Lest we forget how we got here.

  1. Dallas says:

    #22 . So, I propose we just suck each others’ cocks,..

    Great idea but I’ll excuse myself from this one, thank you.

  2. jman says:

    #24 are you serious?

    the dems are the ones who voted to raid SS. It was locked away and safe till they decided “hey theree’s a lot of damn money sitting around over here, lets use it to buy more votes and drop an IOU in there, we’ll put it back in there with higher taxes to the fools who already paid in”



  3. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    #27–Gilgamesh==the first “real” Haiku on this blog. Connects to nature, etc. Well Done.

    Does show the power of context though. This here is a political thread. Seems to me the “general rule” notwithstanding, the Haiku, or in failure, the Haiku format, should apply to the subject at hand or as a response, spur, to the thread?

    Not in a vacuum? Well, now that you have experienced the joys of creativity within set paramenters, we can move on to real creativity?

    Gildamush, the fool.
    Throws Up Gibberish.
    Thinks it is valid.

  4. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    #31–Dallas==I think all this c*cksucking is an unattributed reference to Harvey Keitels role as the Cleaner in one of the top films ever: Pulp Fiction.

    Shows the difference between a Master’s Use of the term, and just a masterbaiter’s use of the term.

    Much like attributing a moral position to anything the Repukes do.

  5. smartalix says:

    There is NOTHING moral about the GOP. They are full of “Christians” who know nothing of the new testament and can only point in the old to

    Didn’t Christ support paying taxes? What about that “render unto Ceasar” stuff? He recognized that the civil government is separate from religion from the beginning.

  6. Dallas says:

    #34 bobbo – perhaps and I do agree that is one awesome flick! A few favs…

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    It seems to boil down to two opinions:
    1) The welfare queens caused it.
    2) The Wall Street fat cats & their tame politicians caused it.


    Which group is more powerful economically?


    Personally, I tend to blame Harvard MBAs. All of them, as a class. Soulless robots, almost to a man. (I have to allow for the theoretical possibility that at least one of them, somewhere, is an actual human being, if for no other reason than because of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.)


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