1. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #26–McCullough==glad to see you onboard for this one. Seems like you have been straying too far right lately. Maybe I’m just overreacting to an occasional side trip?

    If the comments here were from the general public, I wouldn’t be too surprised. But this is the cream of the crop (money, time, expertise to post) yet they reveal they are only misspent cum. The ejaculate of their overlords counting their ill gotten gain.

    Sad to see. Must be a variation of the Stockholm syndrome==just praise the lord for any scraps allowed. Except for Gildamush. She’s nothing but a victim and needs an intervention.

  2. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Speaking of honoring our Bill of Rights and maintaining appropriate civilian control over our government: Judge Napolitano is on Afterwords on Book TV a few times tonight. I caught it earlier.

    He is suspect as appearing on Faux Spews but he shows an admirable libertarian streak on this presentation. Well done Judge.

  3. bac says:

    Just ask celebrities about the right to privacy. If that were Sarah Palin being loaded into the ambulance, all major news networks would be there filming it.

    There is no right to privacy in public places. With every cell phone having a camera, one might want to get used to being photographed. Your mug may already be on Facebook or youtube.

  4. Oboe says:

    Both a little heavy-handed. Both a little self-important. The video rather overwrought. The suggestion implied by the video is trivial compared to the real tragedy. Oh, and Dick Cheney is still not in jail.

  5. Gilgamesh says:

    Sounds like Bobo wants his goat back. No more goat for you! …Bobo. The only issue as stake here is that when you go looking for senseless confrontations that don’t mean anything, it’s not hard to find them. And when you do, there’s usually a Bobo out there ready to try to help you make something out of nothing. You just don’t get it, Bobo. You are not my audience. You and the imposition of your ridiculous (and BORING) agenda are but pawns in the illustration of my point to the real audience. You are just Bobo. That’s all. Thanks for playing, though. I do not mean to make it sound as though you have not been useful. I’ll come back and play with you again sometime later. Bye! =)

  6. SoundMind says:

    Newsflash! Narcissist cannot detect his own projections. Crisis update at eleven.

  7. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Yep, we are all guilty of everything. Every charge is valid. Just a matter of degree?

    Ha, ha.

    I’d rather be just about anything other than: “One who can’t answer a direct question.”

    But that could be just me? Or one of the subset?

  8. Freeto says:

    Uhm, Cop to video lady: “It’s hot out here, one of the workers got a touch of heat stroke, he should be fine”. Then she could have gone back to showing us the gooey tar balls.

  9. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Also appropriate: “This is a restricted area. If you come closer than 65 feet, you will be arrested for trespass/interfering with an official ambulance call. Go video anywhere else you want to.”

    Course, that would have been a lie and probably a violation of law as well, or maybe not?

  10. jman says:


    stupid nosy bitch bothers people trying to do their jobs

  11. jman says:



    stupid nosy bitch bothers people trying to do their jobs while making believe that she is a journalist and tries to cash in on a tragedy and pretending to care about the “environment”

  12. tbtbussey says:

    The cop was wrong in how he approached you. The patients privacy supersedes your right to know what is going on. It is called the Hipaa oath and privacy law….. Look it up. You do not have the right to publish a persons medical condition without their approval. Back off. Study your real rights.

  13. Rich says:

    Jesus! Did he eat her friend?

  14. Skuter says:

    #41 you are right on it.

    Was the situation her business. Was she a medical doctor who could provide assistance to the person having a medical problem. No

    She is “I’m a self-proclaimed journalist….and doing this gave me a panic attack so I continued to do it.”

  15. JD says:

    Bro should have tazed her.

  16. Woody says:

    The cop should have tazed her.

  17. CharlieJ says:

    Living down here in south Alabama, this cop is typical of the police. I am really surprised that the woman was not tazered. The local cops seem to feel that it is their duty to spread fear in the public. I have no use for any of them. And before you assume that I am just some druggie kid, I am a mid 60s business man. Also, to the one who said this is Obama’s fault. Damn near everyone here in confederate land hates the pres. The area shown in the video is in the most republican county in the state. This is not Obama’s fault. It is just another cop throwing his (considerable) weight around.

  18. Rick Cain says:

    You have to understand how cops work in jerkwater towns/cities/states.

    They’re tiny minded and generally work for the local businessmen, not for law enforcement in general.

    The cop just wants to remind the citizen that they don’t want some city slicker making their little inbred town look bad.

  19. Bill H says:

    Another too common example of small minded people acting stupid on both sides of an issue. Why does this video deserve attention?


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