  6. Uncle Patso says:

    # 4 1860 Navy:
    “Who pay the huge MAJORITY of taxes in this country? Who create the jobs? Where does all of the money the Democrats give to the poor come from? Who will be paying the health care costs of all of the criminal aliens? Who will be paying the SSI, WIC, Medicare, Medicaid costs of all the families of the poor? Not the fucking Democrats from Mexico.”

    Nope. You. Just you. All by yourself. And you made all your money all by yourself, nobody helped you, you got no help at all and you get no benefit from any government programs at all ever ever ever ever ever. Meanwhile, the jack-booted thugs of the Liberal Big Government IRS extort HUGE amounts of money directly out of your children’s mouths at dinner time to give to people who don’t have a job! (Ooh, ooh! I almost forgot!) And don’t forget that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is after yer guns!!!

    Never mind that tax rates are the lowest they’ve been in decades, that Obama and the Democrats in Congress have lowered taxes on the middle class (including, I’m guessing, yours), never mind that the “criminal aliens” who came here for jobs are paying FICA taxes (which go to Social Security, SSI, Medicare, Medicaid) even if they are poor enough not to have to pay federal income tax.

    The real answer is ALL OF US are paying for all that! Everyone does his or her part to support our country, with the possible exception of business executives who outsourced millions of jobs and fired all their employees and replaced those that couldn’t be outsourced with “independent contractors.” Even those collecting unemployment are doing their part, applying for what few jobs open up along with their millions of fellow unemployed (five per available job) and hoping to go back on the tax rolls eventually.

  7. greensaab says:

    Maybe replace the alligator with stimulus money and the obamacare.

  8. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    Makes me see the value in 5 year budgets. Decrying expanded unemployment benefits placed into a five year budget with the trade-offs and trend lines then becomes more likely part of a plan rather than a slogan one way or the other.

    Top 1% of earners have 75% of the wealth (sic-whatever) = shouldn’t they be paying at least 75% of anything you want to name? Higher even as said percentage is a lower amount of their discretionary expenses compare to the rest of us?

    Yes=society requires money/programs to run, to be functional to ALL its members rich and poor. Present a 5-10-20 year budget to pay for all programs and you have a legitimate position from which to argue.

    No one does. ((The 3 syllable closing line of the admired English Language Haiku 3-5-3. Minimalism approaches meaningless?))

    Needs Public Support
    No one does.


  9. m77lau says:

    I wish it was this simple. I was laid off from work after 28 years with the company. I need the unemployment benefits. But I also need the tax cuts on capital gains, because I am selling stock to make ends meet.

  10. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    Capital Gains. Another favorite of mine never before addressed, or maybe once.

    I see no reason capital gains should not be taxed at a higher rate than regular income. the fact that it is “passive income” is all the more reason to do so.

    Wealth building all on its own thru no active work is worthy of greater taxation: use it to start a business yakitty yak yak! Thats why unemployment benefits have greater stimulus effect as they are given to the poor who spend it rather than given to the rich who “invest” it into these low taxed passive activities.

    “The RICH provides jobs!!” is one of the bigger lies too many people believe.

    Silly Hoomans.

    PS–m77–I agree with your concerns. We all plan based on the rules in play at the time.

  11. Somebody says:

    So, the Republicans are at the helm and “tax cuts for the wealthy” is the biggest contributer to the national debt?

    Good to see we’re maintaining our usual grip on reality.

  12. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    Somebody – in league with McGuyver?====More made-up shit word associations false connections. The cartoon/issue is the argument made by RePukes against increasing unemployment benefits while in the same breath advocating tax cuts for the rich.

    I know many of the same words are used, but you really do need to focus on the difference between being “for” one issue and “against” another issue when the effects are of the same nature but actually counterpoised by the significance of effect.

  13. Gildersleeve says:

    I believe it was once true that the rich provided job stimulus in the economy, back even so as recently as the 80s. But not today. It appears the the philosophy of a benevolent wealth class is over. You can partially blame the illusion of a global economy for this; wealth is being spread around the planet, at the expense of American jobs and local American wealth. Commerce within America produces more benefit than commerce without. But because commerce is increasingly occurring outside the country, the global economy as a whole suffers. The simple equation has been forgotten; shore up the American economy and shore up the world’s. In fact it’s, at the moment, not believed. I wonder how long we can continue to play this dangerous game of allowing the American economy to waffle?

  14. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    Gildersleeve–I wouldn’t conflate/confuse the necessary element of capital to create jobs with the notion of “the wealthy” being there to provide it.

    Indeed, that is what “the stock market” is all about. Many poor people investing a few dollars in return for stock to create a capital fund to start a business.

    Likewise–“the world” is better off when “the world” gets richer. No trickle down economics from the USA to those not born so lucky.

    So much misinformation and buffoonery, even among those well intentioned. “Ideas” are powerful things.

  15. ggore says:

    Well-said, Uncle Patso, you nailed it exactly. The issue with deficits was exacerbated under GWB when taxes were lowered while we were fighting two wars. TWO wars, the necessity of which can be debated, but the fact remains they were NOT being paid for, which put a huge drain on the government.

    Which brings us to today and this enormous federal debt, which was itself exacerbated by the banking system collapse which was brought about by deregulating the banks and financial institutions, another Republican/GWB pet project.

  16. ECA says:

    For the 1 person making $1,000,000
    YOU COULD HIRE 50 people at $10 per hour.
    Do you really think that 1 person can do MORE work then 50..

    ALSO that 1% mark?? that those 1% pay more taxes then over 60% of the USA?? BULL!

    Its NOT TAXES YOU PAY..This is a BUSINESS, its SALES…200,000,000 have MORE BUYING POWER then that 1%.
    Everyone brings in STRANGE NUMBERS but not from the SAME PILE..
    200,000,000 people are going to buy TONS MORE then that 1%..And there are TAXES in there, that will NOT affect that 1%, AS MUCH as Shipping interstate, STATE, CITY, COUNTY, WATER TAXES..
    200,000,000 DVD players
    AT LEAST 30,000,000 CARS
    ???????? GALLONS of FUEL
    ??????????? fuel for delivery of GOODS/FOOD purchased by those 60%
    WAGES/TAXES for those in the STORE that are being BOUGHT by those 60%..
    ?????????? the WRITE OFFS the rich have/get for CHARITY. AS the POOR dont/cant GIVE MUCH.
    ??????????????? the money HIDDEN IN offshore accounts.. that the POOR dont have.

    It sounds like the french revolution..

    we ARE not TO BE RUN BY THE rich, BUT who DO WE see on TV during elections…THE RICH
    WE are NOT to be controlled by the CORPS, but WHY do they have BETTER ACCESS to our GOV?..MONEY

    The RICH can not rule the poor..
    The Poor can not rule over the rich..
    its the MIDDLE CLASS that must concern itself with EQUALITY..

    The inequities we have seen in the past, keep HAUNTING us..
    WE the poor and middle class, MUST create an EQUAL election system…THAT WORKS..

  17. ECA says:

    If ANYONE could get the 2/3 of the USA to donate $1 to a NEW election campaign, to run a 3rd person..

    WE MIGHT have a chance.
    The problem ISNT ALL the elected officials.
    its 2 parts..
    1. we dont get RID OF THEM
    2. Those that have been in the white house and giving INFORMATION ARE NOT ELECTED

    If we had a 10 mega ton NUKE, we MIGHT solve 1/2 the problem.

  18. Dallas says:

    So true. The cost failed Bush supply side tax cuts have cost the federal government $929 billion so far. Never mind the on-going interest burden on that deficit.

    The sheeple got snookered into thinking they were part of that gravy train.

    Now the Repugs are saying unemployed sheeple will add to the deficit. Shameful SOB’s

  19. In the Texas 2nd Congressional district, $169,109,343 has been spent so far (new stimulus), and this money has created 91.23 jobs. That is $1,853,659 spent for each job created. Do you have one of the $1.8M stimulus jobs in TX-02?

    Folks, this is about when we realize that enough is enough. As fewer people pay for more benefits, the system breaks. Er, is broke. We’re broke. There really is no spending your way out of debt.

  20. clancys_daddy says:

    Flat 15% income tax for all rich poor middle, have a nice day.

  21. Winston says:

    “Who create the jobs?”

    Small businesses, not the mega-corporations that own our government.

    “Where does all of the money the Democrats give to the poor come from?”

    China, the same place both parties get the money they give to those who own them (which would not be us).

  22. Awake says:

    From Slate magazine today:

    Between 2001 and 2009, corporate America designed the playing field to its specifications—easy money from the Federal Reserve; lower taxes on capital gains, dividends, and income; an administration that let industry essentially write its own regulations. But the players proceeded to put up goose eggs. In January 2001, there were 111.6 million private-sector payroll jobs in the United States. In January 2009, when Bush left office, there were 110.9 million. The stock market is basically where it was a decade ago. The lost decade ended with the deepest recession since the Great Depression.


    It also clearly states that the current administration is also ‘working’ with big business, with the same dismal results.

  23. tcc3 says:

    The wars didn’t help, and the econ crisis is a big factor. But the tax cuts are a huge portion of that graph.

  24. Bob says:

    I am glad all the democrats on this board work for poor people. I mean its great that the “rich” do not employ people and will not ever think about maintaining their standard of living at the expense of unnecessary employees. Or moreover that “rich” will go ahead and expand anyway despite Obamasiah’s ever increasing tax burden on them, not to mention the increasing federal regulation that democrats think is a great idea.

    I wish I had some of what the democrats on this board are smoking.

  25. Dallas says:

    #23 Great chart.

    It’s pretty much there for the Republisheep to see but there’s plenty of room under the rug.

  26. RSweeney says:

    Why is that liberals believe that allowing someone to KEEP their own money is the same as RECEIVING money taken by force from someone else?

    We have almost 1/2 the nation paying ZERO federal income tax. ZERO. That’s obscene.

  27. raster says:


    Hate to burst your delusional bubble (must be nice in there!) but nearly every wage-earner pays income tax.

    Since taxes are now deducted automatically out of your pay the fact that you don’t have to pay more at ‘tax time’ doesn’t mean you didn’t pay taxes.

  28. raster says:


    Learn to read idiot!

    He said half the country isn’t paying taxes – have you forgotten that children and the elderly don’t pay taxes?

  29. Awake says:

    #27 RSweeney:

    To quote Leona Helmsley: “We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.”


    RSweeney, maybe half the people in the country don’t pay taxes because they are too poor to pay taxes?

    As of 2007, 20% of the US population had 84.6% of the total net worth.

    As to “financial” strength, the top 20% of the population controlled 93% of the money.

    In other words, only 7% of the money is controlled by a full 80% of the population.

    Regarding the rich, the top 1% own 34.6% of the wealth.



    Again, maybe half the population in the USA pays no taxes because they have NO money. The average Hispanic family had a 2007 net worth of $400, the average black family had a net worth of $500.

    By the above figures, about 50% of the population controls maybe 6% of the the total money.

    Give tax breaks to the top 20%, and you have NOBODY left paying taxes except the true middle class.


    Real figures can be embarrassing, can’t they? You probably feel like you just had a pie shoved in your face, don’t you.


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