The simple procedure causes the modified mice to reject the advances of their male counterparts and attempt to mate with fellow females.

Researchers found that disabling the FucM gene – which influences the levels of oestrogen to which the brain is exposed – caused the mice to behave as if they were male as they grew up.

Professor Chankyu Park of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Daejon, South Korea, who led the research, said: “The mutant female mouse underwent a slightly altered developmental programme in the brain to resemble the male brain in terms of sexual preference.”

Scientists have long sought a genetic link to homosexuality, but the academics behind the latest study stressed that it was impossible to say whether their discovery had any relevance to human sexuality.
Professor Park now hopes to investigate whether the enzyme produced by the gene – fucose mutarotase – has any influence on human sexuality, but conceded that it may be “very difficult” to find willing volunteers.

He obviously has never been to San Francisco.

  1. Killer Duck says:

    The “Fuc M” gene? Yeah, Right.

  2. joaoPT says:


  3. bobbo, interesting how certain subject shut the brain down says:

    Unc Dave: #1–So just how does going to San Francisco help prove/disprove the role of fucose mutarotase in human sexual orientation?

    Unc Dave: #2–And what about that abiogenesis of oil? I thought the contributions provided a definitive answer, but your view may differ?

  4. Dallas says:

    Funny re the FucM gene.

    Still, scientists have no clue ‘how’ the brain works other than perhaps ‘where’ it works.

    I’m sort of with the Christian Taliban on this issue – stop trying to link sexual preference to genetics because the controversy has nothing to do with science.

  5. Michael_gr says:

    Stupid scientists! It’s supposed to be “laser cats”! Not “lezzer mice”! “Laser cats”!

  6. Asshole says:

    [Deleted for violation of posting guidelines — ed.]

  7. fulanoche says:

    Play nice(ly)

  8. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    #2–Dallas==you surprise me eschewing the position that would keep you from sin while giving succor to your enemies, while rejecting what I assume is your deepest recognition?

    OF COURSE sexual orientation is genetically controlled. Over a year ago they (somebody?) identified the locus of 4-5 genes that interact with one another to produce the the continuum that sex both physically and mentally occupies. Also explained why homosexuality does not breed out of our species.

    Good stuff. I certainly know that I have no choice over my heterosexuality and assume you have no choice over your base line motivations?

    The “controversy” is about people not being the way god made them and choosing to be sinful. Science will quite soon positively disprove that just as it has with everything else that religion advances.

    Silly to post/think otherwise. Repent!

  9. John E. Quantum says:

    In other news, scientists are hard at work determining the locus of the fucU gene expressed by Linsay Lohen in court the other day.

  10. dusanmal says:

    @#8 “controversy” should be whether medical profession should call such mutations and their results “normal” or such as the case is with sickle cell anemia, Down syndrome,… – genetic illness or defect.
    I am all for every single right to be given to homosexual population but also recognizing it for what it really is: benign genetic defect, not the normal state of human individual (same as above mentioned sickle cell anemia, Down syndrome or many other genetic defects). Not doing so is PC instead of science.

  11. bac says:

    #10 — dusanmal, define “normal”.

    Even though most people associate the word mutation with bad doesn’t make mutations bad. Mutations are neutral with respect to nature.

    Nature is not in the business of providing a consistant normal.

  12. Dallas says:

    #8 Point taken but my rationale is scientific findings will do nothing to change behaviors.

    Half the population (and growing) don’t care – it’s live and let live. Another 30% don’t care either but it’s the Christian Taliban and supporters. For these. it’s not science but rather God hating fags or some other contrived reason.

    That leave about 30% who, in my opinion , are merely scientifically curious. Of those, I’d say most don’t care either or will always question the results.

    I’m all in favor of science but I’ve read enough this topic that leads me to believe science is far from figuring out the human psyche.

  13. Jesus says:

    I see the pseudo intellectual “BoBo” still has his head up his ass.

    Oh! Wait a minute! Does that mean he’s gay?!

    DUDE! There is NO GOD! There is only NATURE! “God” didn’t make you – YOUR PARENTS DID!

    And homosexuality is simply NATURE’S way of preventing population explosions. (If you think 2 life forms of the same sex can reproduce then you obviously haven’t been to school or are seriously mentally limited.)

    It’s only too bad that humans are smarter than nature where sexuality and reproduction are concerned – for now, anyway. Too bad also that we choose to spend billions of dollars and tons of time looking at this crap rather than concentrating on how to improve the lives of the people who are ALREADY HERE! Like looking for a cure to cancer or AIDS or something. It’s a damn shame.

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    dusanmal is getting to the point.

    Of course, this does reopen the whole argument that homosexuality is a genetic disorder. On par with the literally scores of other knows disorders.

    And of course, if homosexuality is caused by fucose mutarotase, then it stands to reason that this “condition” can also be treated by a vaccine or pill.

    Thereby reducing homosexuality to a treatable condition.

    I’m betting that this Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology will develop an in-vitro test and an accompanying vaccine to cure homosexuality.

  15. Scott M. says:

    Is this hot off “The Onion” website?

    Not even a reasonable hoax.

  16. HeeHee says:

    Here is a scientific issue and the religious meddle, as usual.

    Religion is obsessed with sex – yours of course. Then they get caught with rent-boys.

  17. Buzz says:

    I can’t wait to see what happens when we disable the FucU gene.

  18. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    So this will make gay guys become fans of the whiskered biscuit? I could just imagine teams of FucM agents riding through Castro with dart guns and the leather thong and chap crowd scattering like roaches. Maybe it could wean Pedro off of Microsoft too.

  19. qb says:

    No bullshit meter?

  20. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    We’re currently seeking human female volunteers who are willing to have genetically-altered embryos implanted in their uterus for a period of up to 9 months, and agree to fully cooperate with follow-up studies on the resulting child at regular intervals from infancy through adulthood. Does having your groundbreaking story told in scientific journals around the world sound exciting to you? For the right applicants, it could even lead to your own reality TV show!
    Seriously, though, when you realize what is involved here, you get a better understanding of why Professor Park conceded that it may be very difficult to find “willing volunteers.” In the way he phrased it, though, he seemed to purposely leave the door open for the use of UNWILLING participants 😉

    Here’s a link to an abstract of the experiment for anyone who doubts the authenticity of this story (you know who you are):

  21. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    #12–Dallas==no, you don’t take “the point.” Shows the pull of emotions over learning/science and how geophysicists can study billion old sediment layers and still be young earth creationists. Both Science and Religion affect how each and everyone of us views the universe and ourselves and our relationship to it/within it. YOU don’t feel “guilty” about being who you are. Start with that and expand.

    #11–bac==thank you. Easy words wrapping a deep appreciation of science/Darwin that is escaping the thumpers and draggers.

    #13–Jesus==thats right, there is only nature which must be a blow to your self esteeem? I even referenced that the locus of genetic material explained why homosexuality has not been bred out–it increases the overall fertility of women. Almost a tautology because “obviously” if some trait does not reproduce then that trait will be lost but Homosexuality remains a constant 5-7% of the population over time and culture. That is VERY NORMAL.

    #14–Ah Yea==agreeing with dismal is always a clue. Expect nothing else from it, and dissappointed in you although at least your recognize the “science” behind your ignorant judgmental religiously driven opinion otherwise.

    #17–Pedro==have I just called everyone here “Pedro?” No. I first turned against religion because it didn’t make any sense: “Where did all the water come from?” But as I matured, I found it to be a mean spirited defect in man: hating homo’s and jews/blacks who are all part of the family of man. And its an easy issue to see through as well. No “real” science is needed—–just look into your own soul. Pedro, you may choose WHICH donkey you blow on a regular basis, but blowing donkey’s is deep within your genetic code. No real choice there even if on occasion you blow other barnyard animals to prove the counter point.

    Liberal or Science? Not really definitional but I like the statement so much, I’m willing to adopt it. YES–being liberal means accepting science as your guide, or your own honest non-hypocritical introspection and that certainly isn’t a religious exercise.

    That’s why I love blogging, I learn so much.

  22. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    #24–Pedro==why don’t you give it a shot and be “serious” once in your life? Just as an exercise?

    I just googled (homosexuality “genetic coding”) and it was instructive/remindful just to read the teasers.

  23. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    #12–Dallas==your post continues to “niggle” at me. I think it is mostly your concluding sentence: “I’m all in favor of science but I’ve read enough this topic that leads me to believe science is far from figuring out the human psyche.” /// And what you miss is that it is SCIENCE that brought you the idea, and the fruits of the idea, that there even is a psyche. Yes, we’d all like to know everything RIGHT NOW, but science marches at a slower pace.

    We must learn to accept that which we cannot change. As stated, the “locus” of the genetic control of sexual oreintation has already been located and some initial correlations observed as with mothers with the positive correlation for having homosexual kiddies tend to also have MORE kiddies==hence the homo trait does not breed out. That is science.

    Of concern: we will see in our lifetimes the ability to select for sex, sexual orientation, height, eye shape, skin color, “maybe” even intelligence. Again–science. How religion will DEVOlve this choice by the strictures of dogma will be a science fiction novel played out for real. Nothing but Bragalina’s being produced from test tubes. A Brave New World if you will. Interesting times.

  24. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Now Pedro–that was “almost” funny. I guess you are you on purpose? and aren’t we all.

  25. Ah_Yea says:

    Watching Pedro and Bobbo go at it has been entertaining! A couple of good chuckles.

    Why, Bobbo, can’t dusanmal have a good point every once in a while? I’ve even seen the DU troll Dallas make a valid point on a very rare occasion.

    Why the animosity bobbo? I know! You are projecting your own preconceived notions again!

    “ignorant judgmental religiously driven opinion”.

    Huh?? You’re upset? A touchy subject? Not my intention to ruffle sensitive feathers.

    So how is my post:
    A) Ignorant,
    B) Judgmental, or
    C) Religious.

    Good luck with the answer.

    I’ll help you out because I’m such a nice guy. At the very least I don’t have some hidden axe to grind…

    It’s none of the above.

    It’s about a guy going out to make a buck.

    You see where this is going yet? No? Need me to hold you by the hand?

    Ok, bobbito. Hold on.

    Very specifically in Asia there exist an enormous stigma against homosexuality.
    Word gets out (specially in Korea) that some scientist have discovered why their little girl Chan digs other little girls.

    Well, her loving and caring parents bring Chan to these scientist to cure her of her affliction with a series of oh-so-expensive treatments. But no expense is too great for their little Chan!!

    Got it yet?

  26. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    #29–Ah Yea==you ask:

    So how is my post:
    A) Ignorant,
    B) Judgmental, or
    C) Religious.

    Well, this all comes from your post #14 primarily from the concept that sexual orientation is a disorder: “Of course, this does reopen the whole argument that homosexuality is a genetic disorder.”

    Disorder: a physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning./// aka as you say: something that can be “cured” or needs treatment.

    Homosexuality is as much a “disorder” as is hair color. Just because people will spend money to change hair color does not mean that the original hair color was “wrong”/diseased/unnormal/disordered or whatever other “value” you wish to assign it. It simply “is” and for whatever reasons, some people want soemthing else. Chocolate Ice Cream is not a diseased version of Vanilla Ice Cream. Scramble Eggs are not a sick version of an omlette and so forth.

    More specifically:

    So how is my post:
    A) Ignorant, /// you fail to recognize the limited application of a moral judgment rather than the neutral science behind it.
    B) Judgmental, /// you can’t get to good vs bad, mormal vs disease, without making a judgment. Rather definitional.
    C) Religious. /// making unnecessary moral choices that aren’t supported by science is something religion does all the time. Being anti-homosexual while not appearing in the bible/teachings of jebus, is nonetheless a popular meme in current christian religious thinking. If you picked this errant thinking up from sucking on used bubble gum, or directly from Pedro, such attitudes probably can still be traced back to the dogma of hate called loved espoused by our god fearing/loving prostate thumpers. You can fill us in on that if you wish. Dismal?==really????

  27. Ah_Yea says:

    Wow, bobbo.

    You really have gone off the deep end on this.

    You’re critical thinking skills have been put on the shelf and emotions have taken over.

    Very un-bobbo.

    Ok, I’ll make this even more simple, since it seems you are having difficulty overcoming a knee-jerk response.

    Scientist “discover” source of homosexuality.

    Scientist see an opportunity to create a “cure” for homosexuality.

    Scientist rake in the money and buy a new Porsche to go with their house on the beach.

    Since when in recent memory has it been otherwise?

    Why are you having such a hard time with this simple concept?

  28. oplama says:

    it sounds good to me.
    if this is true it means that homosexuality is a genetic disorder and that means we should not create laws and rules to protect homos because they are already covered by handicap laws and rules.

  29. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    #31–Ah Yea==you are changing the subject from “YOU” to science to scientists to a mix of things.

    What do you want to discuss?

  30. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I hope I live to see the discovery of a cure for the superstitious mind. That’s a disorder that has plagued mankind for many millennia, and may even help bring about our extinction. Can you say “religious extremism,” boys and girls?

    Some people seem far more susceptible to superstition than others. Odd, and worth pursuing through research.


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