• YouTube mobile takes off.
  • NSA to be monitoring the power grid.
  • New iPOD Touch revealed.
  • Facebook lawsuit woes.
  • MSFT Kin to disappear. I predict it will be gone from the timeline.
  • 3D Camera coming.
  • Twitter to become the next Google? How?
  • ATT limits iPhone fun.
  • Are women addicted to Facebook? Answer: yes.

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  1. bobbo, photography can be a nice hobby says:

    I’ve been shooting with a Realist Stereo Camera for quite a while. If I knew where on the show (timeline) this discussion was, I’d give it a listen. Like so many of your other topics, just not going to wade thru the chaff to get to what I am interested in.

    Why not provide a time line to your material? Not everyone is a fanboi.

  2. FRAGaLOT says:

    Windows Me was a huge failure, but I’m sure it’s still on Microsoft’s so-called “timeline.”

    As for twitter being the next Google, I agree. If you’re looking up something you can use Twitter’s search and find other tweets talking about that topic which may have real links that were visited by the person posting it.

    Where as searching on Google will just give you links to advertisements trying to sell you crap, mal-ware links, and other bullshit you don’t want to see.

    The only drawback to searching on twitter is if it’s an old topic, and not a current event, you’ll probably get old information.

  3. bobbo, photography can be a nice hobby says:

    Here’s a hot new #-D attachment for your SLR camera:



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