• Droid-X looks good.
  • Google earnings not up to par.
  • WSJ says Apple know of the iPhone antenna glitch.
  • Old Spice making a comeback.
  • Verizon joins with junkware?
  • Mercury flyby shows planet Mercury has huge magnetic field.
  • HP needs to ditch Android tablet sez expert.
  • Microsoft to co-fund dev work on Phone 7.
  • 11.6-inch Mac Book Air coming?
  • Apple buying small tech companies.
  • Zynga killing it.

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  1. deowll says:

    Hp is likely to be one of 7 or so companies building tablets/slates/pads.

    MS is seriously looking like they aren’t even going to figure out which end is up soon enough to fail at this game.

  2. GregAllen says:

    I don’t know why Apple wouldn’t make a Netbook. All they have to do is put a keyboard on on an iPad, right?

  3. Dallas says:

    I see Apple announcing a new version of AppleTV – hopefully with improved content access. I have version 1 but would love to see hulu or netflix access on this next one.

    There is no way they are going to yield the TV screen to Google. It’s going to be an interesting holiday.

    As far as Apple Netbook goes, I don’t see it but I may be uncharacteristically wrong here 🙂

    I can’t wait to get a tablet this holiday. Either an iPAD (likely) or an Android based tablet using Gingerbread in the first part of 2011. The tablet wars have not even started. wait till 2011.

  4. Dallas says:

    #5 Hola Pedrito. No. I am right most of the time and you know that is true.

    The name calling and other hurtful things said (that make me sad and watery eyed) are not about WHETHER I’m right but rather that I AM right!


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