The hope that fired up the election of Barack Obama has flickered out, leaving a national mood of despair and disappointment. Americans are dispirited over how wrong things are and uncertain they can be made right again. Hope may have been a quick breakfast, but it has proved a poor supper. A year and a half ago Obama was walking on water. Today he is barely treading water. Then, his soaring rhetoric enraptured the nation. Today, his speeches cannot lift him past a 45 percent approval rating.

There is a widespread feeling that the government doesn’t work, that it is incapable of solving America’s problems. Americans are fed up with Washington, fed up with Wall Street, fed up with the necessary but ill-conceived stimulus program, fed up with the misdirected healthcare program, and with pretty much everything else. They are outraged and feel that the system is not a level playing field, but is tilted against them. The millions of unemployed feel abandoned by the president, by the Democratic Congress, and by the Republicans.

Even some in Obama’s base have turned, with 17 percent of Democrats disapproving of his job performance. Even more telling is the excitement gap. Only 44 percent of those who voted for him express high interest in this year’s elections. That’s a 38-point drop from 2008. The fundamental problem is starkly simple: jobs and the deepening fear among the public that the American dream is vanishing before their eyes. The economy’s erratic improvement has helped Wall Street but has brought little support to Main Street. Some 6.8 million people have been unemployed in the last year for six months or longer.

The administration’s stimulus program, because of the way Congress put it together, has created far fewer jobs than anyone expected given the huge price tag of almost $800 billion. It was supposed to constrain unemployment at 8 percent, but the recession took the rate way above that and in the process humbled the Obama presidency. Some 25 million jobless or underemployed people now wish to work full time, but few companies are ready to hire. No speech is going to change that.

Little wonder people have come alive to the issue of excess spending with entitlements out of control as far as the eye can see. The hope was that Obama would focus on the economy and jobs. That was the number one issue for the public—not healthcare. Yet the president spent almost a year on a healthcare bill. Eighty-five percent in one poll thought the great healthcare crisis was about cost. It was and is, but the president’s bill was about extending coverage. It did nothing about the first concern and focused mostly on the second. Even worse, to win its approval he accepted the kind of scratch-my-back deal-making that suggests corruption in the political process. And as a result, Obama’s promise to change “politics as usual” disappeared.

  1. Luc says:

    That country of yours looks a little more like Brazil every day.

  2. deowll says:

    I can only agree with what the man said. In some regards the economy of Brazil may be in better shape.

  3. Gilgamesh says:

    That is not a picture of Mort Zuckerman, and I’m pretty sure Mort never wrote a speech for Obama — ever.

    [Yes, you are correct about the picture – fixed and thanks -ed.]

  4. Gildersleeve says:

    I think the problem is more fundamental and hardly limited to Obama. The power-elite (both within the government and within all large institutions) are simply not interested in solving the problems of middle or lower America. The global economy is being so organized as to kill the notion of an American middle class. We are simply in the way.

  5. Gilgamesh says:

    Yeah, this is Elie Wiesel, famous author of *Night* and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986.

  6. bobbo, tto the left of Obama says:

    Was it even possible for anyone coming in after BushCo to look good after the initial euphoria wore off?

    With more republican solutions?===No.

    Maybe if Obama had really gone hard left and reregulated and took more definite action?

    Why he has dithered so while saying he would rather do a good job and be one term is beyond me.

    I guess talk is cheap. Even Elie Wiesel can do nothing but bemoan the fates.

  7. Father says:

    Agree with above.

    The country is completely fucked up. These is no economy, and no one, outside the lowest paid works, and maybe Doctors, does any work in this country any more. All the might and brain work is outsourced overseas.

    We are a nation of people who sit on our asses, and type a few worlds on our keyboards, and think we’re entitled to God’s gifts more than any other people.

    We have dumb scientists who have their hand out for money to “research” global warming and to send people to a dead planet. We only care about celibrities, and the presidency has become the biggest “show” on television, and president and first lady do nothing but yap like so many celebrities.

    Only way we can fix things:

    1. Make us competitive by giving everyone a 50% pay cut phased in over 5 years, and starting with government workers and government contractors.

    2. Inflate the dollar by 50%+ to effectively improve our competitiveness, while also block foreign gobbling of our nation.

    3. Start a massive war with China (trade war, hot war, whatever)

  8. RSweeney says:

    Pretty bad when even liberal ideologue morons like Zuckerman are figuring it out.

    November. Cut off the Democrats at the roots.

  9. bobbo, tto the left of Obama says:

    Yes, its taken a while to figure out that a Bush Lite cannot solve the problems created by BushtheRetard. We need a progressive from the Far Left to find any solution. Even ditto’s heads can tell the Republican game plan leads to disaster. They can say that when a Dem is in office, but cow before their masters when the Repukes are in office.

    Worthless Toadies they all are.

  10. Dallas says:

    Hard to disagree with the sentiment of government but let’s face it, the average American sheeple has no fucking clue how we got here, what it takes and how long it takes to dig ourselves out.

    Never mind sheeple have no concept this is a worldwide issue and that some “silver bullet” solution is a pipe dream. This is our culture of instant gratification applied to instant solutions to huge problems.

    Sheeple can look no further than their own shopping habits of buying all their shit from Walmart who sells everything made in China.

    They are no different than one who would drown their own lifeguard by kicking and screaming because he can’t get to shore soon enough.

  11. athon says:

    Democrats, Republicans, what’s the difference and who cares. Both have proven useless and incompetent. Same thing, different day.

    Time for the independents, they certainly would have to try hard to do worse then the last four administrations.

  12. DaveO says:

    Hey, bobbo, can you explain the mathematics of puritan, excuse me, progressive Far Left economics, and how that will solve all of our problems. I’m not on a side, but would like to hear your non-toadie solution.

  13. Mextli says:

    Best article I have read in a long time. He calmly and reasonably described this train wreck of an administration and the grave damage it is doing to this country. This is nothing more than an example of give them enough rope and they will hang themselves.

    Bobo how long are you going to make up excuses for the colossal failure of the bunch of Democrat loons in office now?

    Dallas, you snob, some people are glad to shop at Walmart especally if they are unemployed by the Obama thugs. You should be proud of yourself.

  14. bobbo, tto the left of Obama says:

    #12–DaveO==puritans? Must be a private joke???

    I can only speak for myself and that may not be fair to your question. I am a social liberal and an economic conservative. Oil and Water. In todays America, no one care about being fiscally responsible so that part of my equation as far as party politics goes drops out, leaving me only a social liberal/libertarian to the left of Obama.

    Sad that both parties engage in Voodoo Economics. I think all governments need to PAY FOR THEIR SOCIAL PROGRAMS. Balanced budgets except in times of war, and don’t engage in Wars as a general rule.

    Sorry to disappoint you.

  15. bobbo, tto the left of Obama says:

    #13–the Kneejerk/quick read Mextli==since I despise all politicians, you must be taking my rebuke of BushtheRetard as support for Obama?

    How simple minded you are. Yet, I sense the ability to come back.

    What specific sentences of mine do you wish to contest?

    I’ll save our kind Editors from having to put up with me posting “VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE” for the next 50 posts, but it did feel good to say it again. Keep your touch stones close, and throw them at your enemies.

    Ha, ha.

  16. DaveO says:

    Yeah, progressives are the new puritans.
    Your answer was both disappointing and, as usual, a little narcisscistic.

  17. bobbo, tto the left of Obama says:

    Hey Daveo==everybody posting here is a little bit narcissistic.

    What do you advise I highlight so I can kick it up a notch and distinguish myself from those with admitted lower self esteem?

  18. ECA says:

    Lets see…

    HOW can our lives be so Upturned by 1 of many groups. those groups only have a few in control. And its a wonder that so much of an affect can be felt over such a wide range.

    Is it the fundamental of MONEY?
    I wonder?

    Its those 10% that want MORE MORE MORE MONEY..
    and the 60% on the bottom that JUST WANT TO SURVIVE.

    The problem is that the 1% on top with POWER, only have MONEY POWER(from our pockets).
    And those 60% on the bottom, have BUYING POWER.

    Those 60% on the bottom..If they CANT AFFORD IT, WONT BUY IT.
    The problem is that those 10% on the top, have ALL gotten increases in wages in the last 20 years of OVER 10 times. where those on the bottom have dealt with 2(?) times..

    AND screaming about incumbents still LEAVES allot of those people in control that have been there for over 40 years, that will SURROUND those newly elected.

  19. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    ECA–you might enjoy the short itemized list here:

    I’m still looking for a cite to the fact that 75% of the increase in personal wealth over the past ten years went to the top 1% of earners.

    You see, many posting here are “rich” and too many think it wise to be anti poor. The truth is these high earners are saps, not that we don’t already know that.

    Yes, the Republitard tax relief and corporate welfare plans for the rich are income distribution from the poor, middle class, and rich, TO THE SUPER RICH.

    Keep eating the grass Sheeple. Taste Good?

  20. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Here’s another one, quite interesting to go thru the charts. Other interesting articles. I’ve bookmarked the site.

    DaveO==Puritan: seeking salvation thru hard work? You sure you want to characterize progressives or anyone on the left as “hard working?” Check your talking points: we are all on welfare and don’t want any jobs. Heh, heh.

    I sure hope you aren’t one of those dopes who just throws words at an issue hoping random effects will save your ass. So far, its not looking good for you.

  21. Gilgamesh says:

    Good heavens, fix that headline too. The idea that Mort Zuckerman was — or ever was — a speechwriter for anyone is painfully ludicrous. …Not that he doesn’t have the skills to be a speechwriter… it’s just… I don’t even know… what’s more obscene than inaccurate and ridiculous? And the fact that Zuck is a giant in your field… uh, is there no sense of embarrassment? None? John? Can ya’ give a little schoolin’ to these kids who are working with you? Love you all, but, man, this is, just . . . beyond lame.

    [You do know you are dead wrong – correct? – ed.]

  22. Rick Cain says:

    Sorry that Obama’s magic wand hasn’t been able to fix 14 years of Republican incompetence. I’m sure you’re disappointed.

  23. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes Dogma says:

    Zuckerman–smart, reasonable, successful, connected, intelligent, educated, “in the know”==got taken by Madoff.

    Yes, dear Kiddies, great success–lots of hard work and luck. Hard work = you keep all your money, you earned it. Luck = get real with yourself and help others as part of your own humanity.

    Yea, verily.

  24. Jim says:

    I love how Repubs seem to think they have solutions when they both cause the problems and then fight against any solutions because they just wanna be asshats.

    Even with Obama pretty much knuckling under the Repubs and giving them most of the healthcare crap they had already announced they liked, they still wouldn’t vote for it because they can’t seem to actually vote FOR the country and what’s right.

    But hey, I’m sure they’ll come up with some other stupid garbage to explain how good they are, making sure those top 1% get as much as possible from the bottom 99%.

    I have to agree with Bobo, there’s a lot of saps here, who just agree because they don’t like Obama, not because they actually have anything to say or anything to suggest.

    btw, again, if anyone actually looks at the site, you can still see less than 50% of the funds have been received. There’s still roughly 400 billion not allocated or spent.

    But hey, why suggest facts be used anywhere on this site.

  25. Gilgamesh says:

    #23 – Yeah…, I know this clip (good sleuthing), but, at the same time, Mort actually *didn’t* help write ‘one’ of his speeches. I know intimately this funny situation in which when one gives public advice that is in synchronicity with the private (paid for) advice … the effect is that “you” helped write the speech. …And, that is true. It really is. But only in a tangential way. You did help write the speech. But it is not exactly as it sounds in the telling. And the fact of that is all that Mort is copping to. There is no normative use of the term “speechwriter” that applies to Mort Zuckerman vis-a-vis Obama. That is just misinformation.

  26. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes Dogma says:

    #27–Hey Gildamush, with emphasis on the mush==what you talkin’ bout? “Normative use of the term?” Whew, doggies!

    What did Mort say? ::: “I helped write one of Obama’s speeches.” As said, from the horses mouth. Now, you do realize that from the horses mouth is ever so much more “intimate” than from the horses ass?

    What is the normative use of “helped to write ONE speech?” You want the guy to go to an office in the White House and have his name on the door and a Name Plate saying “Speech Writer?”

    You obviously aren’t familiar with the Editorializing that goes on regularly here. McCullough actually used a header that wasn’t patently false, and YOU GO AND SPOIL IT with your secret personal normative insights.

    Even you say Mort did write the speech, and then that he didn’t. Which is it? What’s normative about that???

    Ha, ha. I didn’t know the writers union was out on strike. Must suck to be a liberal arts major.

  27. Cursor_ says:

    Again boo hoo for you.

    Parties mean nothing and the system itself is so broken that NO ONE can solve it through using the systems’ methods.

    New constitution, new republic, start over, create it for the current day and age.

    There is no other way now. It must be done for the republic to survive. Welcome to the United States of Declining Nation.


  28. Tom J. says:

    You know, I see this kind of rhetoric all the time. True, the government is a huge problem when they fail to understand that TAXES are what’s killing America. And that’s REALLY what’s wrong here. But you can hardly blame greedy politicians (lawyers) for imposing outrageous and even ILLEGAL taxes (such as income taxes) and doing what they were born to do too. So the problem isn’t really with the politicians so much as it is with THE PEOPLE who irresponsibly put these smooth talking politicians (lawyers, mostly) in power.

    Want to know what YOU can do? Find out who your political incumbent is (the guy who’s in power right now) and vote for his/her opponent at EVERY ELECTION until things get better. You might also elect to “not retain” (throw out) every damn judge every time you are asked that question too. There’s no shortage of lawyers and all these guys need a serious wake up call or an ax to the head! So if you don’t vote RESPONSIBLY then do us all a favor and just kill yourself.


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