The simple procedure causes the modified mice to reject the advances of their male counterparts and attempt to mate with fellow females.

Researchers found that disabling the FucM gene – which influences the levels of oestrogen to which the brain is exposed – caused the mice to behave as if they were male as they grew up.

Professor Chankyu Park of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Daejon, South Korea, who led the research, said: “The mutant female mouse underwent a slightly altered developmental programme in the brain to resemble the male brain in terms of sexual preference.”

Scientists have long sought a genetic link to homosexuality, but the academics behind the latest study stressed that it was impossible to say whether their discovery had any relevance to human sexuality.
Professor Park now hopes to investigate whether the enzyme produced by the gene – fucose mutarotase – has any influence on human sexuality, but conceded that it may be “very difficult” to find willing volunteers.

He obviously has never been to San Francisco.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    “What do you want to discuss?”

    What I always have been discussing. The scientist and their motives.

    The subject was never “me”. Not once. YOU are projecting again.

    Hummm… Let’s see. I said in #14 “I’m betting that this Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology…”

    Was this about me? Nope. About the Scientist and THEIR motivation.

    Somehow YOU projected THEIR motivation onto ME.

    Take a look at this, bobbo. I’m just trying to help.

  2. GregAllen says:

    I doubt that researchers will ever find a direct genetic connection to sexual orientation.

    More likely, it will be a complex mix of genes and environment. (i.e. _BOTH_ nature and nurture).

    I say this because all human preferences are this complex mix — why would sexuality any different?

    Genetics can give us a propensity to prefer something but our environment can steer that all kinds of directions.

  3. GregAllen says:

    Here’s the bottom line:

    Gays are Americans. They deserve equal rights.

    HOW they became gay is irrelevant.
    WHAT James Dobson or the pope say is irrelevant.
    That fact you find it ICKY or THREATENING is irrelevant.
    TRADITIONS about marriage are irrelvant.

    Gays have the same rights as you.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    I happen to agree entirely. Goes back to the study of identical twins where one is Gay and the other is not.

    A very good article on just this:

  5. Animby says:

    Slightly off topic: I am currently living in SE Asia where sex change surgery has risen to an art form and any sexual orientation is generally well-accepted by the population.

    I have a friend, a young man who is saving up for his femininization surgery. He has a long term relationship with a lovely young lady! He complained to me recently that the hormones they are giving him have started to interfere with their sex life. He and the lady are planning to be married soon and shortly afterward, he will have his surgery.

    So, the question is this: After the surgery, will he suddenly become a lesbian? What about his wife? Does his surgery make her homosexual? So, can two people who are in a physical relationship yet have identical sexual gear be heterosexual? (BTW, they already have a child together.)

  6. GregAllen says:

    >> dusanmal said, on July 10th, 2010 at 7:08 am
    >> homosexual population but also recognizing it for what it really is: benign genetic defect, not the normal state of human individual

    Genetic diversity needn’t be a defect.

    This issue reveals the difference between liberal and conservative world views.

    Conservatives have the belief in a narrowly-defined “standard” that is “normal.” If you are outside of that, you’re a freak, defect, deviant, etc.

    We liberals believe that diversity is great.

    Sure, there are defects and deviancies that are bad when they victimize people.

    But gays aren’t that — just the opposite.

    I do agree that homosexuals are “benign” if, by that, you mean they are beneficial to society.

  7. GregAllen says:

    >> HeeHee said, on July 10th, 2010 at 8:29 am
    >> Here is a scientific issue and the religious meddle, as usual.
    >> Religion is obsessed with sex – yours of course. Then they get caught with rent-boys.

    It’s not religion… it’s _conservatism_.

    We liberal religious people are down with the gays.

    As a religious person, I’m sick-and-tired of being blamed for small-minded conservatism.

  8. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    #38–Ah Yea==stop stealing “my line.” Yes, we all project our own values into ill defined scenario’s. Not often one goes onto a blog, or any other situation in life, and gives voice to other people’s opinions they don’t share. Might even be an indicator of a psychiatric disorder. Maybe genetically based?

    So, after also agreeing with dismal’s miscreant summary, you actually were talking about something totally unrelated huh?

    Good to know. Now I only doubt your writing skills rather than your comprehension.

    Maybe this will help clear the air: Ah Yea: is homosexuality a “defect” in any sense of the word or just part of the natural variation that nature seems to employ everywhere?

    #39–Animby==I saw that show years ago on Donahue. Yes, the physical and metal getting all mixed up in all sorts of combinations. The bad news is that any relationship with “big issues” is more likely to fail, but the good news is that in such relationships, if those big hurdels are resolved, the relationships generally go on to be very rewarding. I give secondary importance to “sex” when the values and personalities are in synch, the physical comfort must follow?

    #40–Greg==funny how close we are on so many things. Too bad its just the very most important thing in the world that puts us at odds? Ha, ha. Also amusing/informing how often you get tripped up by logical inconsistencies. Liberal = diversity, Conservative = narrowly defined. Then, while claiming the liberal iconic status that all good people do, you go and apply the conservative standard to your religion. Not even close to being a good spin on the issue.

    OF COURSE RELIGION is the heart of the anti-gay attitudes in our culture. RELIGION IS ALL ABOUT being as narrow as possible in one view: one way, my way, gods way or the highway. The more “liberal” you are about basic tenets, the more likely you are to be rejected by your own religion, then you can start your own. But all that still doesn’t the source one group usually has for hating some other group: religion, particularly the Christian religion. Maybe YOU personally avoid most of the silliness, but again, that doesn’t change where it comes from.

  9. Howard Beal says:

    It just doesn’t matter the hatters will keep right on hating

    Rodgers and Hammerstein said it well in South Pacific
    “You’ve got to be taught
    To hate and fear,
    You’ve got to be taught
    From year to year,
    It’s got to be drummed
    In your dear little ear
    You’ve got to be carefully taught.

    You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
    Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
    And people whose skin is a diff’rent shade,
    You’ve got to be carefully taught.

    You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
    Before you are six or seven or eight,
    To hate all the people your relatives hate,
    You’ve got to be carefully taught!”

    its clear some of you have been taught

  10. Dallas says:

    #26 Bobbo… “..we will see in our lifetimes the ability to select for sex, sexual orientation, height, eye shape, skin color, “maybe” even intelligence…”

    Physical shapes and colors perhaps, thought and behaviors, never. As you, I believe in science (and even employed as such) but I see this study as a waste of money for it’s purpose but support the “the tinkering” that mighty yield something useful.

    I already know the answer to the question – I’m living proof! The rest of the homosexual controversy is rooted in an even bigger puzzle – why hoomans feel that nature owes them an explanation and then make one up anyway! Fundamentally, I find nature to be a continuum, a bell curve, shades of gray – pick your analogy. Conservatives don’t see shades of gray and need to have things in orderly black and white buckets. Doubly so for the Taliban(s).

    #27 Pedrito, I don’t think Bobbo insulted me and it’s the victim that makes that call. Plus,I’ve been called worse.

    BTW, when are you going to come out of the closet? Living at home with mom and abuelita is not helping you at all.

  11. HeeHee says:

    Bobbo used the term “prostate thumpers” – a new one to me. FUNNNNY!

    #41 GregAllen replied to my comment, “It’s not religion… it’s _conservatism_. We liberal religious people are down with the gays. As a religious person, I’m sick-and-tired of being blamed for small-minded conservatism.”

    My sincere apologies to GregAllen and any other religious person I may have offended.

    I would have been more accurate if I had stated that many conservative politicians pander to certain religious constituencies for political gain. Then they get caught with rent-boys.

    Whether from the left or the right, religious or not, hypocrisy is one of the great problems. Another is the insistence on your side winning, even if it is bad for the country.

  12. GregAllen says:

    Ah yea.

    That was a fantastic link you provided on what makes people gay. I recommend it to people interested in this subject.

    My “many cause” theory developed back in college when one of my best friends was a lesbian and she’d invite me to her lesbian shindigs where I’d hear their personal stories.

    Some seemed born to it. Others seemed to have chosen it. In others it seemed like a dysfunction from trauma and abuse.

    But for all, it was a highly personal, complex mix.

    The trouble with my “many causes” theory is that neither the gays nor the anti-gays like it because it doesn’t comfortably fit into their agendas.

    But slowly, more people, including researchers, seem to be coming to the same conclusion as me.

    …. AND TO BE CLEAR, I don’t think any of this relates to civil rights of gays.

    Gays are Americans and deserve equal rights.
    End of debate.

  13. GregAllen says:

    bobbo said,
    >>Then, while claiming the liberal iconic status that all good people do, you go and apply the conservative standard to your religion. Not even close to being a good spin on the issue.

    “Conservative standard” to my religion? I don’t get what you mean.

    I’m a Christian and we have both liberals and conservatives among us. Lots of both. Of course, we have tons of people who don’t fit neatly in either category.

    Take me for instance: politically I’m a liberal but my personal lifestyle is quite conservative. (That’s a very common combination in my circles.) My own church is highly orthodox, liberal in inclusiveness but strictly apolitical.

    Evangelicals and charismatics are usually (but not exclusively) politically conservative but their churches are typically highly un-orthodox. Their private lifestyles are often fairly libertarian as has become glaringly obvious in recent years.

    This can be confusing to outsiders, I’m sure. (It even perplexes we insiders sometimes!)

    Or are you talking about something else?

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    Thank you very much, GregAllen.

    I appreciate the complement and agree with you post. Very happy to be of service.

    Now on to your question, bobbo.
    “Ah Yea: is homosexuality a “defect” in any sense of the word or just part of the natural variation”

    Let me give you the plain and simple answer.

    I don’t know.

    And if I may add:

    You don’t know.

    Nobody knows, and most likely nobody will every know.

    Why? Lets go with your standing that sexual preference is genetic based.

    Just because there may be a genetic difference doesn’t mean that the expression of that genetic difference is a defect. Genetic difference has given us homo sapiens a larger brain than a chimpanzee. The chimp may view this as a genetic defect, but I certainly do not.

    The chimp may view the results of this larger brain as detrimental to the world as a whole, seeing how we have polluted our planet and driven hundreds of species to extinction.

    We, on the other hand, may view this as “progress”.

    Therefore the answer to your question is societal, not scientific. The answer of whether homosexuality is a defect or not is based on the viewpoint of the person asking the question.

    So what do you think?

    BTW, for more info, click on GregAllen’s link above which is a repeat of my link. It really is a very good article.

  15. GregAllen says:


    Thanks for the nice reply.

    I just got back from church where we have plenty of gay people, including clergy. The preacher today seems pretty gay (I’ve never asked) and our church loves him.

    Liberal religious people generally DON’T have problems with the gays.

    Conservative religious people generally DO have problems with gays.

    So, you can do a simple boolean logic “truth table” to figure out whether it’s the religion or the conservatism that has a problem with gays.

    But I’ll grant you this — when you mix conservatism with religion, it creates a particular noxious brew, worse than the sum of its parts.

  16. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    #44–Dallas==you say: “Physical shapes and colors perhaps, thought and behaviors, never. /// Never? You say never and claim the status of employed as such? Well, the older I get, the more I think genetics controls/enfluences/is the root of more than we think. Its oversimplified/wrong but instructive: the difference between our behavior and that of a chip/cantaloupe is genetics. Broad parameters. One day, I am sure, the genetic code, hormonal influence, developmental interactions will be better/almost completely understood and there will still be some uncontrolled variability. That is nature’s way === ((Hey! Old “Spirit” song)) <> Well, not exactly on my point, but a nice memory:

    It’s nature’s way of telling you something’s wrong
    It’s nature’s way of telling you in a song
    It’s nature’s way of receiving you
    It’s nature’s way of retrieving you
    It’s nature’s way of telling you
    Something’s wrong

    It’s nature’s way of telling you, summer breeze
    It’s nature’s way of telling you, dying trees
    It’s nature’s way of receiving you
    It’s nature’s way of retrieving you
    It’s nature’s way of telling you
    Something’s wrong
    It’s nature’s way, it’s nature’s way
    It’s nature’s way, it’s nature’s way

    So Dallas–look deeper, if you want to. Why do we think/feel what we do? Why do we dream? It all comes from the brain, the brain is formed by genetics. “Something” is going on there enough not to be totally discounted. Then from that variable given, what looks like free will and self awareness arises and cognitive dissonance arises.

    But if your point is that YOU have to take responsibility for what you do and “think”, then I can only agree. Genetics/upbringing is only the start. WE are the end.

    And you continue to say: “As you, I believe in science (and even employed as such) but I see this study as a waste of money for it’s purpose but support the “the tinkering” that mighty yield something useful.” /// How anyone much less anyone employed as such thinks this study is a waste of money is sad. Its one building block among the many that will be needed to figure out what going on. Thats valuable. Perhaps you are caught up in the moment?

    Being human: noting differences and what you make of them. Its a challenge.

  17. GregAllen says:


    In our modern over-populated world, isn’t homosexuality a good thing?

    We’ve all read the studies which show that marriage is good for people and for society. (Here’s one link but there are many: )

    So, homosexual marriages benefit society without contributing to over-population.

    Doesn’t sound like defect to me. Seems like a evolutionary accommodation.

    (I’m a “breeder” BTW. When I argue this way, people assume I’m gay but I’m straight. I just have a very high belief in equal rights.)

  18. bobbo, I got your "boo" right here says:

    #50–Greg==boolean logic huh? How about most chritian sects teach that we are all gods children, that you should not judge lest ye be judge, that gods plan for each of us is unknowable, that we are all gods children, that you should love the sinner and not the sin, and that homosexuality is a mortal sin. From that mishmash 55% of the sheeple hate gays. 20% aren’t sure. 5% think gays are ok as long as they don’t act on it. 5% turn against all religion, 5% leave the church and create their own dogma and the balance sing louder.

    I don’t see the boolean logic to simple cause and effect at all. So, I say “boo!”

  19. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    #52–Greg==we yearn for meaning in an existential universe. If one chooses to create meaning within a marriage context, then yes, marriage gives comfort, serially or otherwise? As stated, homosexuality does not breed out because the locus of genes that supports it also makes women more fecund. So, if you mean to say homo’s are good because they keep the population down, I say: “boo!” Let science inform you.

    Society is “better off” by any condition that keeps us off the streets, out of the bars, and chemically or socially castrated.

    I personally don’t believe in equal rights. But I do believe in leaving other people alone. Close to the same thing?

  20. GregAllen says:


    Yes, boolian logic. Try it sometime.

    Rural people
    Red heads

    Rural people
    Red heads

    Plug this into a table and spot the determinant difference.

    Even if you can show that urologists or rural people or Christians are more anti-gay, it’s not the pee or farms or bibles that are causing it.

    It’s still the conservatism.

  21. bobbo, the truth is within us says:

    #49–Ah Yea==well done, not directly responsive to our discourse but rather superceding by being more encompassing? OK, we can do that.

    Again, you are wrong, in a nice way, but still wrong.

    Can’t “prove” anything one way or the other according to strict scientific standards, can only disprove. But that standard is for the physical world. Society, self awareness does not work that way. Certain moral truths can be devined by honest introspection. From such exercises you might find two great truths about the human condition: we are all the same AND we are all different. The truth is normally found by appreciating how/when these truths exhibit themselves at the same time.

    The gay is such a truth.

    Look within yourself Ah Yea. Did you “choose” to be straight? I’ll play the roulette wheel of life (95% of the numbers are one color, 4% another, and the house takes 1) and say NO. Did anyone while growing up “teach” me to be straight?—Again NO. Did god pay devine attention and blow me one way or the other? I’ll make that a NO and equate it to genetics which is how he works his will anyway. So, what are we left with? Thats right==genetics.

    And the gay is just like everyone else, living out his genetic variability AND different from the ones living out their genetic variability as straights. All the same and different at the same time.

    It works and thats all the truth is.

  22. Greg Allen says:


    I’ll give you real-world example.

    The Book of Mormon says nothing about homosexuality yet Mormons are famously anti-gay.

    Why? Because Mormons are overwhelmingly conservative.

    But, if you can find me a liberal Mormon you can bet they’ll have no problem with the gays.

    So, you can logically conclude that it’s not the Mormonism, it’s the conservatism that makes them hate gays.

    Well, I gotta go. Bye.

  23. bobbo, well, thats your problem right there says:

    #55–Greg==your religious thinking at work again. Boolean logic arises from a set of givens. Like religion.

    Where do you get conservatives hate gays to such a degree that they do not also like gays? You act like the log cabin repukes don’t exist.

    And thats how your religious thinking blinds you to whatever it is you think you consider. You just leave out inconvenient facts in the broad brush of rigid thinking.

    You need to “weight” the elements of your Boolean algorithm. My causation model at #53 is much more explanatory and doesn’t begin with the answer as does your cocked up program.

    I know our posts are crossing each other in this hubbub. We can all make some Ice Cream Sundays and reread our mistakes in leisure?

  24. Ah_Yea says:

    Thank you very much bobbo for your compliments. I have a great deal of fun debating you and this one has been very good.

    No onto some responses.

    You state “Can’t “prove” anything one way or the other according to strict scientific standards, can only disprove.”

    Wrong, wrong, wrong.

    The right answer is, Science remains SILENT. It’s a basic tenet of the scientific principle.
    There is no conclusion ‘one way or the other’. Defaulting to “Disprove” is making a statement. Wrong.

    As to the “equate it to genetics which is how he works his will anyway.”

    Got Religion?? Know the mind of God??

    Please, read the article both myself and GregAllen posted. You will be enlightened and see the fundamental error of your position.

    It’s not all Genetic. End of story.

  25. bobbo, freedom IS other people doing things YOU don't like says:

    Ah Yea==you are of course welcomed in return.

    You say: “It’s not all Genetic. End of story.” /// Your admission goes to all I’m saying which is “its partly genetics.”

    More or less genetics depending on the subject being discussed. When it comes to sexual orientation, I’ll take a WAG and say 95% genetics with the 5% being those denying their homosexuality and thinking they are straight.

    Ah Yea==how did you choose to be straight? Do you recall the exact circumstances?

    Silly to deny that which we do not control. Responsibility comes in after that, not before.

  26. Ah_Yea says:

    Thanks again, bobbo. Now back to the chase!

    I personally agree with the “it’s partly genetics.” although my WAG would be more 50/50.

    Let me address your straight/gay choice question later. I’ve got a better ball to throw in your court.

    I am a big believer in genetic predisposition toward homosexuality, but not so much a believer in predestination.

    Carl Sagan once said that the Human Animal is the only known creature that can actively and premeditatedly change it’s environment. I believe this to be true.

    It is also factually known that numerous genes switch on/off according to environmental factors.

    It is also well known that individuals can affect the expression of certain genes through the environment they choose to be in.

    Would it be too much to suggest that an individual (who is already genetically predisposed to homosexuality) who places oneself in homosexual situations creates the proper conditions for the expression of “homosexual genes”? That is to say, participating in homosexual activities may cause a person to become a homosexual by activating the proper genes?

    Therefore, both predisposition and choice?

    Back to you!

    (I feel the Christmas Spirit, and will feed you a simple answer to the situation I described above. It is a well known and widely accepted explanation for why two identical twins may have one straight and one gay.)

  27. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Ah Yea–I know “I” am up to beating that recent Wimbleton longest ever match. Lets see who can continue the dialectic before looping back? So far, you have shown progression, and I think I’m keeping up. I’ll go thru your post as the issues strike me:

    It is a marvel you keep bring up new variations/slight twists on your erroneous position, maintain the error, yet as stated, continue on. Bravo.

    You have really drunk the cool aid with this one: “That is to say, participating in homosexual activities may cause a person to become a homosexual by activating the proper genes?” /// Haw, Haw!! That would be funny if it weren’t so retarded. Have you no humanity???? The first homo experience I ever had was in the back row at a Mexican Cinema. Some old guy came over and put his hand on my knee. I changed seats. How come I didn’t go gay? What does “turning homo” even mean to you? Seriously==give me an example. (((Long discourse deleted here as it goes more to pan-sexuality rather than homosexuality. You just aren’t ready for that.)))

    Ah Yea–it really is silly to think there is a “gay switch.” I mean, I know you are conservative and all, but really!!!

    No introspection at all, have you. No empathy. No recognition that we are all the same and different at the same time. No dignity recognized in anyone except those that match your own mold????

    Silly hooman.

    I did not read your “excellent” linked article after the brief glance I gave it. Read it or similar many times before. It is part of my info base already=not news, so I may be off on specifics. Tell me that is so and why, and I will read the link to confirm.

    So now, I will be unfair: Ay Yea==how many twins have been found to be split on the issue of sexual orientation? Of the one that was in the report, which one was faking? Can the gay locus of genetic material express itself on a continuum? Did the reference twins fall on that precarious border line? If its not “genetic” then have “they” identified those specific environmental conditions? Dressed in pink as a kiddie? Over involved Mother? Don’t you “feel” your prejudice being played to? If its 50/50 then you agree 50% have no choice and isn’t that the point? What would you think of Fire Island Psychiatric Community determining that the same environmental factors appropriate for gayness has affected YOU and you need the cure? Why can’t we accept people for what they are and leave them alone? How strong does a predisposition have to be before others make the choice environmentally for the kiddie?

    You disengenuously say, or if not quite ignorantly say: “It is also well known that individuals can affect the expression of certain genes through the environment they choose to be in.” /// Want to give us as long a list of these choices available to us? After all, I am a Human Being==not an alligator setting the temperature gauge, or a tadpole setting the ph of water. Silly to confuse/conflate/misapply the science here as you do. The mark of dogma.

    Again: What is a “homosexual condition?” And how are these conditions selected by a little kiddie? How does one of 10 kiddies in the same family grow up gay in violation of family desires? I MEAN===GET REAL!!!!

  28. ECA says:

    bIO 101..

    Your chance of having a PERFECTLY born child that will never suffer from a Fault in genetics, ranging from diabetes or any of the MANY genetic conditions, are 1/10,000.
    The human, body is always changing and adapting. It goes in 1000 directions at ALL times, and in each generation.
    1. it Must survive birth
    2. It must be able to EAT/Feed.
    3. it must procreate..
    That is ALL that is required to succeed in genetics.

    After that, its all math. WE LEARN or DIE. WE learn to work together OR DIE.
    All it would take is 1 group of IDIOTS to wipe 1/2 of the population OFF this planet.

  29. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    So, as I have not witnessed you actively lie, just be sloppy as with the above, I word searched the linked article, and it is just as you say. Actually “on point.”

    If one twin is gay, the other has a 50 % chance of being gay. If the % of gay in the population is 1-4% then that means the gay trait is over 10 TIMES more likely to produce a gay child than when that gene is lacking? Still powerful genetic influence/causation to any clear thinking person. Simple conservatives want a black/white world and when it isn’t, they pretend it is anyway.

    Most of that article, that I actually read, is flawed. I say the current work, only just begun, not finished, talks about a “locus” of genes. The article went on about enlarged areas of the brain – irrelevant, or a single gene = irrelevant.

    It is “complicated.” The junk dna thought to be irrelevant turns out to be chock filled with control hormones and what not. Maybe one twin gets all the homo-juice and there is not enough left over for the second one? That “nature” thing trying to suppress the homo state of being just like you conservative like? But you know, you got that gay gene thingamajig, and the other twin is not gay 50% of the time. That means the other 50% is gay meaning when that gay gene thingy shows up, the kiddies are gay 75% of the time. I’ll take 75% all day long at the race track.

    So, we are all straight until the gay gene shows up and then 75% of the time a gay appears. But gay is not genetically controlled?

    Tell me another story. Hey! Beer tastes pretty good at this time of the dark morning!!! Try it Ah Yea, it might loosen you up.

    BTW–where is the link to “the study” that this key info is from? I smell BS, and I don’t think it is just your brains on the wall.

  30. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Here’s a peer reviewed article on the “locus” of genetic material linking homosexuality with increased female fecundity.

    It won’t look quite the same as the other links in this thread. Heh, heh!


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