Make sure to check out the new product at the end of the report. iWant one! Don’t know why, but I do.

Found by a close, personal friend of Apple, Brother Uncle Don

  1. BigBoyBC says:

    Love the Onion

  2. pjcamp says:

    Add a vending machine full of Cheet-ohs and a place to whack off and fanboys would never have to leave.

  3. nyc2malibu says:

    you know they are so dead on with this that i think it would work who those fanboy geeks .

    the onion is the best !

  4. Mentor972 says:

    Its funny that somehow the Mac fans have become the uber geeks that everyone makes fun of. It used to be the other way.

  5. UncDon says:

    Why do they call us Mac users “fanboys” when the idiots who waste their time piddling with Linux distros get off scot-free?

  6. Linus T says:

    This is HILARIOUS! “Pseudo geeks” (a.k.a. Apple Fan Boys) now have a place where they can go talk to other pseudo geeks – for a price! God knows, normal people don’t want to talk to them. I’m ROTFLMAO at this.

    And I gotta hand it to Apple too. Apple finally figured out ANOTHER way to charge someone money for something that’s usually free!

    Could you just see ANY of these idiots in a REGULAR bar somewhere?

  7. BigBoyBC says:

    UncDon #6

    All Apple Fanboys are Mac users, but not all Mac Users are Fanboys…

  8. Nugget Coombs says:

    One has to seriously question whether any of the Foxcon slaves/workers, are as enthusiastic as these ‘Friend Bar’ Happy Chappies???

  9. boolez says:

    “Free to anyone with AppleCare warranty.” Hilarious. The Onion scores again.

  10. Winston says:

    They missed the iFriend app which is like Nintendogs, but you pet and feed Apple fanatics.

  11. qb says:

    TheOnion is the best. The presidential seal of approval should be an automatic.

  12. chuck says:

    On a slightly related subject – how can I get a Starbucks built in my living room – including a cute barista, who has to talk to me and pretends to like me by remembering what I ordered the last time.

  13. Ren says:

    @ #5 Because if you piss off a linux geek he’ll block your subnet :p

    very end

  14. RSweeney says:

    This could be a test market by Apple which was just recorded by Onion.

  15. sargasso_c says:

    BP needs one of these.


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