1. Bushed says:

    Wow – how impressive.

    I always say that the biggest argument FOR the 2nd amendment are the police.

  2. hhopper says:

    Corporations run everything… including the Police.

  3. eighthnote says:

    This goon squad mentality that BP has adopted isn’t helping their PR at ALL.

  4. LDA says:

    B.P. (Monsanto / Goldman etc.) and their political puppets don’t care what you think.

    P.S. They do however request that you use your real name when criticising them.

  5. Rhor says:

    “I am a American!!, I can do whatever I want!”

  6. Joe says:

    What a loser this fat cop is. Why can’t we get police that can be less than 400 lbs anymore? Good thing there were two cameras or I bet the lady would have been arrested and the fat cop would have said she assaulted him.

  7. Anon says:

    Could videographer have seemed any more self-important?

  8. Rider says:

    They are both idiots, She could have filmed all she wanted to if she hadn’t started yelling questions and bothering people. Of course they could have just ignored but they didn’t.

  9. T3 says:

    Hey Anon: “self-important”? Why don’t you ask the same thing about the fat cop? He doesn’t have the right to bully around any innocent citizen just because he feels like it, or just because some corporate goon told him to. The irony is that the fat cop was bullying around the videographer because he didn’t consider her “important”. Anytime we get unfairly bullied by fat “self-important” cops like him, you better believe we should up for the importance of our rights.

  10. RTaylor says:

    Go to her home page. She’s trying to cash in on the situation. What was needed was the mayor in Jaws telling everyone the water is fine.

  11. Derek says:

    I don’t usually leave comments, but I need to say something here. Just as a bit of background, I am a professional Firefighter/ EMT and I also have a degree in Criminal Justice.

    This issue has nothing to do with a BP conspiracy in my opinion. This woman and her partner were the ones in the wrong here. The Public servants were just doing their jobs! While the officer may have not been the worlds most professional individual, he was still doing the right thing.

    What I saw here did not appear to be a large scale event. To me, it looked like a medical emergency involving one patient. Likely a worker became over-heated. You see 3 ambulances and a fire engine likely because of response contracts and the way apparatus is dispatched. The 1st 2 ambulances belonged to AMR, they are a private ambulance company that probably has the 911 contract. ambulance 1 was Basic Life Support, amb 2 was the ALS Paramedics. Ambulance 1 appeared to have engine trouble (the hood was open), so amb 3 was called. It is very typical for a fire engine to be dispatched by the city to medical emergencies.

    Patients have a right to privacy, and medical professionals are required to provide it. The police officer was assisting to that end and providing security to the scene.

    If you were ill and needed transportation by ambulance, how would you like 2 loud mouth, over the top wacko’s trying to film you?

    just my $.02

  12. deowll says:

    #2 & 3

    The cop isn’t doing the bidding of BP. This guy could care less about BP.

    He is doing the bidding of Obama and his lackeys. If they look like the KGB then do something about it.

    To me the most shocking thing about this is how the lame media roll over for Obama to kick them. A dog should have more self respect.

    If Bush had tried to pull something like this the lame media would have gone into high earth orbit and stayed there till the gagging of the media stopped. With Obama they act like puke.

  13. bobbo, well, thats your problem right there says:

    #11–Derek==you say: “Patients have a right to privacy, and medical professionals are required to provide it.” /// Not on a public beach they don’t. You may “like” it or prefer it but you don’t have it. Privacy in your home=yes. Privacy in the Hospital=yes. Privacy during transport to and from?==no.

    The OT a few days ago and the 65 foot rule keeping people/press away from the crime scene is valid. Indeed, we don’t need whack jobs with short right legs getting in the way but that is easy to control and explain without lying or applying the wrong legal concept.

  14. Special Ed says:

    That is a hell of a lunch muscle on that cop.

  15. jpfitz says:

    I’m 6’3″ and 210 lbs. If the video was being filmed by me and I had a panic attack I would have either been tasered or arrested.

    That little woman has some cojones.

  16. Skippy says:

    Oh fer crying out loud. I hate cops as much as the next person, and that cop is an asshole, but she comes across as an annoying bitch. So what if the 2 guys around the ambulance had their ID bagdes are turned around? So she thinks that’s a big conspiracy based on 2 people? I used to wear an ID badge at my old job and I was constantly turning it around so that people could actually read it. Could be coincidence. And they have their backs to the camera BECAUSE THEY ARE FOCUSING ON THE AMBULANCE

  17. Gilgamesh says:

    OMG! Another video of someone out looking for trouble and finding it! BFD. OMG! I filmed a cop whose a moron! BFD. #11 is more correct in fact, tone, temperament and perspective than #13.

    Loved the spin using the “panic attack” as an excuse for being an underprepared, inexperienced, and meddlesome no-nothing. That lame attempt at a save, combined with the exaggerated production effects that only improved the lameness, was just barely entertaining enough to bubble up a chuckle instead of a barf.

  18. Anon says:

    Sorry #13 but best-effort medical privacy laws apply anywhere, public or not.

  19. bobbo, the truth-let us not speak its name says:

    #17–Gildamush==what you talkin’ bout? “#11” comes off like a whiny little bitch, typical of bleeding heart paramedics. ((Ok, overstated and harsh but still mostly true of all the paramedics I have known)). The “facts” of the relevant law and the FREEDOM such a law encompasses is as I have posted.

    Yet Derek by good will and honest heart just has it a little bit wrong and can now think about it. YOU on the otherhand seek to misinform, seduce, and ultimately betray these good folks.

    Why are you so evil?

    Please explain.

  20. Mr Ed says:

    In America any cop can get away with anything, even murder, and they do, almost daily. Strike that – continuously. They are ABOVE the law because they ARE the law. Everyone in the system knows this. Be afraid, be very afraid.
    Many of them are on ‘roids – I personally know several who consider this their “advantage” but it sure increases their rage and clouds their judgement. They universally DO NOT have to submit to drug testing.

  21. UncDon says:

    #17: THANK YOU !!!

  22. bobbo, the truth-let us not speak its name says:

    What part of “freedom” do you people not understand/respect?

    People filming, asking questions, on public property is a cornerstone of our freedom/democracy/society.

    You’all don’t deserve the freedom you are so willing to trash.

    Stoopid Hoomans.

  23. Gilgamesh says:

    Bobo, you are projecting again…

  24. Rick Cain says:

    As long as Americans continue to worship Corporatism, this stuff will keep happening.

  25. bobbo, freedom IS other people doing things YOU don't like says:

    #23–Gildamush==our disagreement springs from and is controlled by “the law.” The law is as I have stated and you disagree. You are wrong. I see no projection, just your attempt to avoid the truth that seeks to inform you, knocks on a closed door.

    Prove me wrong and state what the law is regarding filming on a public beach?


  26. McCullough says:

    #22. bobbo- “What part of “freedom” do you people not understand/respect?

    People filming, asking questions, on public property is a cornerstone of our freedom/democracy/society.

    You’all don’t deserve the freedom you are so willing to trash.”

    It really does boil down to this. Act like a slave, and expect to be treated as one. The cop was overstepping his authority, and when challenged, skulked away. That little girl has more chutzpah than half you so-called “men”.

  27. Gilgamesh says:

    Ah, bobo, it’s always going to be like this, isn’t it? You spend all your time ironing out the wrinkles of your dirty shirt, and you can’t figure out why people think your shirt is dirty.

  28. Dickie says:

    I’ve come to the conclusion that we are becoming a nation of idiots. No one seems to have any Common Sense anymore. Had anyone thought that it might have been a tourist, and not a BP worker, that was in the Ambulance?

    No one, not even a nosy American citizen, has the “right” to know the medical condition of someone that is being tended to by an EMT — even if it’s on public property. I would bet that the EMT’s have to follow HIPAA regulations or they could be sued.

    With regards to privacy — would you want some nosy pseudo journalist video taping your significant other / parent / child / yourself if you had fallen ill? People should show some human decency to allow an ill person privacy when being attended by EMTs.

  29. duck-rabbit says:

    This is one of those gestalts where you can blow the situation out of proportion either way. Yes, the camera-woman was being a pest during what appears to be a medical situation. But yes, she’s on a public beach and free to ask questions and film. Police are allowed to make judgement calls in public places and ask disruptive people to leave without having to point to the amendment that lets them do this.

    Having said this, I find it interesting that the cop talks with the BP official, assumes that he has described the situation accurately, and then tells the woman to back off without getting her side of the story or realizing that there is no public safety issue here and his actions are only likely to make the situation deteriorate.

  30. bobbo, freedom IS other people doing things YOU don't like says:

    #27–Gildamush==ha, ha. So, your are a bored housewife stuck doing the cooking, washing, and ironing all day long. THATS WHY you have no concern for what people are doing out on the beach? Well, truly==you should get out more often. And just in case you are a male with some gender confusion only–if my shirt ever gets dirty, I KNOW its from standing too close to drooling idiots like you.

    Now, having fun over, lets get serious: what–can’t answer the question except to agree with me? And for some reason you have decided not to learn anything from your betters so you take refuge in your homekeeping hell.

    Along those lines, I do have a serious question: do you know how to keep home made mayonnaise from not forming the initial emulsion as you begin the process?

    Try to ENGAGE the issues rather than fritter around the edges–eh?


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