The Sustainability Ninja

And that’s according to NASA. Let’s see the climate change deniers argue with those nerds. “We conclude that global temperature continued to rise rapidly in the past decade” and “there has been no reduction in the global warming trend of 0.15-0.20°C/decade that began in the late 1970s.”

Here’s the full report on the NASA site.

The yearly running mean global temperature has reached a new record in 2010, and all that despite the recent minimum of solar irradiance.


Found by Cináedh.

  1. jobs says:

    So Far… hmm. What if at the end of the year it turns out that it’s the coldest or most average. Will they say that doesn’t matter because it’s just weather patterns.

  2. Matey says:

    Never A Straight Answer = NASA

    Color me dubious.

  3. JoaoPT says:

    That’s moot… Everything will end in 2012 anyway…

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Cut their funding, they’re a bunch of libs.

  5. SimonSezz says:

    We’ll have a cold winter and everyone will forget about the hot summer and call the NASA story bullshit.

  6. GregAllen says:

    Remember last winter when all the asshat conservatives would look at the snow and declare, “Yuh see!! That there global warming is just a scam by tree-huggin’ liberuls!!!”

    They where even using this dumb logic to trash science at Fox “News”!

    Are they now believers because it’s really hot?

    Global warming is not about the weather at your house or outside Fox studios.

    (It’s also not about Al Gore.)

  7. admfubar says:

    cold winter where??? northern or southern hemisphere?
    lets see where did nasa get their figures from? was it the same group of numbskulls that phoneied up the last set of data to meet their new investment scam?

  8. GregAllen says:

    >> admfubar said, on July 14th, 2010 at 8:38 am
    >> lets see where did nasa get their figures from?

    You can get your science from Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, but I’ll go with NASA…


    (For crying out loud!!! How stupid are Americans about science?)

  9. Goddard says:

    I’ll go with the rocket scientists.

  10. laxdude says:

    If only the entire field of climate ‘scientists’ had not been proven to be liars who fudged the facts to get the self serving results they wanted. Those who offered differing views have not been debated with facts, but shouted down, marginalized, and had their positions threatened.

    Right or not, climate scientists rank in my books with those of the tobacco institute of yore. While some of the studies they have done might have been right, and maybe they are right now, but now they are all suspect. Guess what, liars lie.

    I think the problem is that when it comes to climate we fall into the trap of thinking in human units of time where geological units are required for the long view.

    We are either sliding into an ice-age, or the opposite – we are just somewhere in the middle. I have to think that given a choice, not an ice age is the better of the two options. I don’t doubt that it would be disruptive, but I have to think that it would probably be better for most of the northern hemisphere than an ice age. I am also pretty sure the inaction by Russia and China indicate their scientists believe they would be better off with global warming – or that it isn’t man made, so trying to stop it is akin to ordering the tide not to come in.

  11. Lou says:

    Get a skid of candwitch.Then move north and buy land.

  12. ran6110 says:

    OK, I don’t now if the climate is warming or not. And I don’t think we have the will or technology to really change anything.

    The things I would expect to influence the tempature over the long run are discounted by the people and groups advocating carbon controls. I would think that the Sun, clouds, and water vapor would have a bigger impact on global temperatures than a few percentage points of carbon in the atmosphere.

    My real problem is that all of the current solutions require us to give a lot of money and power to a few all ready rich people and powerful people. And all we get is a warm and fuzzy feeling that we are “Saving the Planet”…

    Can’t we for once come up with a solution that benefits everyone? With the amount of money being talked about couldn’t we actually end poverty, hunger and give everyone access to clean water?

    I’m not thrilled with the idea of returning to a feudal system just because a few rich, greedy and power hungry people think they can and should control the world!

  13. johncdvorak says:

    Uh, Americans may be dumb about science, but it seems as if they might be skeptical about these results since the year is only HALF OVER!!!

    Why the rush to announce this “hottest year ever” so soon? What scam is behind this premature proclamation? How is this sort of thing representative of good science?

    [Not the real John C. Dvorak. – ed.]

  14. arpie says:

    On related news: “Given Truth, the Misinformed Believe Lies More”:

    “In a series of studies in 2005 and 2006, researchers at the University of Michigan found that misinformed people, particularly political partisans, rarely changed their minds when exposed to corrected facts in news stories. In fact, they often became even more strongly set in their beliefs. Facts, they found, were not curing misinformation. Like an underpowered antibiotic, facts could actually make misinformation even stronger.”

  15. Animby says:

    So, we had one of the coldest northern hemisphere winters in decades and the climatologists proclaimed loudly, “This is weather not climate!”

    So, now the heat has been turned up and the climatologists start to proclaim, “This is climate not weather.”

    I guess since the report comes from NASA we’ll have to dig deeper to find out how the temperature reports are affecting Muslims…

  16. dusanmal says:

    Thumbs up for #15 comment.

    Winter 2009/2010 by continents:
    -N.America colder than average winter
    -S.America record cold summer
    -Europe record cold winter
    -Africa colder than average months (both South and North)
    -Asia colder than average winter
    -Australia warmer than average summer

    based ONLY on collected data, no processing, fudging, …

    I suspect that this 1/2 year report does what NOAA have been doing for couple of decades “blessed” by political powers: fudging the data, any increase in temperature measured counted as 5 times (or “fudge factor” for warming of 400%).

  17. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    So I guess promoting AGW is now a second priority for NASA beneath building ties with the Muslim world?

    OK, I am not saying their data is wrong, but it does seems strange that even the CRU scientists were frustrated by the cooling trend over the last decade. (Remember, “the fact is we can’t account for the lack of warming now and it is a travesty”) Does their data conflict with NASA’s or is it just a sudden temperature spike in the last 18 months?

    By the way, NASA is making assumptions about the rest of the year based on El Nino, which it still considers to be a huge factor

    “The 12-month running mean temperature anomaly provides an improved measure of the strength and duration of El Ninos, La Ninas, and the response to volcanic eruptions. … However, the analysis notes that a new record might not occur if El Nino conditions deteriorate rapidly by mid-2010 into La Nina conditions.”

  18. brm says:

    Weather is not climate. remember that.

  19. KMFIX says:

    Extreme weather in both directions is what is to be expected. Colder winters, warmer summers, and more “acts of god”… Get used to it. Normal weather is over and has been for a while now. Not sure why people are surprised by this stuff anymore…

  20. GigG says:

    But the report only has data from the last 120 years. Which in earth time is insignificant and the trend has been up for the entire 120 years.

  21. Cursor_ says:

    The document linked only addresses surface temperatures. These are inherently incomplete due to the fact that many areas around the world are still not completely rigged to track temperature.

    Areas like Micronesia, Central Brazil, West Africa and areas of the Indian Ocean are sporadically checked.

    Ship readings are often off due to the fact that the reading is either taken at the bridge level (which skews wildly depending on the ship) or from surface water temps taken from intake pipes.

    Then there is no mention of the atmospheric readings in this document. Which can vary widely and are a factor in total global analysis.

    Surface records showed an increase between 1979 and present, but atmospheric readings showed a smaller increase of about .3c less than the surface.
    And that was mainly due to the El Nino event of 1997-1998 even though all other results showed slight cooling.

    To say this nails down global temperatures by just using surface readings is bad science.

    Let’s read the microwave emissions from O2 in the troposphere as well and then give us a total analysis.

    Until then take this with a bag of salt.


  22. Benjamin says:

    I can see why it would appear to be warmer. They put weather stations next to barbeques, blacktop parking, by the exhaust for air conditioning units, by chimneys. Here is a link to pictures of weather stations where climate temperature is measured:

    I know I posted pictures that have facts in the caption, so global warming apologist will be even more convinced that warming is occurring.

  23. Awake says:

    So far we have comments from #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #7, #10, #12, #13, #15, #16, #20, #21, #22…

    Not one of those people are willing to look at the data from a science perspective, sticking to their politically motivated agenda, manipulated by big business and fringe loonies. Put some science in front of them and they will use any excuse, no matter how flimsy and twisted, to deny the data.

    The climate change deniers have been proven wrong over and over about sea levels, carbon sources, temperature readings, temperature trends, glacial melting, weather pattern consistency, solar influence, etc etc etc. Wrong and categorically dis-proven over and over, yet they stick to their silly denier statements and theories.

    If #22 (Benjamin) is typical of the denier crowd, looking at a silly fringe site and claiming it as proof of a theory while throwing out reams of other data, you can pretty much ignore the whole ignorant bunch as a crowd.

  24. Awake says:

    #25 Guyver.

    Good job contradicting yourself by your own links.

    Your links only indicate that there is ‘a’ glacier melt happening where increased temperature may not be the driving factor, rather the cause being the glacier detaching from it’s source and being warmed from multiple points. They say NOTHING about the PROVEN fact that worldwide glaciers are melting and outright disappearing at a highly accelerated rate.

    So you take one item and use it as proof for other items, exactly what your third link says is a damn foolish thing to do.

    Even your first link does not deny carbon based warming at all… if you actually read the whole thing it talks about the runaway effect as a consequence of warming, not the fact that there is human influenced warming taking place.

    Thanks for the links. Now go read them and think about them yourself.

  25. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #24…my comment at #4 was sarcasm.

  26. Todd Peterson says:

    “on record” says it all ….

    BTW – 2010 has been one of the COLDEST ever in Norway:

  27. Sea Lawyer says:

    Assuming that the global climate is indeed getting warmer, and that our industrial activity has been contributing to it for quite some time; how exactly was rolling back output to 1990 level supposed to stop warming, when the warming was happening well before that? This train has left the station, and I don’t see much reality in the claims of “if we act now, we can stop it.”

  28. wamalamadingdong says:

    Thanks BP.
    Blame steering efforts.

  29. Awake says:

    #27 Seal Lawyer –

    The ship is taking on water, and it is starting to sink. We can try to start plugging the holes and try to stabilize it, or we can punch more holes in it and have it sink faster. Or we can ignore the holes, do nothing, keep on dancing, rearrange the deck chairs and panic at the last minute.

    The main problem with your thinking is that you assume that we have to scale back, when in fact we have to change what we are doing. If we have industrial processes that were over-polluting in 1990, then we need to change those industrial processes so they don’t pollute. It’s like taking lead out of gasoline… just because there was less gasoline being used in 1940 it doesn’t mean that should scale back the lead to 1940 levels… we needed to fix the problem by removing the lead outright.

  30. cgp says:

    when its cold its weather when its hot its AGW

    you see the data reduction is inherent in the ideology. They don’t even know they are doing this. Check out the latest CRU coverup investigation. How/who the hell do they expect people to not figure them out.

    Oh sheople ….


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