The simple procedure causes the modified mice to reject the advances of their male counterparts and attempt to mate with fellow females.

Researchers found that disabling the FucM gene – which influences the levels of oestrogen to which the brain is exposed – caused the mice to behave as if they were male as they grew up.

Professor Chankyu Park of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Daejon, South Korea, who led the research, said: “The mutant female mouse underwent a slightly altered developmental programme in the brain to resemble the male brain in terms of sexual preference.”

Scientists have long sought a genetic link to homosexuality, but the academics behind the latest study stressed that it was impossible to say whether their discovery had any relevance to human sexuality.
Professor Park now hopes to investigate whether the enzyme produced by the gene – fucose mutarotase – has any influence on human sexuality, but conceded that it may be “very difficult” to find willing volunteers.

He obviously has never been to San Francisco.

  1. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Not peer reviewed, but an EXCELLENT review of the literature, peer reviewed and otherwise including a demur against Ah Yea’s posted link.

    Good for a deep readable background on the subject. Everyone will hate you:

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Wow, now I am just disappointed. in you.

    Looks like you can never allow yourself to be proven wrong. I produce good information, which you won’t read because “That main linked article is too long for me to pour thru”.

    Then, “quick scan shows nothing on point.”

    And “word search = homo does not show up”.

    (Again, really, stop being lazy. You want to debate but won’t put in the effort to come up to speed. You’re worse than Pedro. At least he will read the link.)

    Lastly, “HAHJAHAHAAHHAahahahahah Collins?”

    I want you to state, right here and now, that you are more educated and smarter than the participants in these articles.

    You obviously think so. You believe that you know more than Collins or anyone else on the subject. Why is this?

    You failed the test. Did you know that Collins was the head of the Human Genome Project and is now the Director of the National Institutes of Health?

    If you didn’t know, then your ignorance is nauseating. If you did know, then your arrogance is nauseating.

    So dismissing his peer reviewed work which completely debunks your ignorance because you feel he is a “Intelligent Design advocate” is ignorant and nauseating.

    Then posting #68, a non-reviewed opinion, is just plain stupid.

    Stop pretending you know ANYTHING on this topic. It’s embarrassing and juvenile.

    If you want to debate something, learn about it first and entertain the possibility you can be horrifically wrong.

    Like I said, stop being lazy. You’re wasting our time when you adhere to positions which any informed person knows was proven wrong 20 years ago.

    Stop the act, bobbo. Your arrogance and ignorance is out for all to see.

  3. Phydeau says:

    Sigh. Has anyone here actually talked to a real live gay person? Has anyone heard a real live gay person talk about their sexuality and how they came to terms with it? I have. And I can tell you, it’s a grueling process and not all of them make it. Plenty of them would have loved to have a vaccine to turn them straight. And that doesn’t mean they think being gay is wrong, it’s just such a difficult road to travel with all the prejudice around it. Some of them have kids, and they have no problem hoping that their kids aren’t gay. Doesn’t mean they’re anti-gay, just that they don’t want their kid to have to go thru what they did.

    It’s such BS that wingnuts claim homosexuals choose to be that way. You can tell from that belief they haven’t met a real gay person who has struggled to come to terms with himself. Some of them have to work really hard to accept themselves, especially the fundie types.

  4. bobbo, telling shit from shinola says:

    #70–Ay Yea==turning fantabulist now? Can’t look inside yourself for simple universal truths? Want to promote an early earth religious fundie as credible on the issue of homosexuality?

    I did read ALL the references you provided before making post #68 and cautioned I had not read one of them only earlier in our discussion. YOU are being DISINGENUOUS. And that is disappointing.

    And throughout, you only “attack” my position and NEVER respond to the questions put to you. Only half a debate you allow. Why is that?

    I enjoy having my opinions/attitudes challenged. Two types of people in this world?

    Prove me wrong. I read the bio of Collins you linked to. Tell us how it is relevant to this discussion in any way??

  5. bobbo, student of the haiku says:

    WE are all of ONE.
    Skin, muscle, bone, DNA.
    No Differences.

  6. Asa Worland says:

    Cheers for the post guy, are you a guru. I guess you are. Word, Chloe


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