Consumer Reports initially dismissed the iPhone 4’s antenna troubles by saying that it’s not necessarily unique to the phone. But after testing the device and recreating the problem, the consumer publication has concluded that it cannot recommend the iPhone 4 until Apple addresses the antenna issue.

Consumer Reports’ opinion is significant because it’s well respected by mainstream consumers and the tests they’ve conducted appear to be the most comprehensive by an independent organization. Unfortunately, Consumer Reports hasn’t provided much actual data to bolster its findings.

Consumer Reports tested three iPhone 4s in a special chamber designed to block out wireless signals. Inside, they recreated a cell site and tested the phone’s controversial external antenna.

Like many other accounts, Consumer Reports found that signal degradation is significant when users touch the left hand corner of the iPhone, where two of the antennas meet. The degradation is enough to drop calls when existing reception is weak.

“…Apple needs to come up with a permanent – and free – fix for the antenna problem before we can recommend the iPhone 4,” the publication wrote. The report says the test results call into question Apple’s earlier explanation that the perception of dropping signal strength was due to a software problem that over-estimated the signal meter of the iPhone 4. Apple has said a software update in the coming weeks will fix the problem, which it said was present in previous models as well.

The Consumer Reports researcher said tests on an iPhone 3GS and a Palm Pre did not produce the same signal loss. However, covering the antenna in the lower corner with thick duct tape or other non-conductive material remedies the issue.

Will a software update fix the problem, or is it going to be duct tape? Shhhh! I can hear Steve hyperventilating as we speak…..

  1. bill says:

    The new Apple ‘bumper’ is much more than a rubber band, and worth the $29.00

    Get over it.

  2. McCullough says:

    #1. Don’t need to.

  3. GregAllen says:

    I think it’s cool to take a shiny new Apple product and wrap it in duct tape!

    Should I go with classic silver or the more chic camouflage pattern?

  4. Zybch says:

    I’ve heard so-called ‘experts’ now claiming that its NOT the bridging of the 2 antennas that is causing the problem (Leo had some shill on the 2nd to last TWiT trying to look like he knew what he was talking about).
    They say that its just the signal being blocked by your hand and that ALL cell phones have EXACTLY the same problem.
    What a freaking load of crap!! Even cupped in both hands my iPhone 3 doesn’t even come close to dropping calls (though the signal does decrease). Gently touching the bottom/left area of the iPhoney4 IS NOT blocking the antenna at all.

    Its absolutely the bridging of the antennas which is causing them to literally short out.
    Its something that apple either SHOULD have known about or DID know about but kept quite over in order to sell as many stupid sheep the new phone as possible.

    That apple released their ugly phone bumper which makes the problem go away (for an outrageous price), them lying about the signal strength by misrepresenting the signal strength display, and now advertising for antenna techs in their employment section is ample proof that they damn well knew there were issues but thought so little of their customers that they released a clearly faulty product.

    On last week’s macbreak weekly we had apple shill Andy whatshisface and co-shill alex lindsay making excuse after excuse, and desperately trying to protect apple in whatever way they could. What makes someone become so emotionally dependent on a corporation that they will flat out lie on an international program and wash what little credibility they still have down the gutter? It really is a sad thing to witness.
    It could have been worse, they could have had Scott Bourne on, and he is worse than the other two combined in his sick apple-love. The last time apple made a booboo he was almost in tears racing to apple’s defense against all logic and reason.

    Appletards are the scum of the earth.

  5. Zybch says:

    Lastly, what the hell is with jerks referring to it as “iPhone4” instead of ‘an iPhone4’ or ‘the iPhone4’.

    Its not a person you fools, its an inanimate mass produced object. Stop anthropomorphizing it and stop drinking the apple flavored coolaid.

  6. sargasso_c says:

    Please don’t duct tape kitty.

  7. Dallas says:

    Oh my, if Consumer Reports is not recommending it I’m sure that would cost Apple about eight sales.

  8. Dallas says:

    BTW, the image of animal cruelty added nothing to the story and is quite disturbing.

  9. ECA says:

    an internal update to fix an EXTERNAL hardware problem?? funny.

    you want a computer in a phone…HERE YA GO..
    great features also…you can watch TV/Video on a 4″ screen..

    I LOVE those idiots out there…that think they can do HD and HI DEF on a 4″ screen..

    I love the NEED of a program(NOT itunes) that will CONVERT your own video, to show on your 4″ screen.

    I LOVE that you have 3 Contracts/EULA for a PHONE. ATT/Apple/itunes..has anyone EVER read all of them..

  10. TooManyPuppies says:

    Why even ask “Will a software update fix the problem, or is it going to be duct tape? Shhhh! I can hear Steve hyperventilating as we speak…..” When Apple already stated last week that it wont?

  11. MikeN says:

    Isn’t it a waste to have a 4 inch screen to make phone calls?

  12. KMFIX says:

    I would never buy a bumper or case to make a device work like it’s supposed to out of the box.

    ps. love the kitty in duct tape.

  13. qb says:

    The Droid X will be probably be the best new smart phone this year. It doesn’t take long for times to change.

  14. John E. Quantum says:

    I’m lovin’ my HTC EVO. It’s not perfect, but apparently it’s more perfect than an iPhone4.

  15. muck says:

    The bottom line is that iPhone 4 has better cell reception than any previous iPhone. So if you were happy with a 3G or 3GS, you’ll be even happier with the iPhone 4.

    Watermelon smiles all around. Great phone.

  16. Judge Jewdy says:

    Timely there CR, especially after 2,000,000 have already been sold. I have no issue with mine, I love the music synthesizers and the vac-u-jack attachent that really sucks!

  17. Animby says:

    Spend hundreds of dollars on the latest and greatest from Apple and then spend another $30 bucks for a bumper that makes it work right? At the very least you’d think they would ship one of the bumpers to every owner free of charge. The things probably only cost a few cents each so the biggest expense would be postage. Yes, it would cost them two or three million bucks but it would be cheaper than a recall – which I think is gonna happen, anyway. (That thunking sound you hear is Apple’s rep for high quality engineering…)

    Of course, there will always be fanatics like Bill (#1) who will buy anything Apple puts out and do anything Apples says to do… it makes them happy. Isn’t that nice?

  18. Mark T. says:

    If it don’t work, duct it.

    Is there nothing that duct tape can’t fix?

  19. Dallas says:

    This is the typical iPhone buyer which I doubt is CR reader.

  20. Dallas says:

    #14 Trust me, a gay owner is what all pets would want to have.

    You? Do you consider your mule a pet or a form of transportation?

  21. McCullough says:

    #8. Dallas, Yes it was a little over the top….even for me. Removed.

  22. John C. Qwerty says:

    Alright…whoever did that to the cat needs to be duct taped and pimp-slapped…and my pimp hand is strong.

  23. Rider says:

    @#16 guess you didn’t bother watching the video since they clearly explain that what you just said is not true.

  24. Zybch says:

    #22 thank you for that.
    Now, if we could get a pic of steve jobs trussed up in duct tape that’s a different matter…

  25. Joe Stallin says:

    What a bunch of techno-pawn APPLETARDS!

    I suppose we can now expect the price of duct tape to go up now that it’s an officially endorsed/sponsored Apple “product.”

    And thanks to all you pinko commie loving apple-tards too for encouraging Heir Jobs with all your purchases. Seik heil you motherf***ers!

  26. gquaglia says:

    Time for a recall. Either that or Apple will sue CR for saying bad things about the Jesus phone

  27. MRN says:

    Ouch. Seems like a lot of people have something against Apple.

    Why, this Jap fella appears to be saying that Apple loyalists are chronic wankers (NSFW).

  28. Animby says:

    # 28 MRN said, “…saying that Apple loyalists are chronic wankers”

    Welll … aren’t we alll?
    orry my keyboard is a llittlle sticky.

  29. The Dude says:

    People are going to get a protective case for their phone anyways, from one of MANY companies, which makes this a complete non-issue. This antenna thing is so overblown. Its just a vehicle for people to complain (or make money if you are an internet personality) Most reply here are just people entertaining each other with their self perceived pseudo wit.

  30. qb says:

    #31 Sagrilarus

    There should be a term for people who are rabidly anti Apple. I’m amazed how many people are completely pwned by Apple and are completely fixated by a company that doesn’t have or even desire a majority of the computer and phone markets. In fact, they do more to drive up Apple sales and keep them in the press than anyone.

    Rabid Apple haters are bigger victims of the Jobs marketing machine than any fanboi.


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