I love watching two guys get it on. Interested?

The lobbying for the future of financial reform doesn’t end when Mr. Obama signs the law. In fact, it could be just beginning, as regulators and congressional overseers get down to the business of writing the high-stakes rules.

“This bill represents the most significant overhaul of the financial system since the 1930s. But serious work remains: the proof of the bill’s worth will come not from what is written in the bill, but how the regulators interpret the bill, write the rules and then enforce them,” says John Taylor, president and CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. “Based on the job they did for the past decade, I will believe reform is here when I see it.”

“By delegating so much to the regulators, Congress is inviting everyone interested in the outcome to make more campaign contributions, as they intervene in the regulatory process to influence the regulators,” says Thomas Ferguson, a professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. “Nothing is settled. It’s a gold mine for members of Congress.”

  1. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    #63–Cranky==A year ago I too was ready to impeach Dodd and Frank. I also saw Frank get asked on point about his responsibility and he does spin a tale in response. Could be the truth, partly true==still doesn’t matter and I refuse to get lost in the details provided as needed by a Politicians. They all collectively SUCK and need to be voted out of office.

    And as bad as they are, don’t think they actually hold a candle to the Repuke in Power. It actually demonstrates the difference between the parties. Regugs corrupt to favor the Super Rich==we should give apologies to BP for making them set up a recovery fund. Meanwhile, the corrupt Democrats scheme to get people into home ownership. Yes, both corrupt but I see a difference none the less.

    I would go on and on, but its getting near happy hour.

  2. ECA says:

    What do the law makers do after all the laws are created?

    I think we are finding out.

  3. cgp says:

    check this out – good summary – http://youtube.com/watch?v=0ZObHXWbWlk

  4. ECA says:

    The LOGIC of the system is broken.

    HOW did this happen?
    its mostly US/WE did it.
    we got upset and QUIT talking to our representatives..
    Out of the 50’s-60’s and all the Corrupt elections and strange things..

    Then all these elected officials HIRE their OWN cronies.. The elected LEAVE, but the Cronies are left behind..

    The only GROUPS paying attention to our REPS, is the corps. And the Officials are HAPPY..

    After the 70’s many Law/regulations STARTED to change/disappear..

  5. cgp says:


    wake up.

    The same monster runs whoever is in power. They do it by funding both party machinery. The only difference is this time around the Demos have been shocked into disbelief by an admin that has so blatantly lied about its policies.

    Why is this not an impeachable action whereas not having sex with an intern is? Which lie(s) are the greater?

  6. BubbaRay says:

    # 46 ECA said, on July 16th, 2010 at 8:27 am

    The Stock market is being used to generate MONEY, not for the Individual, but for the CORPS. They WONT/DONT pay their OWN R&D with MONEY they earned, they Rasie the price of Stock abit, and that money PAYS for it.

    OK, just how does a corp. raise the price for its own stock? Funny, I thought that was the purpose of an open market.

  7. ECA says:

    Iv said it before, and many times more in the future..
    LOOK at the idiots AROUND THE ELECTED, they havnt changed in 40 years.
    The SMART man dont want the job, he PAYS another person to do his dirty work.
    Old philosopher said, LONG AGO..
    The person who understands politics, doesnt want the job, so we end up with the person who WANTS the job, who knows NOTHING about the Politics…The idiot BACKED by MONEY. does what he is told and doesnt know any better.

  8. Glenn E. says:

    The US Congress hasn’t reformed anything in decades. And likely never will. What it really does is ring the dinner bell, for the lobbyists to come and bribe them not to clean up so tough. Or even not at all. If they’re all wined and dined enough, they could make a dead law of anything that’s passed. Or they’ll put industry insiders in charge of regulating themselves. Kind of like what they didn’t with the Big Banks, before. Once there’s any form of regulation. Deregulation is always around the corner. Sometimes, sooner than you think.

    And the way corporations are buying state judges now (getting then elected). Even if some law says what they’re doing is illegal. One of their bought-and-paid-for judges will let them off lightly. Like how Goldman Sachs only got fined about three days worth of their stock earnings. Which went up in value, just because G.S. got off so lightly. So G.S. lost nothing. Laws are for chumps like us to believe in and adhere to. The big boys don’t play by these rules. And rarely suffer much if they’re so stupid and greedy as to get caught.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    The real secret they should teach in Business School (Harvard probably already does), is that you can bribe your way out of any jam. Keep too much of your ill gotten gains to yourself, and you’ll end up like Bernie Madoff.

  10. Rick Cain says:

    Just in time for the GOP to take back congress, then proceed to water down the legislation to nothing and turn it into a pro-business set of laws.

    Put in a bunch of former Bushies and Reagan retreads and…



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