Well, it’s pretty hot looking.

Found by Aric Mackey.

  1. bobbo, not a fan of Pop Culture says:

    What year Firebird is that?

  2. Michael Grosberg says:

    bobbo: does it matter? with that kind of ground clearance, you’re not going anywhere anyway.

  3. bobbo, not a fan of Pop Culture says:

    Michael–I don’t know, the link says the car is very driveable with 3000 miles on it including trips to the local grocery store. My current toyoata can’t go over a standard speed bump without nicking the muffler. Lots of cars are low.

    As with any car, the only relevant question is: “How many girls can I pick up with it?” Looks like just one for the Batmobile and she’d have to be younger than 12? I prefer my Toyota.

    Neither the car nor the movie. What part of my culture DO I like? Yes, thats the question.

  4. Dallas says:

    Looks like it will fall apart traveling a mere 100 yards of Dallas street potholes.

  5. qb says:

    I’d really like to read the accident reports.

  6. Animby says:

    Two questions:
    Is it street legal?
    and How many gallons to the mile does it get?

  7. tcc3 says:

    It doesn’t do that armor thing? No sale!

  8. GregAllen says:

    Cops are going to pull you over just to ask you about it.

    Unless you’re in Arizona where they will also ask for your papers.

  9. Meatball says:

    I have a friend who owns a Starsky & Hutch Gran Torino, and I’ve had a lot of discussions with people about which movie/TV car replica they’d like to have. The 1966 Batmobile and BTTF DelOrean came up often, but me? I’d like to have the woodpanel station wagon from Vacation (complete with dead grandma on top).

  10. audion says:

    Fiat announces 2012 Chrysler 300.

  11. Chuck says:


    The Family Truckster would be awesome. I’ve always said that when I’m rich, I’m going to build a KITT replica followed by an Ecto 1 Replica.

  12. Mark T. says:

    The Tumbler was better. But this is still pretty damn cool!

    For you movie motorheads, check this out. You can buy one of the five functional Lightcycles from the upcoming Tron movie. They are currently on eBay for a paltry $35,000 each.


  13. Awake says:

    #10 Pedro.
    Yes, you are right, the cops should profile him and then the cops should get deported.

  14. Freeto says:

    I think the Griswold Family Truckster is on tour right now.


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