1. Come here often?

  2. MacBros says:

    “Life’s like A Box Of Chocolates.”

  3. farbauti says:

    Pleading with the Reaper.

  4. Tippis says:

    “…so then we went out to pwn n00bs and grind for purples…”
    “Grandma, stop being so wierd.”

  5. WmDE says:

    Mom! I’ll get a job tomorrow!

  6. pedro's lame donkey says:

    A Plitarchian Nimboob Knight sizing up his breakfast. Not everybody likes tough, stringy, old meat.

  7. robche says:

    trains good. planes bad.

  8. N74JW says:

    “Why yes. I love butter tarts”

  9. ChuckM says:

    “…the environment. So I decided that enough was enough… I sold my car and now I take bike or public transit.”

  10. travelgirl says:

    “bet you can’t eat just one…”

  11. MrMiGu says:

    Even old ladies love the cuttlefish of cthulhu

  12. dadeo says:

    But Mom! You said I could have the whole basement for my things. And why did you follow me to comic con to ask about laundry?

  13. admfubar says:

    CHICKEN!!! There’s a chicken in your birthday wig!!!

    there is and ugly little girl mouthing off and dropping F bombs like nobody’s business.


  14. Buzz says:

    “…what a coincidence. I’m a vegan, too.”

  15. noneofyourbusiness says:

    Grandma in a meet-n-greet after her first GWAR concert.

  16. DanMorgan says:

    You remind me of my ex husband.

  17. /T. says:

    ” … that blue hat really suits you …”

  18. angello says:

    This is a dangerous situation… wonder what kind of deadly weapon she’s carrying in that big purse of hers…

  19. dewtheone says:

    “…now we just need to find you a nice girl to settle down with.”

  20. Electronshaper says:

    “”It started as a little wart…”

  21. Mac Guy says:

    So, Ellie, tell me about your mother…

  22. Nitroneo says:


  23. UncDon says:

    “I’m living proof that experimental AIDS vaccine of 2013 worked. But yeah, I could do without the strange genetic mutations and having to dress in a Halloween costume all year in order not to scare people.”

  24. LittleTimmy says:

    “Son, you look more and more like your father every day”

  25. The0ne says:

    no caption comment but dang that is cool 🙂

  26. deowll says:

    A couple of seniors enjoying some quality time together.

  27. emh924a says:

    is this seat taken?

  28. scadragon says:

    Hey, I’m a PENTAGRAM, what’s your sign?

  29. Aude says:

    You lost your virginity at a GWAR concert too!?!?

  30. springfield_tom says:

    Vote for #2, though lots of good choices!


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