Library Director Cathleen Beaudoin

DOVER — Local libraries were recently the subject of a deliberate and calculating attack — of the bookmark variety.

Volunteers and staff at the Dover Public Library spent 30 hours in May collecting more than 5,000 bookmarks secretly placed inside books at the library sometime before May.

The bookmarks contained information about the beliefs of two organizations, the School Sucks Project and Freedomain Radio.

The School Sucks Project is focused on a call to end publicly funded education because of what the group calls an attempt to stifle creativity and a valuing of order and obedience over all else in the school system, according to the group’s website.

Freedomain Radio describes itself as a philosophical radio show with topics including politics, economics, science, philosophy, relationships and atheism, according to its website

People always have to push their ideas and beliefs on others.

Found by Jay.

  1. Howard Beal says:

    who uses paper books for school anymore?

    jokes on the perps

  2. chuck says:

    “People always have to push their ideas and beliefs on others.”

    Of course they do. That’s why we send kids to school. To push our ideas and beliefs on them.

    Idea for John & Adam: bookmarks.

  3. MaximG says:

    I have been listening to school sucks podcast, free talk live podcast and no agenda podcast since November/December and they have completely changed my outlook on the world around me.

  4. deowll says:

    #2 has it. The entire idea of school is to discourage some behaviors and encourage others.

    No Tammy you can’t just take Alice’s toys. You are going to have to do a few minutes of time out.

    No Johnny you can’t just grab Alice’s butt. You are going to have to do some detention for that.

    No Alice if people can see your underwear through your cloths it does not meet the dress code.

    That style of argument is called the strawman. It is an unfair method of trying to win by claiming someone said something they didn’t then showing how silly the claim is. It is a form of propaganda.

    The three basic reasons for writing are to inform, persuade, and entertain. Of course you do need to understand that people may try to do any or all of the above to manipulate you for their benefit.

  5. Milo says:

    Wonder how many books the school sucks at al crowd have read?

    And how many without pictures?

  6. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    To PUSH, we must have
    BOOKMARKS that are appealing
    To those who don’t read.

  7. Chris Donahue says:

    Without organized school kids are homeschooled. Not every parent has the ability/time to teach every/any subject.

  8. soundwash says:

    -too bad they got caught. looks to be a good idea


  9. Lathanm says:

    Who is funding these 2 groups? Who stands to benefit from a population of uneducated people?

  10. madtruckman says:

    wow, what a great idea for!!!

  11. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    Well, what better place
    Than a book, to read or not.
    Safe at school or home?

  12. Mr. Obvious says:

    “order and obedience over all else in the school system”

    HA! Anyone been in an inner city school lately? That is the last thing you see. Metal detectors at the doors, the cops patrolling the hallways. What those kids need is order and obedience!

  13. interglacial says:

    “People always have to push their ideas and beliefs on others.”

    I just love your irony hhopper. The education systems on both sides of the Atlantic have been so corrupted their main focus appears to be indoctrination and behavioural conditioning.
    My favourite quote at the moment is from our own head of education here in the UK (Zenna Atkins). She said,
    “Every school should have a useless teacher. If every primary school has one pretty naff teacher, this helps kids realise that even if you know the quality of authority is not good, you have to learn to play it.”

  14. Jay says:

    Generally school kids are the only ones that visit the libraries but there are other people…

  15. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    Well, you know it wasn’t blacks that did this. Books are like kryptonite to black people, according to Chris Rock.

  16. The0ne says:

    I like a free nation where I can rule all 🙂

  17. RandomNHGUY says:

    The Librarians say that the NH students didn’t report the unusual bookmarks because none of them know how to read

  18. EvilPoliticians says:

    People always have to push their ideas and beliefs on others.

    Right. Heaven forbid a bookmark turn up in a library book. So forceful.

    Actually I see this being picked up by marketing types to advertise their products. And it will be just as effective…

  19. Floyd says:

    Note who wrote the quip on the bookmarks. Mark Twain/Sam Clemens has always been my hero, and so are the people who donated the bookmarks.

    The literary point of the bookmark is that you should keep on reading and never stop, even years after you’ve graduated from school, and develop your own ideas from the books you read.

  20. Benjamin says:

    #19, I followed that Mark Twain quote as soon as I understood it. What you learn in school is just the minimum to get a piece of paper. Reading books on your own is likely to teach you more things than you learn in any school, unless you are only reading about global warming and how to books about putting a condom on a cucumber.

    #7 said, “Without organized school kids are homeschooled. Not every parent has the ability/time to teach every/any subject.”

    Just be like the parent in that Heinlein story that still sent their kid to school, but bought them more rigorous textbooks to work on at home so they could be prepared to go to a college. It helped that the father was an engineer though.

  21. Floyd says:

    I really don’t like home schooling, simply because it isolates the kids from others. I’ve met too many naive home schooled kids to recommend that approach.

    The Heinlein story is probably a better approach.

    My parents kept a lot of books and an encyclopedia at home, and my siblings and I read the books kept at home (often several times) and from the area library, as well as going to a Great Books club from 6th grade up to high school.


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